posted on Jul, 1 2015 @ 09:09 PM
I've suggested to folks how they could see UFOs and they subsequently did.
The trick is to go a good location during a time when they are likely to be seen
and scan above the horizon. Not exactly summoning, just timing and focus.
So my suggestion is go out in the country during clear days or clear night or even when there is good visibility and high altitude uniform cloud cover
like strato-cirrus. Go to remote or country areas with lots of mountain peaks, marshes, geologic faults, granitic rock with lots of quartzite, caves,
deep springs, river mouths, waterfalls. Time of year; spring when the weather's first getting really good and your spirits are "up". Drive or walk far
from the madding crowds, be aware of your surroundings, look up in the sky from time to time and stay aware of nocturnal lights or silvery objects by
day. Eliminate stars, aircraft, planets, meteors, clouds, and what you have left is unidentified. If it is truly "Wyrd" you will know it ; )
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edit on 1-7-2015 by starswift because: syntax