posted on Dec, 28 2014 @ 12:52 AM
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I am new to ATS however, my other half is an oldie on here, anyway, I have had a lot of experiences throughout my life of the Paranormal.
From age 4 I was traumatised by nightly visits from "shadow people", this was ongoing for about 5 months until we moved houses. I have not
encountered them until only just last year right up to present day. We are set to move to our new home in 2 weeks (our first bought home in the
country), so I am some what relieved to be leaving our current rental.
I am a sensative and have only just recently learnt how to manage and deal with my psychic gifts. Unfortunately, with the gifts that I have, I don't
have a choice whether I want to see human spirits (or other spirits), they are just there and always have been for me. I've had to reach out, be
taught how to meditate properly and look after my psyche` and physical body so that I can live a somewhat normal life.
We have a daughter (she is 11) and I am now at the stage of carefully looking for signs for her as she enters puberity. As a child, she was severely
affected by seeing as she called it "bubbles" floating around her before she went to sleep. From age 3 -6, every single night, we would take turns
in laying with her until she fell asleep.
I have many, many more events I can share so, if you ever have a free time slot you need filling, I would be happy to share my experiences that I have
had. Peace, Love and Light.