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Just How Stupid Is Bush?

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posted on Jun, 1 2003 @ 11:36 PM
I've heard many people whine about how much of an idiot the president is, so lets go ahead and vote on it, does he get the nobel prize or the dunces cap.

posted on Jun, 1 2003 @ 11:39 PM
Is it just my window or has the formatting died, there should be 8 options to choose from.

posted on Jun, 1 2003 @ 11:40 PM
He's manipulated the democrats throughout his presidency in a fashoin that was awesome.

He's manipulated his voter base that is ingenious.

Oh, and he got his bachelors and masters from Harvard and Yale.

Anyone who thinks he's an idiot is merely looking in the mirror.

posted on Jun, 1 2003 @ 11:44 PM
I do agree thomas, but names and money carry alot of weight in those schools and as for his schemes, jeb and daddies cronies helped with those.
The Bush presidency is not one mind, its a group acting through one person... a rather bad actor though

posted on Jun, 1 2003 @ 11:45 PM
There are nine now ten choices, but I'm not understanding your lists???

edited for numeral correctness.

[Edited on 2-6-2003 by ADVISOR]

posted on Jun, 1 2003 @ 11:46 PM
Actually his aides did all the thinking for him during his election and during his presidency.

"Is our children learning?" --Dumbya Bush

Anyone who bludgeons the english language as he does is not smart in my book.

posted on Jun, 1 2003 @ 11:51 PM
Those last six options are going coo-coo...

posted on Jun, 1 2003 @ 11:59 PM

Just How Stupid Is Bush?

Ok how about this..... Dumber than a box of rocks?? No?
ok..... 1 IQ point above retarded. Yeah thats it!!

posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 02:47 AM
It's funny how most people think that Bush is stupid because he isn't the best public speaker. This is a very narrow defination of intelligence. People who make assumptions about anothers intelligence based on this are the stupid ones.
I'd go so far as to say it's sad.

posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 02:56 AM
Accourding to this poll Bush is getting smarter!

Honestly bush cannot be entirely stupid, he is after all the Public Speaker for the most powerful nation this world has or has seen. But then just how smart does someone need to be for a hidden council to manipulate?

I have to vote for the one that sayBush makes Fox look intelligent! just found it too funny!

posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 04:49 AM
Probably the fact that he is the leader of the most powerful country in the world says more about the country than it does about the person. The American public (well probably half of them) thought he was the most appropriate person to elucidate their views. Maybe that's what he's doing.

posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 04:58 AM
Remember we of the USA didn't put bush in office, congress did. I didn't vote for him, and know many didn't, as was reflected by the popular votes. So whatever Bush does, he doesn't always do it for the people he is supposed to represent. In fact many of us up above wonder who exactly he is doing things for.

posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 07:27 AM
Tc has got a point. Bush has now turned the economic issue the Dems were using to his favor because now they have to campaign from the position of a tax raise in 04'. The economy is picking back up and probably would have without the tax cut but its sure a shot in the arm so he's turned this issue that was a huge negative a couple of months ago into a positive for the GOP. Thats the way former Clinton advisor Dick Morris sees it as he described on an interview I saw last week. When asked what his view of Bush's intellect was, he stated, its a political strategist dream to work with such a master of the game. He also gave former president Clinton high marks when it came to spinning issues to their favor. Mr. Morris is the advisor that most credit with winning Clinton his second term even amid the Whitewater Investigation and is well respected in his field.

Reguardless of money or power, you don't come from an Ivy League School completely devoid of any knowledge whatsoever. Those of you giving mr. Bush no credit for intellect might want to asked Tom Dashle hoiw he feels about it because this administration has had our party racking their heads against the wall since 2000. Bush may not act like a rougue scholar but look at what he says he's going to do and then look at what he gets done. In my opinion as a member of the opposing political party (for now anyways) the bigger fools are the one's buying into all this "idiot" rhetoric.

posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 07:32 AM
Bush didnt know Holland and the netherlands were the same country.

After Sep 11, when he came to britan and was talking about the conflict in Afghanistan, he praised "our Paki allies" in his own words. (For those who dont know, in UK, Paki is a racial slur for Pakistani, not unlike calling a black person a coon)

He chokes on pretzels.

Yeah, hes good at lying and manipulating and BS'ing people. But the American public isnt too bright anyway, it dont take genius to fool them.

Bush is a mix of in your face mental retardation and ruthless political cunning.

The only headgear he should be wearing is a noose.

posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 08:15 AM
I don't know. I mean on one hand, he speaks english like he put a chainsaw to it. But I think that he does this to be underestimated and so people spend more time making fun of him for being dumb rather than for his evil policies.


posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 08:49 AM

Originally posted by xaos
I don't know. I mean on one hand, he speaks english like he put a chainsaw to it. But I think that he does this to be underestimated and so people spend more time making fun of him for being dumb rather than for his evil policies.


