posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 09:00 AM
freedom female
Hello, I want to clarify some points of which it seems appropriate to emphasize, in fact as old as controversial, so I'll go highlighting some
points, I do not want to be unfair to some but it is my opinion and welcome to public scrutiny, remarcare some issues that are perhaps not accurate to
post content.
1) On Liberty: it is well known that all have free albeldrio to do they want, what I preach is, and what the hell is freedom? good good, apparently a
series of random events,
haha, religion or love, I have an interesting critique and if the subject: if freedom represents a woman, everyone will say yes but long around see
all kinds of strange things, technological and call it progress, 90% are single men, I see in that figure no freedom at all,
this symbol does not represent freedom in the slightest, in fact seems to do a Nazi salute !, good maybe by that time, the period in which it was
created and performed made sense, since it is a patrialcal symbol undoubtedly only the power of a man over the kings of england, is like the messiah,
(jesus) has been over time and is out of fashion, think of this: nobody sees freedom in women as it was never freedom .. from the Gnostic visions
assumed that women or matter is satan, I think that's the cosmic tyrant and a lot of that in usa, there hundred of secret societies which only one
understands or aim domination, will say that there are aliens and others but are a group of people for a purpose, in fact it is the polarization by
excelensia, nothing is the word for all of us, are a clan and should be eradicated, insurance members kkk of this website will defend with hatred
acerrimo female violence but they are nothing more than a pest with horns and smoke, if you look well and drink of psychology understand from this
premise, the woman is the very same evil, we see feminists, activists, etc etc, in fact history can be seen as a series of women only choose the most
servile, gallant and idiots of all called princes, if science is correct then think what will make natural selection: if we have women who have no
other idea to be helpful, intolerant, well believe in a state of monarchy is not expected unless the evil is something intrinsic, returning we see the
statue of Liberty and as they say there is only an idealized fantasy is like putting a bsdm national icon and then will bring to the global arrogance,
as if around you wait hundreds of men BSDM, they even hide it (and if it was not frowned upon by royalty) would buy their bsdm kit and would have a
whip at the waist, we see people living a life model with children, work and other but are just like babies or puppies in necesdidad gasteando a whip,
all these men love the submission! for see the example of Islam, all want to whip around and will make every effort to be eradicated without more
different, so we have the Statue of Liberty as the largest bsdm symbol of the whole universe, good is not the freedom or represents me now, all those
who defend females say one thing: are dogs, in need of a whip, crave his death under the command of evil and darkness, I figure it well: we see
sometimes serious news of protests institutions or oppression against women, but they do naked, tell me if this is not the maximum bsdm? show your
body? who benefits? in fact if put to a serious bsdm man the ideal of feminine freedom (them; hide their freedom wish to be free themselves from that
man bsdm represents them???), in fact nothing more than a model and all speak patrialcal model of patrialcal but tell me .. there some other model?
sexual freedom does more than one product to worldwide, has spread and is not only the woman is all that is, do not understand your idea ..
u obvious that there are aliens who do nothing but wish to stop being women.
Lancelot, and other romances.
talking a little philosophy: sophia, meaning gods or reason now when you find these specimens (woman) see if you manage to find a reason for the
gnosis: the neo-Platonism no subdivisions of emanation, in fact it is impossible both sexes, god or whatever could not have two sexes, and that
applies to everyone ..and if man is the only matrix and necessary not expect there outside or in hell who knows alla women: just old perverts as a
woman, there is no feminine!