posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 10:26 AM
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They will overcome the power limitations through a mix of superior much more impedence free conductors, more advanced power units and also power
By power transmission I mean a wireless area signal that the devices can recieve in area's were normal power points are not practical, as for the
microscopic variety of robots what you may see in the distant future is for example a human being who is supplemented by tissue repairing and or
replacing nano scale micro robots (nanite's) would likely carry a long duration power core, maybe implanted that would transmit at a specific
frequency in directional signal's to different parts of the body maybe with localised smaller sub transmitters or relay's, the nanites would carry
small inbuilt aerials that would convert this radio/mircrowave energy into potential charge which being so very small they would only need a small
amount of, the subtransmitter would hold the computer that drove there actions and a swarm logic setup would be applied.
Currently we are generation away from developing this technology and it can only now be seen as fantasy in such science fiction series as SG Atlantis
or SG1 or STAR TREK but as you point out the machines are starting to design themselves it may be a much sooner convergance between human and machine
than anyone realizes but then it will come smack bang up against the religious fundementalists some of whom may missinterpret it as ungodly.
As for racial profiling, I share the distaste for that however certain communitys of ethnic background usually for other reason's such as poverty,
education, prospect's, large number's of youth trapped in hopless spiral's or generational suppression unfortunately are more prone to criminal
behavior and of course a cold logical analysis by such a machine would more heavily police such neighborhoods regardless of human consideration's and
practical truth's, as machines evolve how long before they are programming human brain's and how long before we are an inconveniance, they would not
resort to a Terminator style nuclear war but could easily find logical cold methods to destroy the human race if that was what they intended, perhaps
by sterilizing the planet with a neutron blast or simply ordering those nanite's to terminate there human host's turing them into piles of
Of course that is the dark side, the light side is a evolution of organic into energy and living (loosely used as life is it would not be self
replicating) data and the possibility of humans exploring universes entirely digitally generated in simulated reality's with entire universes housed
in ipod sized super computers and as our universe grow's older and the stars more distant entire race's may exist there lives and civilizations
undergoing simulated reality's from start to end in the time it takes us to brew a cup of tea.
Personally though I would like to be immortal and indestructable as well as having all my loved ones forever perhaps in a machine mind convergance I
would still want to know what was going on in the real universe beyond and so explore that more than the fantasy generated one.
We are heading for a convergance of some kind though but will it be beneficial or the end of our species.
And what of Soul.
edit on 21-11-2014 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)