Originally posted by thelibra
Originally posted by Cade
Just watched "The Forgotten" and "Aliens vs. Predator" movies. Someone is crankin up the "Scare the public" campaign...are you affraid yet?
When you are, they'll go public! They'll announce the missile defence system, so we can run to them for protection, like we do now for protectioin
against CIA Laden.
Come, man... you needn't say stuff like this to get attention or points for a post. Are you seriously implying that the government secretly crafted
and funded these movies in an effort to start preparing the public for acceptance of their protection from aliens?
So James Cameron, and brothers Jim and John Thomas, and Dark Horse Comics are all secretly in line with the Regan Administration's ES-rated
scientists in a secret plot to defend us against an intelligence agency who operates outside of the United States? Do you honestly believe this? Have
you done any research into this whatsoever?
Did it even once cross your mind that maybe the fanfics about Stephen Hopkins's homage to the cult-classic Aliens (the skull in the Predator ship)
eventually lead to an alternate universe comic book that had "movie deal" written all over it? Does this not seem even slightly more logical?
I'm sorry man, but I joined this board to deny ignorance, not to watch it be created, and someone has to call you on this. I don't mean it as a
flame, just as a stern reminder that sometimes you need to step back and give these things a few minutes worth of research and a night's sleep before
stating a claim like this.
I can understand your reaction. It was very foreseeable. Your thoughts are valid and you post them in a fair way without flaming. I will try my best
to explain to you why I made the post, but it will do nothing if you do not equally try and follow me.
You are dead on with the "headline to get attention". It's obvious, it's on purpose. Not to get points tho. I still haven't found out how this
all works, but I got 250 points in a U2U once from a kind moderator. I still have no idea if I'm supposed to win a toaster or what? If someone feels
like explaining it to me it's cool, it's not something I care about. I'm here for the information sharing pure and simple.
So why did I want all that attention? Because we need to become aware of "the program". It will be a long explanation, you'll have to do most of
the work to find out if there is anything to it. If you find that there is not, then maybe I'm wrong, it wouldn't be the first time and probably not
the last. In fact I hope that I'm wrong!
I have played the following little thought exercise before in other threads so excuse me if you are watching a re-run
In order to understand a mans action you'll first have to understand his intention. The same goes for government.
1# Who is the greatest authority, has the greatest voice, is most powerful nation in the world?
2# What makes this country so?
3# If huge ships from other civilizations were dekorating our pretty blue skies, who would by the above logic take over this position now in the hands
of a certain country?
4# If it became public knowledge (as it should have been for many years ago) that we are not alone, that they are watching us, but that they will not
show themselves to the masses until we are "ready" (not affraid), then who would you ask to merge the dispute between Israel and Palastine? who
would you ask to help us end world hunger, to fight disease and so on and so on?
5# Who would loose authority and who would gain authority?
You now know the "why" for the cover up of extraterrestrial lifeforms visiting earth. If we were to "wake up" and feel that they were more than
welcome, they would show themselves to the masses, and those in power now, would be exposed in all their previsous actions. Vietnam war(Pentagon
Papers), JFK murder etc. I'm not talking about the "actors on the stage" but of the "play writers" sitting amongst the audiences,
What can they do? Can they keep it a secret for ever? Well someone once said:"You can fool all the people some of the time, some of the people all
the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time".
What then? Well, let's go a little deeper first. What are we really talking about here? Well, we're talking about the fact that we are being
watched, studied, observed. We often assume that IF they are here on earth, then they are here as kind of a hobo drifting about in the universe.
Why would a much more advanced universe of much older civilazations be less advanced in government? Is this not really a strange persumption on our
part? Would it not in fact be much more likely that there is indeed a much higer form of government out there? With rules? Perhaps with rules that
sometimes are a little bit like our own rules? Can we enter someone elses home without permission? Why would they be allowed to just come down to
earth in mass landings and be either greeted as gods or feared as devils?
How do we approach when we want animals to get comfortable with us? Do we not approach with caution, slowly, letting them get used to us, be very
careful not to scare them? Or do we arrive in 1000 jeeps and say hello! oh no, don't be affraid, we didn't mean any harm? and think:gee I wonder why
they are running away or attacking to defend themselves?
If our earthly men of power stand to loose it all, and they cannot just land untill we are ready, and the men of power know this, what would happen if
we all became deeply scared of these aliens because we were presented with evidence they were evil, superiour and out to rape all the village teen
girls? Who would we then come crawling to for protection? Who are we crawling to now for protection agains the CIA Laden? Who did the Germans go to
for protection when Hitler burned the Parliament and blamed it on the communists? Who did the Romans come to for protection when Nero set Rome on fire
and blamed the Christians? It's worked before, could it work again?
And if they truely do face loosing it all, would they be prepared to do whatever it takes? Let's hope is all not true right? I am!
So what would happen if the men with power here on earth (don't think in countries, that's just different stages for different performances, with
different plays written by the same "play writers")
Key research words: "None dare call it a conspiracy"
It the public is affraid it will run to it's government united and submissive, paniced, demanding to be protected at any cost!
The same method has been used throughout history but have we learned the lesson yet?
"A society of sheep, in time will breed a government of wolves".
A attention headliner? Yes!
To get points? No!
If I get any (I still don't know how I would get them) Can I transfer them to you? I would be happy to, you have asked a valid question in my thread
that allowed me to bring forth the information above, so I feel you would have earned them, thank you.
Many will not believe and demand answers, but still not go look for them.
Are you looking for them?
www.phoenixsourcedistributors.com... ...and don't forget the "key words"