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Time is always moving, as long as objects are moving then you are experiencing time.
Say you move really fast, You are increasing your time. Making everything else appear to be moving slower.
Because everything else would be moving slower. So even if you could describe moving from location instantaniously from one location to another.
There is no other way of describing time because that exactly what time is. We count using the 60 seconds we know of branched from the orbit of earth
spinning on its Axis.
Lets say you make copies of the atoms and molecules from one location to another that makes an instant copy.
That wouldn't exactly be teleporting which is moving so fast you seem to move instantaniously which is true teleportation.
Making particles respond to each other over a distance does not really count lol. Still a cool trick tho, Particles do react with each other based on
frequency harmonization.
But dimensions are always just points of perspective.
As our perspetives evolve, it does not alter reality. Reality is unalterable.
Only we can evolve to the universes reality not the otherway around. the universe is far to large to grovel to our narsassistic needs.
We could claim entitlement to everything we see and that dosn't mean it's going to go down the way we plan it.
All these different points of perspective are great at analyzing the universe, but by all means. We cannot change the universe we can only mask it
with our own expectations called the Ego.
The universe does act like a holograph sort of. As explained sub atomic particles are simple spinning and moving about way to fast along its linar
magnet orbits. They get locked into their place so reflect electrons and protons bouncing off it or passing through it. But there are physical objects
there. Just they are so tiny and move so fast you cant see them.
Since it requires an electron to bound off it and return to the camera lol. There are other methods beside electrons+Protons There is infrared that
measures temperture in heat. Likewise there would be a cold camera, donno if it exists yet but i think they have adapted radio telescopes to do
similar things of that nature.