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Government agents ‘by the thousands’ infiltrate U.S. populace

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posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: xuenchen

One of the most ridiculous threads I have ever seen on here.

It is true in Zhong Guo though, but the numbers are in the millions not the thousands.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 09:54 AM

originally posted by: BigBrotherDarkness
a reply to: jimmyx

It's not a two way street though is it? If everyone were subjected to the same laws rules and regulations, then the prison population would be a lot more diverse across the board wouldn't it?

all I can truthfully comment on is my own a worker and a customer, I have always been honest, and I've never been arrested, or went to jail because of it.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: jimmyx

neither have I, but I do not feel this sort of activity is in societies best interest, and based on polls the majority of the public does not believe it to be either. I have nothing to hide, obviously... as I do a whole lot of subversive trash talk, in favor of human rights, beyond borders and against extremist ideologies, held at home and abroad. If I had something to hide or feared losing or someone seeing, then i'd probably choose my words and divulge very carefully personal identifiable information. I am a public figure, and I do have an international voice in some circles, of course I do not care for some of the public and private to collide, even though I have nothing to hide... I don't want to be cyber stalked, more than I already am, so I can appreciate having some anonymity all my own, and be a stranger no one knows.
edit on 16-11-2014 by BigBrotherDarkness because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 10:47 AM
I think we should all drive to our local Fusion Center and demand transparency. If they won't oblige, we should start following them !

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 10:55 AM
I only read the posts on the first page.....

it''s worse than that....op.....we're being watched by beings that are in a different reality than we....first hand experience....and I handled it like a pro.....freaked him out with my quick reply.....
I'm tellin ya he came from nowhere

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 11:03 AM
Nothing in the article really suggested anything nefarious. These under cover operations are reported - in the OP article - to be used to catch illegal sales, corrupt judges and board trustees.

So many posters automatically assumed the topic was about infiltrating the general public. It's not.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: BigBrotherDarkness

when a person become a public entity, they are unfortunately subject to ridicule as well as praise. as I have grown older, I have become more discreet in my interactions with others. I do not sign up for social media sites, (except this one, of course), nor do I own a "smart" device, I own a $40 dollar GO phone, that I take with me to use only when the need arises. I remove the battery on it at various times. I own a car that does not have a GPS attached. I worked in the computer and networking field years ago, and I can safely say that technology is way ahead of where people actually perceive it to be. it's not that I'm paranoid, for I know too well that my life can be tracked and traced, by those that would want to. but, I just wish to keep my life as private as is possible.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: MALBOSIA
Nothing in the article really suggested anything nefarious. These under cover operations are reported - in the OP article - to be used to catch illegal sales, corrupt judges and board trustees.

So many posters automatically assumed the topic was about infiltrating the general public. It's not.

it might also be noted that the vast majority of us, are simply not important enough to have any type of significant monitoring.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 04:28 PM

originally posted by: jimmyx
c'mon.....every private company has their own security, too....there are plenty of thieves in and out of government, what's wrong with trying to catch the A-holes trying to rip business owners and government agencies off?....if you are an honest worker, or customer, you have nothing to worry's the people that think this is somehow bad, that I wouldn't allow them to step foot in my own house....

Right... Where have I heard this before?

Oh yeah, that's right:

"If you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to fear." -Goebbels

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 04:42 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

I don't quite see from some of the examples that they are not doing what a law agency is paid to do. If one is selling alcohol to under aged customers then there is a reason for it, kids too young are not able to cope biologically with alcohol etc etc.

Where I don't like surveillance is at public meetings where you get a member from MI5 deliberately starting up trouble as I am sure I witnessed at a political rally some years ago. This is something I think despicable and it is done by politicians who are bent and worry that they will be exposed if the public ask too many questions. Its also the reason why education has been dumbed down because a public who can argue their point and research it intelligently are not easily dismissed.

I just don't see that if your spouse works for the inland revenue to some such agency collecting taxes (where fairly due) that they are working against the 'greater good' I do see it when they don't collect it from those CEO's whose income seems to be spread around the world with no tax collected whatsoever.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 04:54 PM
a reply to: MALBOSIA

That article sure, but the reality is we are being spied on more than ever. There are many 'agents' who are planted to blend in society to keep tabs on certain people and provide intel to their higher ups. They will spend many years to build a case against someone.

In my hometown, about 50% of the long term residents are investigated over a 10 year period by drug cops. This is no joke, I've recently found out(i had my suspicions) that some people I have known for a long time(10 year+) are actively aiding the investigation. They pay people to infiltrate the surf community where I live, the same thing happens in the music scene across the country. These people sell and consume cannabis and often hard drugs so they fit in with complete immunity.

Many refuse to accept this, even when faced with overwhelming evidence of the spy games. If you are suspected of anything, friends with people are being investigated, or even just get flagged because of where you live or living an atypical lifestyle, they will investigate you.

What I have noticed about the person I mentioned, is he has a lot of information about almost everyone in my town and is quick to label someone an addict or worthless. These people often have a superiority complex than enables them to dehumanize the people they investigate. It is nothing for them to be best friends with someone for years, then put a gun to their head and arrest them when the time(money) is right.

Keep living in the dark. Ignorance is bliss!

edit on 16-11-2014 by jrod because: b

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 07:28 PM

originally posted by: jrod
a reply to: MALBOSIA

That article sure, but the reality is we are being spied on more than ever. There are many 'agents' who are planted to blend in society to keep tabs on certain people and provide intel to their higher ups. They will spend many years to build a case against someone.

