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So I Talked To This Ex-Special Forces Guy Today

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posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 06:25 PM
a reply to: rebelv

You miss the point. Veteran's, particularly those who have been places and done things, don't pick random strangers to start divulging deep dark secrets to out of the blue. And when some random stranger starts spouting off about how they were some form of special operations, it's a big red flag for us. Nobody ever said veterans don't talk, especially when they have a veil of semi-secrecy to hide behind, like an online forum.

There's vets on here, after all.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 07:03 PM
They are called "the silent professionals" for a reason. This whole thing smells funny. Let me guess, he's a navy seal ranger SGM?

edit on 11/21/2014 by fenson76 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

You have shared absolutely nothing here but a supposed meeting with some guy.

Firstly, you offer nothing except some flimsy movie reference

Secondly, if you actually did meet someone who told you actual thing (I doubt) you come straight on a conspiracy forum to blab about the meeting even though not sharing much!!

Pointless thread but you got your stars and flags so mission accomplished

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 07:37 PM
Blanket statements fail

I know people that have divulged things I do not feel they should have and people who were told and repeated things they should not have and people that I know have knowledge that only admit they do.

There is some crazy # going on in the world and with millions of people covertly working in it in just the probability that some will talk.

I had a security guard tell me they seriously considered moving Gitmo detainees to a secure facility in so cal in secret and gave enough detail that I felt he probably shouldn't tell random people, but he did anyway.
edit on 21-11-2014 by circuitsports because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: circuitsports

Yea. If they closed Gitmo, all the detainees have to go somewhere. Where? Alcatraz was tossed around as an idea. As were several other places. Wasn't a secret.

point remains that there's a whole lot more fakes full of BS running their collective mouth than there is people who actually know secrets.

posted on Nov, 21 2014 @ 11:03 PM

originally posted by: Blue_Jay33
I have to say the conversion was extremity interesting, I just asked him one question. And he basically spilled the beans on many covert operations nothing specific, but enough that you could tell he just knew. It was crazy. Eventually the conversation went to 9/11 which he said it is basically known in his circle of operatives that it was an inside job. Also people have been killed to be silenced about this event if they spoke up publicly and too damagingly, he even mentioned a specific time window used.

Nothing anybody can do about it either, it is what it is.

I can't say too much more, but he says some of the things you see in the movies actually happen, especially the way they show it being covered up so the general population doesn't know.

But the 9/11 part of the conversation is what had me the most interested.

So you talked to an ex-special forces guy and say it was interesting .... and you get a ton of stars and flags for basically saying nothing...

Shows the complete lack of objective analysis of some people here.

From the little you said there should be a couple of doubting comments and then a whole lot of nothing / blank space.....

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 01:40 AM
It seems some people are jealous of a thread that gets stars and flags and makes it to the front page of ATS.
This is what ATS is all about, we post stuff via new threads, if it's irrelevant to the ATS membership, it gets no flags or stars and only a few posts and quickly slips down the ranks not to be seen again, I have made many threads that get that treatment. BUT if it is relevant it makes it to the front page because of the amount of flags & stars it gets; I have made only about 6 of those in my time at ATS and this is one of them, which verifies I was justified in making it.
Our opinion whether those flags and stars are justified is pretty much irrelevant, as the greater ATS membership has spoken.

And actually if he hadn't made the 9/11 comment I wouldn't have even bothered making the thread at all, I originally posted it in the 9/11 forum for that reason.

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 04:46 AM
a reply to: Xeven

Here is another inside job -
see The Big Fix - Election 2000 video by Daniel Hopsicker, -
IMHO if Bush had not gotten elected (remember - that was fixed thanks to touch screen gambling machines
owned by the Mafia etc.) 911 would not have been allowed to happen. See the Investigative Reporting into Drug Trafficking, 9/11 & Terrorism at Hopsicker's and Mad Cow News.

Hopsicker also wrote: Welcome to Terrorland, a book you will not be able to put down after opening.

