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Annunaki and the Cultivation of Opium

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posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 08:16 PM

originally posted by: DonVoigt
I'm fairly certain that back in ancient times these things were considered medicines because that was the best they had in those times.

Isn't if funny that the *best* they had waaaaay back in the day is still the best we have now?

I do wonder how they beat the addiction of the medicine.....or did they?

posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 12:03 PM

originally posted by: Hanslune
.....and where did that piece of info come was Zacharia Sitchin was it? lol

Lol I try not to go by what any of Sitchin says, Sitchin refused to do interviews after it got to the point when people wanted to see exactly which tablets he was getting all the info from. I truly believe it was disinfo, but does that not mean histor is all a lie and there were not mysterious things that have happened on earth since the first day? It does not. And specifically there appears to be mysteries or a development on mars. So it is totally not ruled out that we were visited in more of an intimate way than the 20th century fly overs and abductions.

The information came from Dr. Malachi York.

Don't you love it when one piece of made up evidence is touted to explain everything - except why anyone would believe it?

There is no way we can agree because I believe that people have outright lied to you, and others have made belief systems based on that lie. And you think that the evidence I have witnessed in South America and the Near East is a fairy tale. I am the one who will prevail, because there is no way that hunter and gatherer type people made those megaliths, and we know that the megaliths are that old because they are underground.

So you see megaliths off the planet, and you see ancient megaliths on the planet that are underground, why is it so stupid to believe? it is more than stupid but insane to believe a pathetic ego or skeptic, or to believe in stubborn pride rather than to believe evidence that we can see for ourselves.

Greyer so as to not take Kantzveldt's thread off topic feel free to start yet another thread on this claim of yours.


I am giving information and evidence to support the theory that the annunaki came and helped man with agriculture. Don't butt into my conversations anymore and that way we don't need to worry about disagreeing or getting off topic. There is no way to make you happy. The rules of your game entail that there is no way to win. If I tell my view about the annunaki in a thread you are going to say that it has been posted before. If I tell me view about the annunaki in a thread about the annunaki you are going to say post a new thread. I am already so familiar with that fact that you always set people up for failure and manipulate the truth in order to lead people astray.
edit on 12Sun, 30 Nov 2014 12:21:46 -0600America/Chicago14America/ChicagoSun, 30 Nov 2014 12:21:46 -0600 by greyer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 30 2014 @ 03:29 PM

originally posted by: greyer

The information came from Dr. Malachi York.

Thanks for the half answer the full answer would say where he got it from, unless he just made it all up. He must have a source, an original source. That gentleman if he is the person I'm thinking of is rather shall we say, an unreliable source himself. Dwight York if he is the guy you are quoting is neither a doctor nor exactly and expert in anything - are you referring to Nuwaubism?

There is no way we can agree because I believe that people have outright lied to you, and others have made belief systems based on that lie. And you think that the evidence I have witnessed in South America and the Near East is a fairy tale. I am the one who will prevail, because there is no way that hunter and gatherer type people made those megaliths, and we know that the megaliths are that old because they are underground.

Oh and how do you know that?

So you see megaliths off the planet, and you see ancient megaliths on the planet that are underground, why is it so stupid to believe? it is more than stupid but insane to believe a pathetic ego or skeptic, or to believe in stubborn pride rather than to believe evidence that we can see for ourselves.

A few people seem to believe that but most don't and at present the evidence doesn't agree with your interpretation.

I am giving information and evidence to support the theory that the annunaki came and helped man with agriculture. Don't butt into my conversations anymore and that way we don't need to worry about disagreeing or getting off topic.

How is your un-evidence opinion of value to Kantzveldt? ....oh and this is a discussion board you might want to read up on what goes on in one.......

There is no way to make you happy. The rules of your game entail that there is no way to win. If I tell my view about the annunaki in a thread you are going to say that it has been posted before.

Yes it will have been posted before but not by you. Most things here have been posted before. However, that doesn't prevent you from posting it from your view point or adding something of value to it. What is objected to his posting a 'naked' video, with no explanation of why we should watch it, no summary. Now you wouldn't do that would you?

If I tell me view about the annunaki in a thread about the annunaki you are going to say post a new thread. I am already so familiar with that fact that you always set people up for failure and manipulate the truth in order to lead people astray.

Interesting excuse for not making a thread could it be cover for no real evidence?

edit on 30/11/14 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

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