posted on Nov, 29 2014 @ 02:18 PM
Ok, lemme step in here since I suppose I am the resident ATS Star Wars expert. 37 year old lifelong Star Wars fan and I will bet big money that I am
the most hardcore fan on here (and pics to prove it!!)
First, there won't be any EU stuff in the movies, outside of tiny nods to it. And Lucas didn't #can EU, Disney did right after they bought LFL in
early 2013. TRUST ME ON THIS! I have connections at the highest level in LFL and I am privvy to high level talks.
Second, Serkis won't be Yoda. Why would he? Yoda has never been mo-cap and never will be. The CGI Yoda in ROTS is perfect and he won't be voicing
Yoda either. Besides, Yoda is long dead and gone and one with the Force. He's not in the movie.
Cumberbatch isn't either. I don't know why fans have to put Serkis and Cumberbatch in EVERY movie that is announced. He's going to be too busy
doing Doctor Strange anyways and the rest of the Marvel movies to live in Star Wars. Serkis is in Ep7, but a tiny role.
The voiceover is being listed as Serkis by some news outlets, but I don't buy it. I believe it's Max von Syndow, who is playing the main bad guy in
the film. FYI, the Sith in the trailer is most likely Andy Driver, since he leaked it by mistake that he is a Sith in it, at least for part of it.
Gwen Christie is also a baddie in the film, but I think the Sith looks very lean like Driver, so most likely him.
And for whoever it was hinting that it was Mara Jade in the trailer...well can't be. She's EU. Plus even if they did use that EU character, she's
Luke's age. That was Daisy Ridley, the main character of the series (along with the black stormtrooper in the beginning, John I guess
you could consider Adam Driver and Oscar Issac the pilot as main characters too). Daisy is going to be most likely Han and Leia's kid...basically the
equivalency of Jaina Solo.
Oh, and Grovit, Yoda didn't manipulate midichlorians to help create Anakin....Palpatine's master, Darth Plageus by way of his master Darth
Tenebrous, was who willed the Force by using arcane methods to create Anakin.
Also, Luke didn't buy the droids at the Toshi Station...the Jawas rolled right up to Luke's front door of the Lars homestead and sold them there.
Yes, I'm a hardcore geek.