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"Eff it, I quit!" Reporter quits job on air to join marijuana legalization fight

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posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 03:26 PM
I love you Charlo Greene. This woman is a fighter and a good example of how the media shoould actually behave. Live on air she quit her job saying:

“I — the actual owner of the Alaska Cannabis Club — will be dedicating all of my energy for fighting for freedom and fairness, which begins with legalizing marijuana here in Alaska. And as for this job, well, not that I have a choice but… f### it, I quit,”

She feels so strongly about the liberty of her fellow Americans that she quit her job LIVE on the air to demonstrate that her beliefs are worth more to her than a menial job lying to the public. My hat goes off to you Charlo.

The station, the lapdogs that they are, went on to issue this obviously PC apology via their twitter page:

“We sincerely apologize for the inappropriate language used by a KTVA reporter during her live presentation on the air tonight. The employee has been terminated.”

Oh boy, let me tell you, I'm still laughing! "The employee has been terminated" HELLO KTVA! SHE QUIT! How can you terminate an employee that quits live on the air?

So, Charlo Greene in the spirit of Howard Beale: WE ARE MAD AS HELL! AND WE AREN"T GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE!


posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 03:38 PM

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: LightSpeedDriver


And they used the same Howard Beale clip too! That is too funny! Thanks anyway!

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 03:40 PM
Old news

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: jaynkeel

Your old news is old news.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: CagliostroTheGreat


I guess. Personally I would have quietly resigned but to each his own.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: notquiteinsane

I would have done exactly like Charlo, honestly.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 03:48 PM
That second newswoman, she seemed like the whole incident just totally fried her brain.
Or she had a million thoughts all at once, in a bottleneck.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 03:52 PM
In other news, the Japanese bombed pearl harbor...

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 04:00 PM
Please add commentary to existing thread.


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