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The Real War - Social Engineering, Silent Weapons & A Quiet Genocide

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posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 07:57 AM

posted on Nov, 26 2014 @ 04:19 AM
a reply to: UNIT76

hmmmm............would like to hear more, do tell.

posted on Nov, 26 2014 @ 07:44 PM
I think I have a relevant article I've recently come across.

Rules for Changing
a Republic [into a Democracy, then] into a Monarchy

I've always thought I recognized a large pattern of input, behavior, and engineering that had gone beyond words for so many years. its always been an up and down (mainly upward) struggle for the elite, but either way they have been on an up (the big ones anyways) for so long, and with that the societal engineering. .. its gone on for so long now...

posted on Nov, 26 2014 @ 11:30 PM
a reply to: NWrune

Yes indeed, it has gone on from the beginning in one way or another.

We appear to be fixated on the physical limitations and its proofs that are relegated to the creation of this matrix. Government is rigged as is everything else in order to maintain the 'illusion' or rather "farmillusion".

The pdf of A Day With an Extraterrestrial is on this site

edit on 26-11-2014 by Egyptia because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 08:55 AM
a reply to: Egyptia

it's linked back there (highlighted/bold text)

also, >HERE< is a nice little page i found on that ye-are-as-gods (divine council) stuff, if anyone was interested in becoming their own god, hehe..


@NWrune, there's an old tinfoil researcher called stuart crane, who (imho) effectively reduces all forms of "government" into 2 or 3 models, and then into 1.. kinda funny to hear him repeat "capitalist monopolistic oligarchy" 100x .. i envision cartoon sensation 'foghorn leghorn' during those parts

(proofs of conspiracy, 5 part mp3 series, around 38MB download, try looking at maybe)

posted on Dec, 1 2014 @ 11:59 PM
Important on shattering through the illusion and manipulations
edit on 2-12-2014 by Egyptia because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2014 @ 06:40 AM
In some old scriptures there is mention that the entire universe is actually inside of an atom. When I think of what some modern science tells us I can corelate that with those old truths. For example within every atom is a micro black hole, and that the universe started off the size of an atom and grew to this massive size we now see today. Interesting thought: That which is infinate outside must also be infinate within. Which means we are all infinate in every way but percieve ourselves as finite and limited.

posted on Dec, 2 2014 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: Egyptia

I am usually in agreement, but here I must protest and heartily….

Yes indeed, it has gone on from the beginning in one way or another.

Actually, it didn't go on from the beginning….
It's just that the information about "the beginning," is now hidden, as much ancient and true knowledge is. Even and especially our science and mathematics are somehow altered to support a desired conclusion, and I'm not talking about just suppressed science….

Now, you ask me, how…and I wish I could tell you. I only know for sure that it has, and that there was a time, believe me, when the "world" was not this way. I remember it quite clearly, along with a memory of the awareness and thankfulness of knowing this, as I'd known if before, when it wasn't this way--if that makes any sense, and likely it may not.

Whether we are now somewhere different, which is what I've also considered, a kind of holographic testing ground….
doesn't reallly matter. For whomever put us here, was obviously going along with an evil seed of germination in ideas, for life energy to be used and abused in these ways, regardless the reason or desired outcome. But it means it's essentially the same in the place where this decision was made.

But it wasn't always so. There was a different world, once. One where manipulation and control were seen for what they are, and that is only and singly a way toward the snuffing of all life….

posted on Dec, 2 2014 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: UNIT76
Ah, yes. I saw this coming. Out of the fog which consumes all human hope, faith and effort, and conceals the true nature of humanity, there will come a "council of rebels, and the divine" to "save" us all…..

Except they be the same that began what we are experiencing, to make this of themselves. Just mho.

posted on Dec, 2 2014 @ 08:13 PM
a reply to: tetra50

Tetra, I agree with you my memory is beyond the beginning as well. There was a beginning and it was entirely different and we were what 'we are' then and then something happened and it wasn't at the beginning at all. I know what you are speaking of and agree.

This timeline in linear knowledge is all upside down, even when memories surface for people it is fragmented and cut up into pieces. The beginning was splendid and we were quickly increasing but like a light in the darkness our abilities and 'Source' emitted a frequency that attracted the parasites and everything hosting us. Something different happened indeed because we were usurped and they stole our 'creator' abilities and harnessed it to manifest what they wanted because they are incapable of doing this for themselves.

