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The Rosetta space mission and the alien deception

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posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 04:25 AM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

hahaha ,yeah i could have taken the bait on this , These people and heathens... cmon.

This coming from a guy who think he can derail this evolotion theory on how 8 feet long rocks cannot survive penetrating any atmosphere, well trust me a 10 mile in diameter Asteroid survives this stuff.

Not to mention these Amino Acid bacteria can survive under the hardest/hottest of circumstances.

Sure we have just scratched the surface in this research, Science still not has the ability to explain the existence of life fully.

I just do not understand any link to Rosetta , and to be honest quite insulting , so ..... i would like to see the guy who made the video calculate 5 planet fly by's with his bible.......

See how much that has too add ?

edit on 23-11-2014 by TheGreazel because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 04:39 AM
a reply to: BlackManINC

I rather put my beliefs in NASA and Scientists then some insulting video , You can not win a Debate by insulting people in this way....

I do respect you for trying to discuss this here , but the level of anger displayed in the video only makes me angry too.

But lets agree to disagree.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 06:38 AM
a reply to: BlackManINC

we share at least a 90% genetic similarity to cats than we do with apes. Recent DNA sequencing techniques have dis-proven the long touted rubbish that close to 99%” of human DNA is similar to apes and that its actually no more than about 70%

Hm, this really caught my attention though. It's the first time I see such evidences.

I am definitively going to check this out further, thanks for posting.

Anything else you might have on this specific topic?


edit on 23-11-2014 by swanne because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 07:24 AM

originally posted by: swanne
a reply to: BlackManINC

we share at least a 90% genetic similarity to cats than we do with apes. Recent DNA sequencing techniques have dis-proven the long touted rubbish that close to 99%” of human DNA is similar to apes and that its actually no more than about 70%

Hm, this really caught my attention though. It's the first time I see such evidences.

I am definitively going to check this out further, thanks for posting.

Anything else you might have on this specific topic?


Well, apparently that info was "wrong", most of the links you'll find is more 95% than anything. Some scientists believe that once all the genes are compared, it won't even be close to 90% but more likely to 80% similar. In any case, my response would be the same, who gives a damn. Evolutionists points this out as evidence that we are all apes, I just respond by saying that this may be proof that they are apes, but I'm not an ape. LOL

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 07:27 AM

originally posted by: TheGreazel
a reply to: BlackManINC

I rather put my beliefs in NASA and Scientists then some insulting video , You can not win a Debate by insulting people in this way....

I do respect you for trying to discuss this here , but the level of anger displayed in the video only makes me angry too.

But lets agree to disagree.

How exactly am I "insulting" people sir? By calling them heathens? Is that the best you can do? Heathens is exactly what they are, they fit the description.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 07:30 AM
a reply to: BlackManINC

Hehe Okay, thanks anyway.

I personally think evolution is true, but I also am a major opponent to many evolutists such as Richard Dawkins. I believe evolution is nothing less, but nothing more, of a mechanism (amongst so many) in a machine which we have yet to discover.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 07:32 AM

originally posted by: TheGreazel
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

hahaha ,yeah i could have taken the bait on this , These people and heathens... cmon.

This coming from a guy who think he can derail this evolotion theory on how 8 feet long rocks cannot survive penetrating any atmosphere, well trust me a 10 mile in diameter Asteroid survives this stuff.

Not to mention these Amino Acid bacteria can survive under the hardest/hottest of circumstances.

Sure we have just scratched the surface in this research, Science still not has the ability to explain the existence of life fully.

I just do not understand any link to Rosetta , and to be honest quite insulting , so ..... i would like to see the guy who made the video calculate 5 planet fly by's with his bible.......

See how much that has too add ?

Why are you twisting my words sir? I said the bacteria that is encased in the rock would not survive atmospheric reentry and I have proven by the real experiments that they in fact won't survive. Simply claiming they can "survive under the hardest/hottest of circumstances" means absolutely nothing to me in light of the evidence. Its nothing more than a catch phrase for the religion of evolution.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 07:53 AM

originally posted by: swanne
a reply to: BlackManINC

we share at least a 90% genetic similarity to cats than we do with apes. Recent DNA sequencing techniques have dis-proven the long touted rubbish that close to 99%” of human DNA is similar to apes and that its actually no more than about 70%

Hm, this really caught my attention though. It's the first time I see such evidences.

I am definitively going to check this out further, thanks for posting.

Anything else you might have on this specific topic?


It is probably the first time you're hearing this because it is utter bollocks.

