posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 04:26 AM
I have never believed that a "robot takeover" was feasible for the robots. It would require robots who actually think as opposed to those who
operate based on coded instructions. Robots that make their own decisions are still working from a set of coded instructions, and they will not act
outside those instructions. I suppose a robot's system could get messed up, and say it was equipped with a firearm, it could start shooting people,
but it would not understand what it was doing. In the future we might have robots that actually either have brain matter of some kind, or who are
intricately programmed to learn like a person learns, and in this case it might be possible for them to act on their own and understand what they're
doing, but there could still be instructions built in beforehand that would not be changeable, ensuring the robots would not do this or that. But
robots who actually operate autonomously and up to human standards do not exist at present. There are some that are getting there, but you could not
turn them loose and expect them to function at present.
The first thought I had when reading this thread was of a burglar tipping the robot over before breaking in, lol. Or putting a piece of tape over its
camera. I'm sure there are multiple ways to defeat them. Perhaps authorities would be alerted in such an event, which would not give the criminal
much time. If you could cut off its wireless signal then it could do nothing. I don't really know how I feel about robot security guards, which could
lead to robocops. It is essentially similar to a human security guard, except that it can spy on anyone in the vicinity, recording any available
information that it is able to record. They are not made to be confrontational, rather they are made to record, for future prosecution in criminal
cases. But that can easily change as they become more advanced. We could be facing an even larger dilemma when the government starts using these. As
if the NSA was not bad enough, in the future we will likely have NSA drones and bots flying and walking all over the place. Sure crime will be
reduced, or rather more criminal will be prosecuted, but at what cost? It is too easy for information gathered in this way to be abused by immoral
agents of the government. We have seen this numerous times already.