These 'beings' or this 'consciousness' is utterly psychopathic having gone so far astray from the Source that it caused the second darkness to consume them in madness and feeding. Once separated from 'Source' there is no option but to vampirize or feed from those that ARE SOURCE.

We are living their 'vision' or 'dream' if you will and not our own although they have rigged us in such a way that we believe it comes from inside our own imaginations and feelings. Both 'imagination' and 'feelings' are the keys to how they use and manipulate us.
edit on 2-12-2014 by Egyptia because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2014 @ 08:53 PM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

Everything in this world has been reversed even in simple physics not to mention beliefs and HIStory. That which has and will come to help us is that which the world has deemed the enemy. What we have been conditioned to believe is just that 'a conditioning' and a contradictory reality. The infinite is definitely from within and how we have been hacked has everything to do with how we perceive ourselves to be finite and limited.

So reversed!
edit on 2-12-2014 by Egyptia because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2014 @ 11:16 PM
a reply to: tetra50
well, respectfully, i share your humble opinion
every topic we visit eventually arrives at this "self-godhood" dead end, doesn't it?

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 12:34 AM

originally posted by: UNIT76
a reply to: tetra50
well, respectfully, i share your humble opinion
every topic we visit eventually arrives at this "self-godhood" dead end, doesn't it?

Yes indeed but what to do with knowledge that is non existent because we know not what to do, what we are or even where we are or how we got here?

The argument itself is mute but for only a spare few....and how many special humans of those in the past 500,000 years knew, remembered and altered the paradigm shattering through in escape and freedom?

I look around and wonder what is so different about our world and our awareness except maybe just maybe everything.

Those of us who recall are bringing something in and together perhaps we are altering everything.

Faith in knowing who and what we are can move mountains and alter reality obliterating the illusions of our captivity and defying death which is merely a manipulation that the enemy did to our physical bodies to control us.

They had to cut us down otherwise too many of us would wake our own powers and make them the dust they are. They are so far removed from Source that they must live vicariously through the second best thing to SOURCE.....that is Us.

edit on 3-12-2014 by Egyptia because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: UNIT76
Yes, UNIT, I'm afraid it, indeed, does….
It gets old after a while, doesn't it, just as living it does.
I wish we could move on from both the topic and the living it out, and sometime soon. In the meantime, all we can do, it appears, is fight our internal battles, and meet in places like this to give emotional support, and try to find strategies to deal with such a "reality."


posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 08:12 AM

originally posted by: Egyptia

originally posted by: UNIT76
a reply to: tetra50
well, respectfully, i share your humble opinion
every topic we visit eventually arrives at this "self-godhood" dead end, doesn't it?

Yes indeed but what to do with knowledge that is non existent because we know not what to do, what we are or even where we are or how we got here?

The argument itself is mute but for only a spare few....and how many special humans of those in the past 500,000 years knew, remembered and altered the paradigm shattering through in escape and freedom?

I look around and wonder what is so different about our world and our awareness except maybe just maybe everything.

Those of us who recall are bringing something in and together perhaps we are altering everything.

Faith in knowing who and what we are can move mountains and alter reality obliterating the illusions of our captivity and defying death which is merely a manipulation that the enemy did to our physical bodies to control us.

They had to cut us down otherwise too many of us would wake our own powers and make them the dust they are. They are so far removed from Source that they must live vicariously through the second best thing to SOURCE.....that is Us.

Out of deep darkness, sometimes comes hope, and a light…
Thanks for helping to remind us of our capacities, Egyptia.

posted on Dec, 3 2014 @ 09:22 AM

originally posted by: Egyptia
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

Everything in this world has been reversed even in simple physics not to mention beliefs and HIStory. That which has and will come to help us is that which the world has deemed the enemy. What we have been conditioned to believe is just that 'a conditioning' and a contradictory reality. The infinite is definitely from within and how we have been hacked has everything to do with how we perceive ourselves to be finite and limited.

So reversed!

Its funny and strange you mention that those who would come to help us would be seen as the enemy. I will tell you a story of a dream I had which I thought was real and perhaps it is as real as this illusion world we percieve ourselves in today.

In that dream I beheld a great goddess dressed in fine armor having come from afar she came directly to me. She spoke words to me I would never forget and with her I remained in that world, she had destroyed much of the society in a great battle on comming to our earth. She said ,"I had to fight a great war to reach you here. Do not be afraid." I didnt fear her for her beauty was intoxicating to my mortal eyes. That is all I can remember of that dream that I am willing to share, but you said they would be deemed enemy strange in that world they did fight a great battle and they won.