Humans have a "genetic difference" between each other of less than 0.1%. The difference between humans and Chimapnzees is around 1.2%, the same with Bonobo's.

While the genetic difference between individual humans today is minuscule – about 0.1%, on average – study of the same aspects of the chimpanzee genome indicates a difference of about 1.2%. The bonobo (Pan paniscus), which is the close cousin of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), differs from humans to the same degree. The DNA difference with gorillas, another of the African apes, is about 1.6%. Most importantly, chimpanzees, bonobos, and humans all show this same amount of difference from gorillas. A difference of 3.1% distinguishes us and the African apes from the Asian great ape, the orangutan. How do the monkeys stack up? All of the great apes and humans differ from rhesus monkeys, for example, by about 7% in their DNA.

Link to the Smithsonian Website


As for argument between the origins of life and evolution, neither has anything to do with each other. Evolutionary Theory does not attempt to explain the origins of life, just how it develops. It could be a mad sky god that kicked it off, or aliens, or a puddle of sludgy proteins hit by lightning, but that doesn't change the anything about Evolution.

As for the repeated use of the word Heathens, it is derogatory and unnecessary.

noun derogatory
a person who does not belong to a widely held religion (especially one who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim) as regarded by those who do.
"my brother and I were raised, as my grandma puts it, as heathens"
synonyms: pagan, infidel, idolater, idolatress; More

So, if you wouldn't mind, please stop it. It's bad enough you fill this thread with quack science than trying to smear those who actually understand what they're talking about as "heathens". If you insist on using the term, it is only fair that from now on you will be referred to as a "primitive spirit worshipper", "god botherer", "bible thumper" or, this is my favourite, "Anencephalic Godite"
edit on 23/11/14 by stumason because: (no reason given)

edit on 23/11/14 by stumason because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 07:58 AM
a reply to: stumason

from now on you will be referred to as a "primitive spirit worshipper", "god botherer", "bible thumper" or, this is my favourite, "Anencephalic Godite"

Hey! What did I do?! I'm atheist!!

I didn't even use the word "heathen" once - I'm not even sure what it meant, English is not my native language.

edit on 23-11-2014 by swanne because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 08:00 AM

originally posted by: swanne
a reply to: stumason

from now on you will be referred to as a "primitive spirit worshipper", "god botherer", "bible thumper" or, this is my favourite, "Anencephalic Godite"

Hey! What did I do?! I'm atheist!

Not you...... I was only referring to you in the first part of my post, I am sorry if that wasn't clear.... I was directing that towards the other chappy, BlackManINC

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 08:03 AM
a reply to: stumason

Oh, okay thanks for the clarification.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: stumason

That link you provided from the Smithsonian is old news by the way. As your fellow heathens have pointed out, recent reports show an average of 4% difference, about 95 to 94%, closer to that of cats, which is 90%. Brahma or any of the other pagan gods may have jump started it, just don`t insult my intelligence by claiming the one true God of the bible had anything to do with it.

edit on 23-11-2014 by BlackManINC because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 08:48 AM
a reply to: TheGreazel

Not to mention these Amino Acid bacteria can survive under the hardest/hottest of circumstances.

Yes extremophiles survive all sorts of life...

From Volcanic backgrounds to the darkest depths of the Ocean...

So the claims that it hasn't been observed & peer reviewed is just one discrepancy with the OPs assertions.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: stumason

So a follower of Christ could be a heathen thanks to the Idolatry!?!

That's interesting Stu thanks for sharing the definition...

That's some delicious irony for the OP to bathe in.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 08:59 AM

originally posted by: BlackManINC
a reply to: stumason

That link you provided from the Smithsonian is old news by the way. As your fellow heathens have pointed out, recent reports show an average of 4% difference, about 95 to 94%, closer to that of cats, which is 90%.

Not only are you condescending and extremely rude but you're also apparently in need of remedial reading assistance. Nobody has given the percentage of shared genes at 94-95%. The actual percentage is 96% or 98% depending on the type of test being performed. It's pretty funny watching you continuously move the goal posts and when low on actual information you instead pad your posts with condescension. Jesus must be so proud of you and how you act towards those with a Different point of view than yourself.

Brahma or any of the other pagan gods may have jump started it, just don`t insult my intelligence by claiming the one true God of the bible had anything to do with it.

Which "one true god" are you referring to? The murdering promoter of incest, sacrifice, slavery and suffering from the OT or the NT god of love, forgiveness, Peace and the not very monotheistic Holy Trinity?

edit on 23-11-2014 by peter vlar because: (no reason given)

(post by BlackManINC removed for a manners violation)

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: BlackManINC

It's pretty pathetic that you resort to insults, and a sad, tired one at that, instead of answering questions, dealing with actual evidence or engaging in due diligence.

