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Was, Is and Is to Come - Messiah Returns (Fallen Yahweh/Risen Christ/Holy King)

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posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: TzarChasm

My convictions are merely being focused to the true reason to reach for the Father. Jesus points to the Father and speaks the words of the Father. Rather than being a savior (which I assume he is the Herald making the Proclamation), He is a speaker for the Father. Jesus says this himself. He only speaks the word of the Father. Aside from this, Jesus (Word) says that we cannot come to the Father (DNA / Letters) but by HIM. This is a clue. The word Father is Aleph Bet (letters of creation). To get to the DNA, we must come through the Word. What does it mean to wash the blood? The entire story of man is a story of Yahweh dividing man by using the fruit of knowledge to manipulate DNA. The very first story is of an operation to remove a rib, manipulate the DNA and form the female nature of Adam into a single unit. Adam was BOTH male and female. He had to be.

No. I am following this truth faithfully to the Tav (END). No bait and switch. I do, however, believe that God the Father has a plan in all of this. No worries on salvation. We were never the ones in error. It was the one that divided us form our true image of God (BOTH Male and Female). He made the Snake.

I have reason to doubt the sincerity of the one that created Satan. I have no reason yet to doubt Elohim (Father). Of course, the entire story was delivered by an Angel to Moses by Yahweh. There is no word apart from this interaction between the two. Apart from direct experience, a knowledgeable relationship and direct observation of either Moses or Yahweh, we have a story of words.

What distinguishes this from myth? Aleph Bet and the Word that created reality in a hologram. As I have often shown, there is a great deal of truth hidden in out of place artifacts. We can't simply dismiss it, neither can we be sure to trust it. War is the reason we cannot trust what they say on mere faith. They are killing us and bragging about it. That alone is enough to mistrust the entire story.

If that's not enough for you, then search Google for beheadings in the images function. Revelation says that ALL the saints will enjoy this blessing. I would prefer education myself, in a peaceful environment, somewhere on a planet full of libraries. War and genocide seem outdated at this point.

My prayer would be for the EL to try something new for a change. Love and Terror do not mix well. Education and Love does mix. Kindness and knowledge mixes well.

Here's your hook:

V. All things are either good or bad by comparison. A sufficient analysis will show that pleasure in all cases, is but the contrast of pain. Positive pleasure is a mere idea. To be happy at any one point we must have suffered at the same. Never to suffer would have been never to have been blessed. But it has been shown that, in the inorganic life, pain cannot be; thus the necessity for the organic. The pain of the primitive life of Earth, is the sole basis of the bliss of the ultimate life in Heaven. POE - MESMERIC REVELATION.

I can see the light. This doesn't mean I must agree. I assume living in a future environment of perfect light one day might show me why I should agree. Without the reflecting point to know, how can I?

Again, education is the key. Communication is the response you get. Communication is Babel. They did it to confuse us and keep us from harming them. I can understand this, but I cannot understand the righteousness of judging something that was created in error on purpose. Blame rests on the head and not the body being moved by the head. God is ultimately the head looking at us as HIS image.

He said it was good. They came Yahweh.

edit on 20-11-2014 by AlephBet because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 04:41 PM
knowledge makes us age. we will have to let go of much we know and trust much in order to get to the age of 1000. before the fruit they did not want and it was said that by eating it they would die.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 06:07 PM

originally posted by: AlephBet
To my estimation, there are three incarnations of the Son of God into reality. The first incarnation was as the Angel of the Lord as a Watcher of mankind, or Benai Elohim. His job as Lord of Hosts was to regulate the host bodies of humans below for the purpose of baptism, or incarnation into bodies for spiritual growth. Along the way, something happened to him and error was found in him (Ezekiel 28).

Genesis 9 tells us how Elohim planned to correct the problem.

6 Whoever sheds human blood,
by humans his blood will be shed,
because in his image, Elohim made humans.

By using the Names of God (NOG) Bible from BibleGateway, you can differentiate the three main characters. Elohim is Father, Ruach Elohim is Mother (SPIRIT) and Yahweh is the Lord Adonai. The same LORD of the OT is the Lord Adonai of the NT, or Jesus. The fall happened first when Yahweh divided mankind as the image of God (BOTH male and female). He divided mankind by nature either by a planned event by Elohim or from the fall of Yahweh. We can see this either way, but we cannot ignore the fact that Yahweh proclaimed Himself to be the only God with none beside.