As to your speaking of us being hacked I have had many dreams of special operations hacking into my mind, through various types of technologies. I have also seen other forms of myself join thier space forces on multiple occasions, and I WONDER TO MYSELF WHY I WOULD EVER DO SUCH A THING. I have dreamed of being in some type of strange space boot camp/school, where we are trained to do who on earth knows what. I even have flown a few UFO's in dreams working with our sapce forces and I wonder if I have been somehow hacked.

Some dreams are strange like I am being debriefed about when and how aliens might come. Very strange stuff, these dreams come from nowhere. My answer to this debreif was that while I was dreaming I told the man of another dream I had once had where our world would decend further into chaos and things would get much worse before a great change would come in the form of our cosmic space friends. Again interesting stuff no idea what it may all mean.

I have also dreamed of various presidents one strange one president Bush had invited me to the white house and was discussing a treaty for universal peace? Why who knows? Now in the dream I was very nice calm and respectful of the president and quite suprised that I was even there, and I put my signature on the forms he requested and went along with all he said in a yes sir type of manner.

Lastly and most recently I dreamed I was deep underground in the vatican, kind of a prisoner there and for some reason I was like the human torch. I then saw them disecting me cutting into my head with tiny forms seeing what made me tick. It was all very strange, and I wonder if I was being hacked into. When the pope there spoke to me in that dream we were disscussing desire to go to the outside world, and I spoke to him of how I had lerned to be content with what was in the vatican underground and for beings like myself desire to visit the outside world wernt good. Again a very strange dream just two days ago.. . . . Really makes me wonder what on earth has been happening in my dreams? Perhaps I have been jumping bodies or something who knows

edit on 3-12-2014 by FormOfTheLord because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-12-2014 by FormOfTheLord because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2014 @ 04:19 AM
Very interesting thread, however I think the us vs them mentality is what is part of whats holding us back from real knowledge. If we could consider ourselves them as well as everything else as all is part of the infinate divine that may bring us to a kind of liberation, or set us on the path towards liberation, rather than an endless us vs them war. Of course I know everyone is pissed off at being manipulated, but if we consider ourselves to be both manipulator and manipulated, both dreamer and dreamed of object, that view may be a fisrt step in bringing about a singularity of being.

posted on Dec, 7 2014 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

I certainly wish for the manipulation and quiet genocide to stop, but unlike you, FormoftheLord, I do not seek a singularlity of any kind. I am not striving to be "one" with everyone, and do not find this principal all that healthy.
But I don't wish to debate that here, as it isn't the thread topic. What you suggest, though, also is a clever way to bring people round to being at fault for their own enslavement, manipulation and torture and murder.

The "singularity of being" you refer to seems to me to be quite frightening, actually. How many versions of the same thing do we need? Do you really believe that is necessary to stop conflict? We may already have that, and still the conflict continues…..

posted on Dec, 12 2014 @ 12:23 AM

originally posted by: tetra50
a reply to: FormOfTheLord

I certainly wish for the manipulation and quiet genocide to stop, but unlike you, FormoftheLord, I do not seek a singularlity of any kind. I am not striving to be "one" with everyone, and do not find this principal all that healthy.

But I don't wish to debate that here, as it isn't the thread topic. What you suggest, though, also is a clever way to bring people round to being at fault for their own enslavement, manipulation and torture and murder.

The "singularity of being" you refer to seems to me to be quite frightening, actually. How many versions of the same thing do we need? Do you really believe that is necessary to stop conflict? We may already have that, and still the conflict continues…..

I think you misunderstand my point, but to each thier own.

What I would like to see is an end to the US VS THEM mentality which is dividing all of humanity.

The singularity speak of is none other than god in every atom, and in my opinion is there wether we want it to be there or not, similar to the BIG BANG just is, accept it and understand in unity of non dualism you are also your enemy for you both contain the same god stuff.

posted on Dec, 20 2014 @ 09:56 PM
An interesting theory I have had for a little while of parallel universes, every possibiity exists in another universe. Meaning that there could most probably exist a universe where we are all one in the enlightenment of non duality and have infinatly attained all there is to ever attain or ever will be to attain, infinalty experienced all times, infinatly created infinate realities, infinatly done every action, infinantly seen everything to be seen, and experienced everything in every infinate universe.

Michio Kaku: The Multiverse Has 11 Dimensions
The physicist explains why other universes in the mulitverse could have many more dimensions—and could comprise Einstein's "Mind of God."

Bashar - Infinite Parallel Realities

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