Standing over your shoulder –
“That’s not good enough!”
Looking in your eye –
“That’s not good enough!”
“You Must Be Better!”
“You must…Mutate or…Evolve!”
“You Must!”
a reply to: WanDash
Well, WanDash, at least you get credit for not caring what others think of your thoughts…but, isn’t this getting a little monotonous…for you?
Okay… Let’s see… Here’s a go…
You are saying that “Evolution” is the ever demanding, unsatisfied Father Figure…that many formerly ascribed to “God” or
“Religion”…and that…“Evolution” (with no sense of compassion, concern or fairness) will Not relent in its drive for
better, best, perfection…‘til the horse either dies of fatigue, or…finds that secret…gear…that it’s been reserving…to…survive.
Humanity is so smart… They cry “We are enlightened… We seek only truth and justice and…progress… We want to…survive… We want to be as
‘good’ as our espoused codes, creeds and ideals…”
But – while achieving better and greater and milder and safer…are ever falling short…and… “Evolution” is ever denouncing – “That is
not good enough!” “You must get better!” …
So - - - Where is Evolution taking us?
Is it Evolution…or is it…Us?
Who is driving this rig?
You? Me? Us? We?
If it’s Me – why would I set it up…to lose?
If it’s You – could I have done something so wrong…that warranted a no-win scenario…?
If it’s Us & We…why can’t we agree…on…anything?
If we come to agreement…it is only for perceived profit.
(I’ll get nice…to stay out of Hell. I swear I’m a new man, Honey.
It was the devil.
Just like you said…
And, I know it was, now.
But…I found Jesus…just like you…
And, I’m a changed man.
Why – Jesus has filled my heart with so much love for you – I’d cut off my own hand…before ever allowing it to hit you…again…
… …)
If you (WanDash) are saying that Evolution is my/our Daddy…I would like another opinion.
edit on 11/22/2014 by WanDash because: Forgot the Music.