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The outcome of the Ferguson debacle

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posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 10:17 PM
This prediction does not come from mysticism or a dream or a truth spoken to me from aliens.

It comes from cold, unforgiving logic.

Everything in this universe is governed by probability.
99.9% of the time, humans are not able to fly. But it still happens, what with people falling from airplanes and surviving despite the lack of a parachute.

99.9% of the time if you throw a hammer at a wall it will hit the wall but sometimes someone walks in front of it or the wall gets destroyed and the hammer hits nothing.

With that, I predict that whatever verdict comes from the grand jury, it will ignite a flame of oppression and freedom. These protesters are angry about everything in their life but have been steered to hate one thing because it is the most identifiable.

A person in power shooting a young unarmed man and having no ill consequence. Even if the officer is indicted, it will not be enough for those behind the protest. They will cry for more and more blood till the city is bled dry and martial law is declared. If the officer is not indicted, it will stand as a stark reminder that the people in power do not have the interests of the people in mind. The people behind the protest will point to that verdict and say "hey, this isn't fair, destroy everything and it will be fair"

But it will never be fair because the officer involved will not be there. He is long gone and will never see justice.

Instead the people who live in Ferguson that have nothing to do with law enforcement or stealing from a store will suffer,

And we as a society will suffer with them when the big hand of power crashes down on the protesters.
They will use the precedent set by the response to make it the response to any protest, violent or peaceful.

This will be the first in a series of dominoes that will stack up against our dwindling freedoms and attempt to knock it over.
But despite it all, it only takes one person to stand against that last domino and say NO, THIS ENDS HERE

If I have to be that person, I wouldn't care. Even if you do not want to fight for your freedom and pursuit of happiness I will and I have many more who will stand behind me to help. I am not afraid of dying for my beliefs. Death would be a sweet release from the misery I go through every day, knowing that I lived while the one who most deserved to live didn't.

RIP my chica you will never be forgotten

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 10:39 PM

, it will ignite a flame of oppression and freedom.

You know those 2 words mean exactly the opposite. Right?

But it will never be fair because the officer involved will not be there. He is long gone and will never see justice.

Justice according to who? If he shot the young man because he was being attacked, [ and so far that's where the evidence is leading ] then no charges should be filed. You can't have "justice" by public opinion.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 11:01 PM
You'll learn one day to respect a man for doing his job. If the facts show he did more than his job required then let the city burn.

This is such a complex case involving several glaring issues including: police power, media, and criminal culture

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 12:31 AM
a reply to: thisguy27

What boggles my mind is how the so-called protesters [thugs] tear up the business' as way to express their frustration

What the hell does destroying a town have to do with justice ??
Not a damn thing

They just get off being violent and this gives them a chance to loot, steal sh#t
All they are doing is using the Brown case as an excuse to terrorize the town/citizens

And if the cop is acquitted of the charges, think Rodney King scenario
Those poor store owners are going to catch hell when the SHTF
Hope their insurance is up to date...they're going to need it

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 04:59 AM
a reply to: thisguy27

I needed a good chuckle this morning.

I predict that not a damn thing will happen over Ferguson, with the exception of a short protest period and then every one will go home because it just to damned cold.

Oh, the protesters will probably loot and burn their own again, but it won't last long.

Some thing will come along to distract the masses.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 08:06 AM
Its funny that they arent mad at the fact 25% of young black men are unemployed. I had a boss years ago at a restaurant I worked at who used to say "idle hands are the devils tool" whenever we werent working. I fear things will not end well and not just in Ferguson. If they dont indict many major cities will most likely see varied degrees of protest.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 08:35 AM
I'm not going to try arguing with any of you over the fallacies presented in this case and all of the BS that the media has spit out to try and confuse people.

The autopsy did not conclusively show that Brown was reaching for the officer's service weapon. That is a lie spit out by MSM to make it seem like he was a no good thug who wanted to kill the officer.

I read the autopsy. In it it stated that a bullet entered through the tip of Brown's thumb and went into his right breast. Put your thumb in front of your right breast with an outstretched hand. Do you see the natural curvature of your body makes it so that it was impossible to be grasping the muzzle of a pistol while not getting GSR all over the hand?
While I'm not saying Brown was a good boy who didn do nothin, I don't think the officer in question was using his best judgement because the pistol was out before Brown came anywhere near the patrol vehicle.

You guys see what you want to see and I'll see it for what I see it as.
The people in power killing unarmed citizens and being applauded for it.

I know that law enforcement loves hanging around these kind of sites so I'd love to see your responses.

edit on 17-11-2014 by thisguy27 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: gorsestar

I don't give people my respect unless they earn it.