Now your getting it xaos, Bush speaks just like your everyday Joe would around the watercooler and people relate. Most of America isn't comprised of a genius population and most language for the sake of language is lost on them. They don't want to spend hours trying to figure out what the hell someone just said, they want straight talk in a way the masses can grasp it. I will admit that the lower class loved Clinton but half the time, its tough to know if they were even aware of the ideas he talked about. I think most of them just wanted to see that bottom lip bitten and then they'd know whatever the hell he just said must be good.

Plus, I think most Americans like to see a leader with advanced education who doesn't care to make a mistake and doesn't seem to give a damn when he does. How many of us have ever become tongue tied and wanted to just say F-it ? I like that there is no coached interveiws and no ringers from the press with planned questions to insure there are no fopas. I like to see someone get stumped every now and then. Reminds me they're human too.

posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 09:55 AM
By far the dumbest politician EVER! However, Karl Rove is smart.Crooked,corrupt, & Evil, but smart! Without Rove, Bush is lost in the crowd.
for the people who actually can say with a straight face the man is smart, look at this:

Anyone who thinks he's smart is dumber than Bush(if thats possible)They're living in la-la land!

"More & more of our imports come from overseas"-GW Bush-

"I know hard it is to put food on your family"-GW Bush-

How presidential!!! What a MORON!

The United States deserves better!

Bring John McCaine back!
Brink Pat Buchanan back!

Hell, even Goldwater!!! Any Republican besides Bush!

posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 11:11 AM
Romantico, wow, those are really solid arguments. Guess you win this one. I'm sure the 04' elections are gonna show us all just how dumb he is. Although, I'd say if ask some of the Democrats in charge of defeating him, they'd have a different opinion for you. See, they're world is just a little bit (a teeny bit) more complicated than an unfounded opinion and a dozen emoticons. They have to bring the issues they once used against him back against him and assuming his ignorance is the first step back to trying to get a local liberal court to throw out the US Constitution and award you the election because you think it should have been that way...the last place we want to end up again. The Deomcrats should stop criticizing the President and start claiming some victories because he's signed onto every damn bill they have sent up even big Teds education bill. The just need to get the attack scheme out and get some positive agendas and start taking some credit for getting their ideas through.

Whether you think he' s stupid or not in your little world, he's killing them with this new tone thing and they have got to deal with it even if you bury your head saying, "he's too stupid, he's too stupid" If he's that damn stupid, why are most of our Democrat leaders pounding their foreheads against the wall? Thats a question you won't deal with I know..just more emoticons and mindless rantings. I'm just glad we never assumed Hitler to be stupid just because we were fighting him.

Since my first year voting, this is the first time I've ever seen the Dems lose so much ground and the first time I've ever seen them on the ropes like this. Whether you , in your infinite education and experience, give him any intellectual credit or not, you can bet the very people you support know the truth and if you're at all educated on whats going on right now, I venture to say you are too and are just spewing propaganda for anybody that will eat it up.

posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 11:28 AM
Bush has alot more to answer for in 2004.The economy, his AWOL record,I'm sure the Dems will use his photo-op on the USS Abraham Lincoln MORe than the Repukes,9/11, the FACT the world hates us because of Bush,his legitiamcy will ALWAYS be in question,the FACT he's a divider, not a uniter,I could go on & on, but whats the point.I make this argument everythime.Go back & read my posts!I don't owe you an explanation!The poll says it all!Only way Bush will win in 2004 is if he is re-SELECTED.

Lengthy posts from you everytime someone bashes Bush won't due any good Astro.Post til your blue in the face, the people are wising up.You fele you must challenge everyone who bashes Bush & in your own little simple head you claim VICTORY!Puh-Lease!Bush is a moron & I think even you know it.Oh,...& atleast Hitler was smarter than Bush (& he was ELECTED!)

Democrats pounding their foreheads against the walls? Uh, probably because he represents the US & he's slaughtering the english language!Because everytime he opens his mouth he makes the US look dumb!When you have some facts proving the Texas Prairie Monkey has a brain, post it!I'll keep laughing at your lame attempt to make Bush look smart.As Bush would say, "I no dumb,I the edumacational Pwezdent"

[Edited on 4-6-2003 by Thomas Crowne]

posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 11:32 AM
I'll ask a mod about how the formatting went weird, maybe its because i used quote signs.

1. He's the leader of the free world, he must be super-smart or god-like.
2. He's a smart man being able to handle all that business.
3. He's just an average joe who got lucky through his connections.
4. He makes the fox news channel look intellectual
5. Have you ever seen "The Man With No Brain" because....
6. He is the president and i will continue to support him while buying us flags from walmart and baking freedom-brownies.
7. The agent carrying me away wont let me answer.
8. President? What President?

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