Thanks again for the replies.
@itswhatev There's nothing else I can really put my finger on. I get strange coincidences sometimes. I recently got fined for driving while
unregistered because the postal notifications for my renewals went missing. In this country we get 2 letters sent, one from the govt one from our
insurer. Neither of these letters were received. Maybe someone just happened to raid my letter-box (which is separated by some distance from my
apartment). But it's weird.
Twice in my life I've heard a strange sound, but I expect the sounds I heard could be explained physiologically. What I experienced was a loud
buzzing that got louder and louder until it cut out. Sort of like the sensation of a mosquito flying past your ear, but the biggest, loudest,
almost-mechanical-sounding mosquito you've ever heard in your life. It was the same sound both times I heard it, and I was lying in bed at the time.
So while it was in the same room as this heat I'm experiencing, it was also during a time when my body was getting ready for sleep so there are all
sorts of physiological things going on. Somewhat like the heat though, it felt unusual (even paranormal) so that's why I mention it here.
Money's pretty tight but I definitely want to get myself a thermometer asap so I can be more empirical about observing this.
@bluemooone2 Don't worry - nothing sounds odd to me anymore
That said, I never ended up getting any sage - was going to speak to the lady I buy my
incense from at the markets the next time I'm out there. But this is a perfect example of contradicting mentalities. I know many people suggest sage
is good for warding off evil spirits, but now you tell me (and I believe you're being genuine at least) that it could be making things worse.
Assuming it is something paranormal, which it may not be, it makes it so difficult to know who to believe and which course of action to take to
resolve the situation!
@Nechash Interesting! I'm not sure how much truth there is to it, or if it's just something that has made its way into our popular culture, but the
'ghosts making a room cold' idea leads me to wonder about supernatural causes for unnatural heat. If I follow the full thought experiment, I wonder
if some human spirits might require energy to manifest and so draw the heat energy from the room. And if perhaps some non-human spirits use a similar
energy (of their own making essentially) to manifest and this energy is perceived as heat.
@Caver78 This sounds about right, if I'm not mistaken the thyroid does manage body temperature among other things. But other than a few night sweats
which I'm fairly confident are caused by anxiety, I don't really have problems with my body temperature - just the actual room temperature. As
mentioned the stark change in temperature between rooms in the apartment suggests it's not something internal that I'm perceiving as external.
@ccseagull Thanks for posting, I'm definitely interested to hear a Christian perspective. Am I Christian 'at all' is a very interesting question. I
would definitely say I'm at least somewhat Christian, but I come from a Christian family and I tend to think most of them probably wouldn't consider
me 'Christian'. I think different people have different definitions, and I tend to think belief should be a changeable thing.
So I guess "yes and no"
I do pray, and have asked for help with/protection from this. But I've always experienced such varying levels of
'spirituality' and actual practical belief in the spirit world within Christianity, along with different ideas of what behaviours can 'invite evil
into your life'. Some would even say interest in the paranormal and/or UFOs is enough, and this site is probably (according to them) a hot-bed for
demonic activity. As such it's something I've struggled to really reconcile (my Christian beliefs with my belief in the paranormal to put it
I'm open to the Christian explanation & solution, and may PM you but I do have some major issues with 'Christianity' as it's common defined.
@engvbany Thanks, I've investigated the night-sweats before as I know they can (in some cases) have quite serious causes. I'm fairly confident that
the cause in this case is anxiety, as they have historically been combined with intense and even torturous dreams. Certainly I've mentioned them to
my doc and she doesn't seem particularly concerned. They only happen every now and then - perhaps once every few months?
@funkadeliaaaa I wish this was an option! I'm not using any heating right now during summer. Even during winter I never have any electrical heating
in my bedroom. My apartment complex doesn't have any built-in heating, though I do live in Australia so we're more about keeping things cool in
winter than we are about keeping things warm during winter (I know that's the case in many Northern Hemisphere countries)