Well, some of the conspiracy theorists are more normal than normal people, not all. The thing is if you automatically believe everything that you are
told is real without researching it, you are probably crazy. Many in society that are considered normal are that way.
So over half the normal people in society are conditioned so well that they cannot fathom reality. Science is a tool used to condition people. It is
also a way of deciphering reality from someone's interpretation of it, someone who may be profiting, gaining prestige, or power from twisting the
research to fit their needs.
This is not only about 9/11. Always ask yourselves what the possible reason we are being told something. Don't let it drive you crazy though. Often
the reason policies are made is different than we are told yet the real reason is a good reason. The problem with this is deceit is not usually good
because lies keep being created to cover up lies. Then the side effects of the deceit cause problems with the honest and good people because those
who love to play the deceitful game capitalize on it. Seems like this is happening more in the USA than most other countries because even the people
at the top train to deceive the public. The jobs attract those sorts of people, the best of the best.
Never automatically believe something without investigating both sides of the issue and questioning whether what is being researched or implemented is
even necessary in the first place. Often the whole thing is just a big scam, something implemented to keep us looking in the right direction.
As an example, fracking. We are steered to look only at environmental pollution. What about the practice of cracking the earths crust, is that
actually wise at such a great extent as we are doing? What are the other side effects. Worrying only about the fracking fluids is sidetracking us
from something important. Most of those fluids are not really as much problem as we are told as long as they are processed right. Our focus is being
shifted by the Magicians in charge. We need to examine the whole picture ignoring the ones who profit by this.
This is just one example of thousands of things going on. Just like all the money being spent on finding cures for cancer, wouldn't it be better if
we spent our money researching what changes are causing the big increase? The same with type two diabetes. They are blaming it on sugar, yet sugar
is just a player, something is causing our bodies to become insulin resistant. That is a chemical, not sugar itself. We need to find the real cause
for these things, not treatment practices.
I like not being normal and blind to the truth. If you derive your income from working in a doctor office, you could look the other way because
looking at the truth could mean that you would need to find a job. I pick on the medical field because I am most knowledgeable about it but the same
thing applies to lots of things. I have seen the corruption in bidding government jobs. You low bid to get the job then get add ons. I do not like
this deception, I would rather give a price that covers everything, but that is not normal. You need to play the game to get these jobs and use the
practices of the deceiver to be accepted. In little jobs that is immaterial, but look at the big contractors and overall costs exceeding the bid by
double, by billions. Deceit runs the country I live in and is considered acceptable. Everyone is conditioned to believe lying is acceptable. This
causes excuses and finger pointing all over the place.
But I am not normal so do not believe what I say.
edit on 23-11-2014 by rickymouse because: (no reason given)