Did you read the actual papers I linked? I gave averages if 96-98%. The Papers are More Specific with one Measurement being 98.7%. That is 1.3% Sherlock. And the 4% difference you were referencing was the Difference between humans and cats as you attempted to support your earlier ignorant claim that you were more closely related to cats than to the other apes. Nice goal post moving. Either your a total ignoramus and have no clue what you're saying or you're purposely being deceitful in an attempt to belittle us heathens. You're pathetic and your arguments are more so without a leg to stand on because you refuse to give Due Diligence to Anything Contrary to your own beliefs. You're obviously not at all interested in an honest dialogue and only interested in pushing your own viewpoint. Good luck with that and your clear lack of commitment to sparkle motion.

Who spouted hatred for your god? I asked a question. That's not an attack. unless the questions bother you because there isn't a way to reconcile the two versions of god despite both cohabiting in the same book. What's offensive about the truth? The OT version allegedly killed everyone on earth except for one family. I keep hearing how the Bible is the word of god written through human instruments so he/ she/it is indeed responsible for a whole lot if petty and extreme violence, condoned slavery and incest the murder of children and many other atrocities. In the NT he is depicted in complete contrast to the earlier version from the Hebrew texts as a loving and forgiving father figure and no matter how you want approach it, the fact that you pray to and Invoke entities other than god such as Jesus, Mary, Saints And The Holy Ghost as a few examples, makes your faith less than monotheistic.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 11:22 AM

originally posted by: BlackManINC
a reply to: stumason

That link you provided from the Smithsonian is old news by the way. As your fellow heathens have pointed out, recent reports show an average of 4% difference, about 95 to 94%, closer to that of cats, which is 90%. Brahma or any of the other pagan gods may have jump started it, just don`t insult my intelligence by claiming the one true God of the bible had anything to do with it.

Jeebus, you're a condescending little anencephalic Godite, aren't you?

If that is "old news", here is a link to another study published in 2012 - Nature Journal. Now, if you can wrap your brain around the science, it's all in there. Human's are 98.7% the same, genetically, as a Bonobo.

And yes, I am going to insult your "intelligence", such as it is. You do realise that the "one true God" of you're Bible is nothing of the sort? Let's have a quick history lesson.

The ancient Hebrews were, originally, a Polytheistic lot until they came out of Egypt where they picked up the idea of Monotheism, probably from the cult of Akhenaten or similar which had been around in Egypt several centuries prior to the events in Exodus. It wasn't until Mount Sinai when "God" apparently gave Moses the Ten Commandments that they went into the whole "one true God" business.

Many of the elements of their early religion were clearly borrowed from others they had picked up while in captivity, either in Egypt or Babylon (see Psalm 104 for example - it is also known as the Great Hymn to the Aten)

So, you're "one true God" is just a mish-mash of various other religions the Jews had picked up a long the way.

Not to mention, some several centuries later, that your "Bible", the inviolable word of God apparently, was edited by MEN in the Council of Nicaea, where the Romans, seeking to take control of this new Religion and bend it to their will, chose the bits they wanted to keep in the Bible and threw out the bits they didn't want. This was the birth of Modern Christianity and the Roman Catholic Church, from which most denominations and most Christians stem from. Apparently though, the Bible is the word of God. How can this be if MAN edited it and threw out whole Gospels they didn't like?

That's not even going into the many pagan rights and rituals that they incorporated into the Religion in order to make it more palatable and saleable to the masses. Saturnalia became Christmas (even though he was most likely born in the Spring, owing to the historical evidence), the spring fertility festivals became Easter and so on.

So, in short, you can take your "one true God" and shove it, because it is quite clear "he" isn't and the book you're basing your whole life on is a lie created by men in order to control other men. I would usually leave religion out of a debate where possible, but you brought this upon yourself with your condescending attitude and insistent on calling us "heathens".

edit on 23/11/14 by stumason because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: peter vlar

It's painful to watch...

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

Oh, definitely, especially the Catholics who love a good idol to worship and to a lesser extent Anglicans.

And let's not even get into the veneration of the Saints to almost god-like levels.

I've never understood the thing about Saints. They were normal blokes (or women), who, hundreds of years later get turned into Saints by men who have never once conversed with them, either living or in Heaven and yet they claim they sit beside God.

How can they know this?

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