When he was forced to incarnate as Jesus, he was humbled and spoke only the words of the Father. Mankind shed his blood, allowing him to experience spiritual baptism. His current incarnation is as a risen human.

In Revelation 1 it states this:

8 “I am the A (Aleph) and the Z (Tav),” says the Lord God, the one who is, the one who was, and the one who is coming, the Almighty.

He was (Yahweh), IS (CHRIST) and Is to Come (HOLY KING).

His task is clear. He must fulfill his own words. Make peace, love enemies and end war and bloodshed. If not, his words were false. I believe and hope in his words of truth. I also believe we will all see what happens next. Know them by their fruit. This will be your only confirmation that the story is true--when He comes to demonstrated truth. Anything short of this will be continued error and nothing has changed.

Wow, I have to disagree with just about everything you said. I am the grandson of a life long Minister of God and after many long years of personal research into scholars who actually know what the words of the original Torah meant, I will correct you so you can better understand.

First they're is only ONE GOD! Yahweh! Elohim is GOD, plural elohim is The lesser gods IE: Angels, Watchers, Humans, ect! The Divine Counsil proves this and the fact that their are other gods in one verse.

A Psalm 82:1 of Asaph. [N]
God standeth in the congregation of God; in the midst of the judges He judgeth: This is the english translation of the Torah.

Pretty silly don't you think. ELOHIM is a ancient Hebrew word for Gods. Until one listens to an expert on the ancient languages and then it can be translated correctly below.

Psalm 82:1 A psalm of Asaph. God (Elohim)presides in the great assembly; he renders judgment among Elohim "gods":

Some of what is in the Bible is a mess up in Translation going from Aramaic to ancient Hebrew to Greek then Latin and today's Hebrew and English because there are no words that mean the same thing between some of these languages.

Elohim used in a singular form mean GOD himself yet when used in a plural fashion it means the lesser gods. All Divine beings are lesser gods because we are all from GOD.

God has only come to earth once in Human form as Jesus because Humans can not see God himself and live. Jesus can not be his only son because we are all his sons. You are right that GOD was, is and is yet to come again.

the Angel of the Lord as a Watcher of mankind

That was Lucifer's ( BAAL)title till he decided he could not stand, to not have us humans worship him. Lucifer wanted us to worship only him and not God only. He could not help us, stay out of sight and not run his mouth lol. He was and still is a Watcher! Watchers are a separate group beings like Angels, Only 200 of those Watchers fell from Gods grace!

There is no fallen Angels!! It was the 200 Watchers that fell from Gods grace, they did not fall from Heaven like you would fall off a bridge.

Along the way, something happened to him and error was found in him Ezekiel 28

Ezekiel 28 is again GOD telling the people to call out BAAL!!! "Lucifer" for thinking he is GOD when he is not. This guy knows what the original text of the real first books were saying and how certain words are wrong completely screwing up the meaning of a verse.

GOD never errors, he just loves and trust his sons. To bad people are to proud or arrogant to listen.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to: Patriotsrevenge

A Psalm 82:1 of Asaph. [N]
God standeth in the congregation of God; in the midst of the judges He judgeth: This is the english translation of the Torah.

One point at a time. NOG Bible contains the true names that were edited out.

Psalm 82

1 Elohim takes his place in his own assembly.
He pronounces judgment among the gods:
2 “How long are you going to judge unfairly?
How long are you going to side with wicked people?” Selah

3 Defend weak people and orphans.
Protect the rights of the oppressed and the poor.
4 Rescue weak and needy people.
Help them escape the power of wicked people.

5 Wicked people do not know or understand anything.
As they walk around in the dark,
all the foundations of the earth shake.
6 I said, “You are gods.
You are all sons of Elyon.
7 You will certainly die like humans
and fall like any prince.”

8 Arise, O Elohim!
Judge the earth, because all the nations belong to you.

Elohim is the Father.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 08:18 PM
a reply to: Patriotsrevenge

Some of what is in the Bible is a mess up in Translation going from Aramaic to ancient Hebrew to Greek then Latin and today's Hebrew and English because there are no words that mean the same thing between some of these languages.

I understand what you are saying. We can also check the Jewish Orthodox Bible, which always sheds light:

Psalms 82 (Mizmor of Asaph.) Elohim standeth in the Adat El; He judgeth among the elohim.