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 04:47 AM
a reply to: EarthShine

Here is the site of the 2,300 architects, engineers, etc. referenced in several posts:

NIST's WTC 7 Reports: Filled with Fantasy, Fiction, and Fraud

Written by Simon Falkner and Chris Sarns
Saturday, 08 November 2014 \
Why 2,300 Architects & Engineers Demand Independent Investigation


Editor's Note: This fascinating and provocative technical article on NIST’s mistreatment of the WTC 7 evidence is broken down into a series of six articles. The first installment, below, is the INTRODUCTION to the whole series. Stand by for the next five installments in subsequent articles, to be published monthly. clip

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

The only parts of the public at large that still doesn't know 9/11 was an inside job, are the parts that embrace ignorance and are too caught up in their own bubble's to more than casually check out the evidence - you know , the thousand and one indicators that a cover up was involved - and a bloody sloppy one at that.

I mean, appointing Kissinger as the head of the investigation!!!

If that doesn't tell you something is up, then you have not only dropped the ball on 9/11, but on the last 50 years of false flags, and secret wars - Kissinger being instrumental in misleading the public.

Every major war for more than a hundred years has been manipulated by mainly western financiers to further their own agenda's - The Lusitania was known to be holding armaments - the Germans even published a newspaper article letting passengers know they are travelling at their own risk.

The Gulf of Tonkin was a fictional event, to kick off Vietnam.

Many others, but as people stopped attacking the powerful military forces such as NATO - they had to attack themselves to turn public opinion towards war - that's all 9/11 is.

Just like the USS Liberty and Lyndon Johnson- and if you don't know about that then you really have dropped the ball.

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

It was an inside job. By warmongers for oil rights and to test our new weapons. The elevators of the towers were closed to passengers for months prior to the fall, the pentagon lost their accounting department the day after Rumsfeld gave a speech saying the corruption at the pentagon was a matter of life and death and they could not account for TRILLIONS of dollars. Cheney moved up war games for that day and some of them involved simulations of planes crashing into buildings. Air traffic controllers were advised to ignore the blips...anyone who doesn't think this was an inside job has their head in the sand and living in a sea of naivety.

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: lme7898354

Many reasons for 9/11 to be an inside job. We would not have the Patriot Act and that removed a lot of constitutional rights and protections Americans once had. Without a threat like this, at home, that could not have been passed. There was a stockpile of weapons the MIC had built up and oil interests to secure. We looted the museums in Iraq first thing. Many companies who are in the business of war and war related industries went to work where previously they had been sitting idle. There are people who believe the best inventions are discovered during war times, people who make fortunes no matter who wins or who fights because they are selling weapons and intelligence. Lots of reasons for starting a war. None of them very good.

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 11:29 AM

originally posted by: eNaR

originally posted by: Blue_Jay33
I have to say the conversion was extremity interesting, I just asked him one question. And he basically spilled the beans on many covert operations nothing specific, but enough that you could tell he just knew. It was crazy. Eventually the conversation went to 9/11 which he said it is basically known in his circle of operatives that it was an inside job. Also people have been killed to be silenced about this event if they spoke up publicly and too damagingly, he even mentioned a specific time window used.

Nothing anybody can do about it either, it is what it is.

I can't say too much more, but he says some of the things you see in the movies actually happen, especially the way they show it being covered up so the general population doesn't know.

But the 9/11 part of the conversation is what had me the most interested.

So you talked to an ex-special forces guy and say it was interesting .... and you get a ton of stars and flags for basically saying nothing...

Shows the complete lack of objective analysis of some people here.

From the little you said there should be a couple of doubting comments and then a whole lot of nothing / blank space.....

Oh that's helpful.

If all the ducks were in a row and all the facts blatantly obvious and spelled out for ya, it wouldn't be a conspiracy theory now would it?