In my hometown, about 50% of the long term residents are investigated over a 10 year period by drug cops. This is no joke, I've recently found out(i had my suspicions) that some people I have known for a long time(10 year+) are actively aiding the investigation. They pay people to infiltrate the surf community where I live, the same thing happens in the music scene across the country. These people sell and consume cannabis and often hard drugs so they fit in with complete immunity.

Many refuse to accept this, even when faced with overwhelming evidence of the spy games. If you are suspected of anything, friends with people are being investigated, or even just get flagged because of where you live or living an atypical lifestyle, they will investigate you.

What I have noticed about the person I mentioned, is he has a lot of information about almost everyone in my town and is quick to label someone an addict or worthless. These people often have a superiority complex than enables them to dehumanize the people they investigate. It is nothing for them to be best friends with someone for years, then put a gun to their head and arrest them when the time(money) is right.

Keep living in the dark. Ignorance is bliss!

I am not saying that I do not believe what many are assuming, just that this article is not suggesting what you, me and many others believe.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

This is news all of a sudden?


I wasn't just talking out of my ass people. Maybe just maybe, someone existed that had peeled back the curtain and decided that being quiet was worth the backlash.

That's impossible! Everyone knows there isn't any such thing as a conspiracy.

After all who would spend all that time and money to gangstalk random people to set them up for crimes or to force them to work for shadowy interests?

Hint: the world's biggest organized crime syndicate in the world AKA the US government.

When the other things I've talked about come true I guess my craziness will infect the rest of ATS as well.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 09:07 PM

originally posted by: xuenchen
You are being watched.

You are being set up.

Not so much by the typical nosy jealous snitches either.

But by paid agents doing this for a living.

They are well disguised and dug in deep, cloaked in familiarity and highly trained.

And you are paying for it.

They will get you by hook or crook.

Everybody is a potential criminal.

Imagine a world in which businessmen, students, demonstrators, public accountants, doctors, lawyers, ministers, drug dealers, neighbors, your closest friends and even your spouse may be infiltrators onto the general populace–agents of the government.

Well imagine no more. We now live in that world, as over 40 U.S. governmental agencies are doing just that, says a new report admitting the attacks of 9/11 were clearly the catalyst to heightened “undercover operations” in America.

“At convenience stores, for example, undercover agents, sometimes using actual minors as decoys, look for illegal alcohol and cigarette sales, records show. At the Education Department, undercover agents of the Office of Inspector General infiltrate federally funded education programs looking for financial fraud, Medicare investigators sometimes pose as patients to gather evidence against health care providers. Officers at the Small Business Administration, NASA and the Smithsonian do undercover work as well, records show.”, reports Erick Lichtblau and William M. Arkin.

Government agents ‘by the thousands’ infiltrate U.S. populace

But, I have nothing to hide. I don't really care if people listen to what I have to say...

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 09:09 PM
There are two in the hotel room next to mine now. What should I do?

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 09:11 PM

a reply to: Catacomb

But, I have nothing to hide. I don't really care if people listen to what I have to say...

They will fabricate a case against you.

And use it to their advantage.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 09:12 PM

originally posted by: ausername
There are two in the hotel room next to mine now. What should I do?

Call the desk manager and get names.

Then contact your administrator.

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: xuenchen

This, 1000x this.

When everything you do or say is recorded and analyzed they can make up a case against you.

They have all the time and resources in the world to do so.

You're trying to campaign for better wages at your company? They might decide to see if you use drugs or alcohol and then work to discredit you.

You're trying to become the first politician that isn't bought and paid for? That little scuffle in the 6th grade will become a full on viscous assault that the victim will no doubt fabricate and blow out of proportions.

You're trying to take down the US government through a campaign of facts and truths? They'll shoot you in the back of your head and claim you were suicidal and come up with the documents to prove it.

The only way to defeat such a broad range of lies and agents is to insert your own agents and lies. Hundreds upon hundreds of agents and books of lies to counter their lies.

There is a secret battle being carried out on dark streets and far away places around the globe. Between those who would wish us harm and those who fight the good fight. I had the privilege and misfortune to become a part of this battle and instead of choosing the easy way and just giving up, I fought tooth and nail to take the hard way.

MY side will win. MY side is the side of knowledge, logic, and justice. They are soldiers, teachers, lumbers, politicians, rap artists, homeless people, they are everywhere. They know who works for the other side and vice versa but give each other smiles and waves at the water cooler to keep up the facade. But this thin facade will soon erode until the other side cannot keep it hidden.

And when that facade is gone, I will be there to step in and erase those who thought themselves above justice and vengeance because of their bank accounts.

I am part of the anonymoose (not to be confused with anonymous or the current anonymoose) and I do not forgive and I do not forget, expect me and my merry band of misfits.

2016 prepare your booty hole and stock up on food and water because everything you know will come tumbling down around you

Heed my warning or don't, those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
I'm sure as hell stocking up even if no one else does

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 11:24 PM
Government will use a few individuals as puppets, in order to distill fear of the unknown into the masses. The Black Magicians typically operate through imitation majik. Meaning , they will uncover your deepest desires and secrets, and you will go to extreme measures, even sacrificing your own soul to obtain carnal items and mirror a celebrity look to make you feel satisfied. This is a very dangerous and deceptive majik. Typically, only low vibratory beings with huge egos practice blakk majik. As for defense against such a cast... State with authority "I AM A MIRROR REFLECTING THE INTENTION "

posted on Nov, 18 2014 @ 01:53 PM
Sorry I was scrolling by and smelled a fear mongerer

I honestly hope you realize it yourself, also

reply to: xuenchen

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