Elohim (Father) - The divine council is made up of Benai Elohim, which is what Yahweh is. He is a Son of God. We know that many are fallen. Enoch clears it up. Where was Yahweh when Genesis 6 happened (also - Enoch / Jude 1)? Right there among the Adat El (council of EL).

Yahweh in relation to the 'gods' - All 226 Bible References to his relationship.

Can God wage war against god - Yahweh's War on Heaven - Will he be cast out?

Revelation makes it clear he will be cast out, along with the Snake he made. He is a fallen Son. As I state in the OP, he must come and demonstrated the Father's words from Jesus mouth. He MUST forgive enemies. This is why a third incarnation is necessary. Humility 2000 years ago. Salvation (not war) today. If not, he will be judged false by us all.

War does not a peacemaker make.

Revelation 19:11

And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.

When you are the one that made the Snake, there are no righteous wars. He fights the enemy he made, thereby shedding blood of all those in the wake of his own actions.

If you see what I see in this, an entirely new message comes out. Jesus pointed us to the Father and Mother. Why? He spoke the words of the Father, not his own. His next appearance will be the words he speaks by actions.

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 08:26 PM
a reply to: Patriotsrevenge

Elohim used in a singular form mean GOD himself yet when used in a plural fashion it means the lesser gods. All Divine beings are lesser gods because we are all from GOD.

You are confused. Elohim created Heaven and Earth (Both Father and Mother). Ruach Elohim (Holy Spirit of Elohim / feminine) hovered over the waters. When the two mingled, they created a Son (Kosmos).

The Son of God is as you say: gods plural. Yahweh is the might one of the gods as many verses sates. Benai Elohim.

This verse is not gods, but Elohim (Father and Mother) as the image of both in one.

Genesis 1:27

So Elohim created humans in his image.
In the image of Elohim he created them.
He created them male and female.

Adam was in the image of God, both male and female. Yahweh shed his blood, then used the fruit of knowledge to divide the Female out. By comparison, this is the Strong Nuclear Force (Proton and Neutron) over the weak (electron). Ultimately, this was the physics of Adam changed, or parallel to this the Kosmos. Entropy entered (Death).

Yahweh is the one that made (not created) the snake. He formed (not created) Adam. He formed the woman (not created). He planted the garden, but didn't create the seed. Shall I go on?

edit on 20-11-2014 by AlephBet because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2014 @ 04:53 PM
Only after studying the first and second languages for yourself, will you find the truth. Working only with a bible will not explain how יהוה‎ (YaHWeH) works. Here is something to ponder about.

If a mere man can fully understand יהוה (YaHWeH), יהושע (YeHosHua Ha-Massiah) and רוח הקודש (Ruach Ha-Kodesh), then They are not the true אל שד (Ěl Shaddai(Elohim of Abraham))

posted on Nov, 26 2014 @ 04:57 PM
I have studied the Greek, Hebrew and all 46 letters deeply.

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: AlephBet

It is clear to see that you have done some homework, and studies Greek. But I do believe that you need to do some more research into ancient Aramaic. Most of the detail that was lost through translation has because of Greek.

I have noticed that your conclusions is faulty. This may be the result of not going into more detail regarding the different languages.

(The Names of God bible is not the 'be all and end all'. There is a lot of errors. And yes, every Bible has his errors.

Just out of curiosity, what is the original meaning for the 3 letters of YaHWeH (יהוה)?

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 05:31 PM

originally posted by: IndependentAgent
a reply to: AlephBet

It is clear to see that you have done some homework, and studies Greek. But I do believe that you need to do some more research into ancient Aramaic. Most of the detail that was lost through translation has because of Greek.

I have noticed that your conclusions is faulty. This may be the result of not going into more detail regarding the different languages.

(The Names of God bible is not the 'be all and end all'. There is a lot of errors. And yes, every Bible has his errors.

Just out of curiosity, what is the original meaning for the 3 letters of YaHWeH (יהוה)?

Behold the Hand and nail. The nail holds the hand to the cross until the sin (thorn) is removed from the Nun (Seed). The thorn in question is the division of male and female. Christ is the groom to the bride. Sin is the nail in the hand keeping Moses from entering the promised land.

Find Yud Hey Vav Hey below:

Note that the NUN (Seed) is sitting on the Thistle (Sin). This is Sister Sally (NUN) sitting on a Thistle (Sin). All he wants for Christmas are his two front teeth (Shin).

