posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 12:25 PM
originally posted by: Connman
a reply to: TAWonATS
Totally agree seems we watched the same video (And payed attention) where the car was still trying to push the cop car even after the shots
I feel like I missed a memo as to why the car bumped into the cop car in the first place- but right before the cop starts screaming you can hear an
engine revving like he's decided he's going to push the cruiser out of the way. (not smart...)
How he was still able to put his hands up after all those bullets is beyond me-- but I'll tell you this, if I was in his seat and bullets started
flying at my face, I'd be trying to get down towards the floor- and if the gas pedal happened to get pushed on in that panic I doubt I'd even notice.
Automatic transmissions are strange like that.
A reasonable human would have fired one shot- probably not AT the drive so much as into the car- and then waited to see the reaction of the driver
before firing a second. Unloading an entire clip directly into that dude was not reasonable, IMO.
From the video it's hard to see- but for all that cop knows the first bullet spattered that kids brains all over the back seat. Perhaps shooting out
a tire would have been a more reasonable first shot. I can understand someone in that line of work making a bad call and killing someone over
something like this- but unloading an *entire* clip before stopping to re-evaluate? If that officer were carrying an automatic assault rifle, I bet
he'd have held down the trigger until it stopped firing. This is the sort of thing you'd expect from a citizen handed a gun and told to make sure that
guy doesn't get away- not a trained professional.
Excessive use of force- but not nearly the worst case I've heard of lately...
anyone know the distance of the officer? For someone trained to shoot the hell out of anything that moves, those shots don't seem terribly well
edit on 20-11-2014 by lordcomac because: (no reason given)