And so far, I have yet so see any reason to give my respect to someone who has violated civil rights in the past.

This is the same cop who didn't unjustly shoot an unarmed man. And where's the dashboard camera footage of the incident?
They have two body cameras and two dashboard cams but chose not to install them because of the cost?

Me thinks that someone doesn't want people seeing the reality of Ferguson police.

Go on and flame me though.

My message has been seen

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 10:33 AM

originally posted by: snarky412
a reply to: thisguy27

What boggles my mind is how the so-called protesters [thugs] tear up the business' as way to express their frustration

What the hell does destroying a town have to do with justice ??

Not a damn thing

They just get off being violent and this gives them a chance to loot, steal sh#t

All they are doing is using the Brown case as an excuse to terrorize the town/citizens

And if the cop is acquitted of the charges, think Rodney King scenario

Those poor store owners are going to catch hell when the SHTF

Hope their insurance is up to date...they're going to need it

Looters should be shot on sight, as was ordered during Katrina.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 11:16 AM
I really hate to tell these people but their Fifteen minutes of righteous indignation are over. Now it is time for the legal system to handle this. It is now a matter for the courts and the time of looting and thuggery are done. Their will be some who will rebel against the decision no matter what it is.

The State of Missouri has the duty to protect it's citizens. And it shall. Neighboring cities have issued warnings and made preparations to contain violence. However Force will be met with Force. If a demonstration polarizes into violence, looting and assaults on officers attempting to keep the peace then it will be a bloodbath. Further actions against any demonstrator will be very harsh.

Order will be restored to the area by Guard Units and the debris cleared off. Business will not reopen, people will move. The Media will be fed. And in Six months people will have given their attention to other issues. And the demonstrations, riots and will have done nothing but provided more training and increased budgets in other major cities.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 03:38 PM
If they are smart, they will release the verdict tonight when it's brutally cold. That will help quell a lot of unrest unless people set everything on fire to keep warm.

I think at this point, the court of public opinion has already tried the officer and no matter what the evidence may show, he's guilty just like has happened in other high profile cases where the media has picked sides before everything is known. And what you would prefer to believe is far more important than what actually may be.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

I don't actually think the officer is guilty of unjustly shooting Brown, but he is guilty in that there are better ways to deal with a situation than going straight to lethal force.

And of course the MSM wants to see rioting and unrest in Ferguson, because they'll be the ones covering it and picking up ratings.

And we all know how reliable a court of public opinion is :sarcasm:

Whatever happens, I'm not there and don't care.

But the second the government denies me of the right to bear arms, the right to do what I want behind closed doors or the pursuit of happiness, all bets are off.

You think Ferguson is bad, imagine a generator powered, directed EMP taking out choppers and cop vehicles from 500 meters away. Or IEDs being planted in sewers to be detonated later.
The internet and your local library are great tools in finding out how to take down the government. But you didn't hear that from me

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 04:49 PM
a reply to: thisguy27

I don't live there either. It's all fun and games, so to speak, until it winds up on your door step and in your lap.

posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: ketsuko

I wish someone would try dumping this on my lap. I got plenty of glass bottles and gas in the shed. Can't really riot and protest when you're on fire now can you?

Also, state of emergency was declared in Missouri.

Looks like my prediction isn't so far from the truth eh?

posted on Nov, 20 2014 @ 09:45 AM
I think not much will happen because of the snow

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 04:59 PM
let's hope they do not announce the outcome of the jury when we are at the peak of the black friday event. i think that would be too much for people to handle. i would not want to be in a walmart in ferguson on black friday if they announced it then.

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 10:19 PM
What did I tell you?

No thatguy you're crazy

No thatguy it's too cold to riot

Screw that, I went to a riot when it was 10 below outside

If people are pissed enough, they'll just make enough fries that it isn't as cold.

posted on Nov, 25 2014 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: thisguy27

I said fries.


Anywhoooo, so about the fires and highways getting shut down...

When they crack down, and THEY WILL crack down, they will use the precedent set by their response to make it the response to any protest over anything.

Total overwhelming force.

MRAPs disguised as police vehicles for our protection
Automatic rifles and full level IV body armor for everyone's protection
The mandate to use questionable amounts of CS gas, a gas outlawed by Geneva?
For no one's protection.

That # will kill you in less than 30 minutes if you breathed too much in.
It's not non lethal, it's less than lethal like all their tools.

Non lethal means it can't kill you

Less than lethal means it won't kill as many as a real firearm would.

If I come back in January I'll do some more predictions and see how right I am

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