Find them below, then consult this thread: All He Wants is His Eternal Flame to be Lit

YHVH is missing a Shin. What happens if you add Shin to his name?

Y-H-S-W-H - Yod (Y), Hey (H), Shin (S), Vav (W) and Hey (H).

Yahshua (LINK)

Just as Abram had the Hey (Behold) added, so YHVH will have added letters in regard to milestones in his life.

edit on 27-11-2014 by AlephBet because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2014 @ 06:05 PM
you think the identification code YHWH... is not just the Creators' name but also tells the very astute theologian that the human DNA code which is GATC (in scientific jargon)
that the difference between 'GATC & YHWH' is actually a 'code' detailing what is modified by an unseen/invisible 'spiritual' strand woven into the actual chemical GATC sequence of the double-helix DNA genome for man (children of God)


we have 2 Known codes for the 3 aspects of God (or God-Man creation)'
YHWH is the Father/OT God
WORD is the Son/creation author
--------- the holy ghost is the 3rd aspect of the Trinity---it must also be a 4 letter code--- the tongues of fire on Pentecost was the visualization of the holy spirit but that is not a 4 letter code... which leaves us modern people with 'DOVE' the bird of Peace as the 4 letter code of the 3rd aspect of God=Man

GATC-YHWH-DOVE-WORD..... is this the revelation which we humans seek ?
edit on th30141713512427382014 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

edit on th30141713515927392014 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: AlephBet

Behold the hand behold the nail has nothing to do with 'christ'....

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 09:52 AM

originally posted by: IndependentAgent
a reply to: AlephBet

Behold the hand behold the nail has nothing to do with 'christ'....

Salvation, and the need for it, arose from the presumption of the firstborn. The nail holds him here with us for the purpose of the economy of the true Father above. It was all for one purpose. Our universe is but one of many above it. All of this is clarified in the Tripartite Tractate. Salvation can be attained by humility, which is what the Savior endured on the cross. It was a shadow / image of the true sacrifice above. We are a passing image below. Above, we are who the Father made us to be. Free will allows us to choose.

Slowly, I am getting this story together. The entire story is in the letters:

Within each of us, there is a Word that is hidden inside, revealed by light when it is received. The nail holds us here until the light frees us from the burden. The key is receiving the light that shines from above on the shadows below. The nail is the story of presumptuous creation that I have been trying to see from the words of Yahweh. In relation to this, He is seeing the same light, revealing the same Word that leads us home. We are all on the same path above and below back to the true Father.

Translation back comes by transcribing the Word inside. Clues are left for us outside. We nail the hand to the cross, but the hand was nailed to the cross long before we knew it was there. The same hand that is nailed is the same hand that is set free. We are all part of this one thing.

edit on 28-11-2014 by AlephBet because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 04:00 PM
a reply to: AlephBet

I am truly sorry to do this on an open domain like this, but because of the important nature of the subject at hand, I feel obligated to do this. You are wrong.

"Behold the Hand, Behold the Nail" is an description, or explanation regarding His authority. He, YaHWeH, is the beginning, the end. He is the architect of existence. That Name came to be known to the people early in the Old Testament, a time that crucifixion was not known, therefor it can not mean that which you are saying it means. (Astarte created this gruesome punishment, and the first mention of her, or her followers, is in 1 Kings, hundreds of years after the time of Exodus)

If you go back into history, about 5 thousand years, you will find that there was people that was known as Master Masons. (I do know that that is where the Illuminati stems from, but this has nothing to do with what I am showing.)

They were the stone masons, and the true architects. The had all the information and know-how of building temples and palaces. They designed the real blueprint on a stone, and gave that to the lower stone masons. Each mason had his own blueprint they would work from. And this stone would also form part of the building.

Those blueprints was chiseled into stone..... "Behold the Nail, Behold the Hand"
His Name hold the meaning of a blueprint, and architect, a designer, the one person that has all the knowledge and authority.
edit on 28-11-2014 by IndependentAgent because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 04:16 PM
a reply to: IndependentAgent

sounds like one to add to the thousands of fullfilled prophecies list.

posted on Nov, 28 2014 @ 05:37 PM
One observation I made is that people that use long answers or explanations, with pictures and links in 90% of their posts, seems to be overselling their own opinions, and those are the people who tend to be wrong...

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