posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 01:52 PM
I went down to Florida for a few weeks to visit and catch up with old friends. I use to own a bar there and got to talking to another friend of mine
that owned a bar as well.
I started telling her how one of my bartenders would sometimes leave abruptly after closing and leave the clean up for the following day because the
piano we had use to start playing. Now this piano was mine which we had bought because the person that used to own it was a patron of ours that had
passed away. I stayed many times after hours myself and though I never heard the piano play, other kinds of things did go on. One example, you could
hear someone walking up and down the slates behind the bar and of course no one was there.
Anyhow, she started telling me about how her bar was haunted as well. Said she even had pictures. Now this was before the digital age of cell phone
pictures. I believe she said she took them with a Polaroid, but don't quote me on that. She did say she still had the originals and did at one point
and time have them looked over by a professional that couldn't explain what might have occurred.
I asked her to send me them and that I would bring them here for you to look at them to see what the ATS community thought of them.
They were all taken on the same night in a short period of time. I believe she said not all of them had these anomalies that the three below had. In
other words the rest were normal photos.
The first one she took was when she was taking pictures of the fire place:
The second one was when she tried to take a picture of her friend by the fire place. It almost reminds me of someone sticking their boot up into the
Now it is the third one that has really intrigued me and what really prompted me to bring these to your attention. Not only does it really look like
someone sitting on the bar stool, it almost looks like they may be wearing boots? I could be wrong about that part, but to me that is a pretty good
form of some sort sitting there.
So, thats it, what do you think my fellow ATS'ers?