a reply to:
E-motion is the newest (faux) reality of complaint towards a system.
If you think about it, it is the laziest form of protest. Posting on a website (even ATS) gives you a so-called 'temporary relief' no? or a temporary
'backbone' for/on/in a certain situation, no?
You feel like you are advocating a cause, but are you really?
Even in the most recent Anonymous or G-20 protests, were you REALLY there or one of the armchair participants via a website?
People used to write hand-written letters of complaints to corporations. People used to protest goods/services or events. Now we write a few
paragraphs to make our points. This is merely a lowly attempt at going through a chain of command so high that you'd never reach without a common
site with a common goal (since there is even arguments within those scenarios) until it eventually becomes moot and dull.
Complaining about politics online gives you a lot of (temporary or long-term) satisfaction but it does nothing except allow you a quiet outlet (aka,
invisible) to wear you out in assumption that something will be done. You may as well go out your front door and yell. You are talking to the air.
They like that.
Men were made to be led (since the fall). Sorry. This is only because there are many who want to be leaders instead of the lead. Slaves are made
this way. Those that prefer to lead are terrified of being slaves and the slaves that are lead are terrified of betraying others by becoming leaders.
It is so sickening circular and unnecessary.
In the NWO there will be (eventually few) leaders and limited underlings. The new system will be 'individualistic' and free-will based, no slavery
necessary (so get it out of your head that you or slavery in general is even worth it, slaves revolt and become bitter eventually, slavery is NOT an
These tactics of a chain of command have been used in military, don't you realize they are also being used on you? Your words do nothing if you are
an armchair critic of political or economic events. The 'system' claims that they are so terrified of political comments or actions ONLINE. Don't
be ridiculous. It only gives them information beforehand of information they have never had previously. Internet silence is sometimes a good thing.
Having the ability to communicate person to person in privacy should be taken advantage of now. If a person has to behave as if 'radio silence' is a
necessary in their everyday life...it is obvious their freedom is GONE.
Power and control systems are in place to disrupt any lower power and control systems that come out of a disruptive power and control system, and on
and on.
Especially in this new generation raised and brought up to be 'individuals', creative and with a false sense of achievement and entitlement--disaster.
They have no clue how to actually debate or consider their sense of self and the laws around them. Keep taking those selfies. Keep posting your
children and the pics of your home online. Real clever. sigh
E-motions replace the angst of actually confronting someone/thing, give a temporary relief, yet get NOTHING done.
Good slave. Talk to the air. Good slave indeed. Windows / Cloud is a prime example. Save all of your information (and family pictures) there.
Talking to the air.
Soon the days of slavery are over. All you have said is 'poof' yet, there are cave drawings and structures that are thousands of years old. Maybe
they are onto something. lol
E-Motions are the lazy man's version of war without actual blood. SO FAR.
edit on 21-11-2014 by dianashay because: (no reason given)