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: Loveaduck

Pretty his comment was a reference to the OP implying he had suddenly come into all this inside knowledge but can't say anything at all about it, then saying nothing substantial was said, then saying he had learned a bunch of things, then saying he hadn't, then saying he had. As in the grade school game of "I know a secret and I can't tell you lolz but maybe I don't maybe I do maybe I don't wait maybe I do lolz"

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 02:39 PM

originally posted by: Blue_Jay33
They moved this thread out of the 9/11 forums

But it got to the front page of ATS anyway

a reply to: Logarock
Since so many people don't believe this I am going to post more, he wouldn't say which one but one of these.

Special Boat Service (Her Majesty's Naval Service)
Special Air Service Regiment (British Army)
Special Reconnaissance Regiment (British Army)
18 Signal Regiment (Royal Corps of Signals, British Army)
Special Forces Support Group

Maybe the guy gave me one heck of a story, if he did it, it was a really good one.

You have to understand the progression of the total conversation most of which involved other stories the non-conspiracy type ones, but were interesting anyways, showing the guy traveled the world, and no it didn't involve a place were you consume alcohol. Just a public place.

So, despite many missing this post and carrying on assuming this guy was a Navy Seal. You are saying members of Britain's Special Forces have knowledge of 9/11 being an inside job?

edit on 22/11/14 by mirageman because: typo

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 06:47 PM

originally posted by: Shamrock6
a reply to: rebelv

You miss the point. Veteran's, particularly those who have been places and done things, don't pick random strangers to start divulging deep dark secrets to out of the blue. And when some random stranger starts spouting off about how they were some form of special operations, it's a big red flag for us. Nobody ever said veterans don't talk, especially when they have a veil of semi-secrecy to hide behind, like an online forum.

There's vets on here, after all.

Oh, I totally agree, and if this guy I didn't even know
(although didn't the OP say that he did form some kind
of ongoing friendship with this guy over a period of time,
although he doesn't know where he is now) but
anyway, if I was just talking to a guy in a bar and he said
he was special forces and 911 was an inside job, it would
make my eyebrows raise as well, but...

One thing to consider, if I didn't know the guy, and he doesn't
know me, how can anyone prove he spoke about something
he wasn't supposed to reveal.

Also, The OP sounds like he's not sharing much specific
information about what the guy said, maybe that's not
because he didn't share anything specific, but if the OP
were to share info that he could verify it could lead back
to his friend or acquaintance, right?

So, suppose you were talking to a guy in the bar and he didn't
just say 911 was an inside job, but shared a lot of specific
information that could be checked out but made you promise
to keep a lot of that secret as far as revealing the source.

The info doesn't even have to be related to 911, he could have
just shared information that when checked out would knock his
integrity up very very high, because the info could be things
that an ordinary person probably wouldn't know but could easily
find out and it doesn't have to be top secret information either.

For example, I have never been to Berlin East Germany during the
cold war, however, if I was talking to someone who had been,
it wouldn't be very hard for them to convince me, especially if
I was eager to check out a lot of the info they told me.

I hope that made sense, lol

Thanks for your reply.

Rebel 5

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 06:57 PM
a reply to: rebelv

If that were to happen to me I'd probably be terrified that I was now on somebody's list and definitely would NOT come here and say anything like "I know secret stuff but I can't tell anybody."

I get your point, but my reaction to it would be exactly the opposite of what the OP has done. He went so far as to say since there was so much doubt, he'd give out some more info and then didn't. Just all reeks of an attention grab to me

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer

thank God for that! the short guy jumping on sofas gave it away, oddly enough he was filming about 10 minutes away from me the other week, il watch it tomorrow.

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 07:39 PM
Also what he said made me think of that forced suicide gun device holder from a movie, the clip is on YouTube but I can't find it now. If anybody can find it, post it.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: Blue_Jay33

It would be great if we could hear the whole story. Even second-hand, most of the things you hear from these guys is pretty interesting.

I know you'd be opening yourself up to criticism on something you didn't even say, but if you could post a little more specifics to give us something to digest, that would be a good first step to shining some light on his claims.

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