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Look Out PSN...I'm Coming...

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posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 10:00 PM
Well I did it. I bit the bullet and threw down on the PS4 Destiny bundle, it should be here tomorrow. I got the "thats fine if you want a PS4, just don't put it in the living room" reaction from my other half -- but she has no idea I actually bought it.

So, for the time being I'll be just playing "Destiny", until I'm no longer poor and can afford more games. I haven't played console games in probably 3-4 years since I moved and never took my 360 out of the moving boxes!

It wasn't an easy decision on the PS4/Xbox One. I suppose since I don't care about the extra media functions of the One (since I have Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV and Blu-Ray in the living room) and the PS4 is supposedly more "game-oriented" it made more sense. I don't need the Kinect stuff either for a 2nd TV in a spare bedroom. I don't foresee myself needing to use voice commands to operate a TV that doesn't have anything but a console hooked up to it.

I'm going to have to move a bunch of Legos around to make room to hook it all up, and I just *know* the other half will make me "clean up" the house in exchange for some online play time -- but I'll be out there ...

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 11:05 PM
a reply to: MystikMushroom

I've played a bit of Destiny at a friends and read the lore. I'm dying to play but I'm not at a point where I can justify an HD TV and a new console.

Are you a lore guy at all? I'd love to hear about it firsthand. The kid I play with could care less

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 11:06 PM
Enjoy your gaming device , i played a bit of Destiny on a PS4 from a friend , it was better then i expected in terms of controls and manouverability.

I am more of a Desktop FPS player , but after only minutes i got adapted to the ps4 controls.

I do enjoy gaming consoles , even though i had the 360 and PS3 i prefer playstation , some games are not ment to be ported to a desktop.

Have Fun

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 08:45 AM

originally posted by: tavi45
a reply to: MystikMushroom

I've played a bit of Destiny at a friends and read the lore. I'm dying to play but I'm not at a point where I can justify an HD TV and a new console.

Get the console for the other games that are available. Destiny is not what you would expect. From all the promises and build up to the game I expected a huge, exploration based FPS with a deep and long story line. I expected to be spending ages building my character's gear and exploring new areas and playing end game content. But I obviously had too great of expectations.

Before I rant I want to say the music in Destiny is truly impressive. Big thumbs up to the composer. And the graphics are great. The game is beautiful to look at. The controls and gun play is probably the best I have experienced and it is that reason only that I spent as long as I did on the game (which was only about 2 weeks after buying it)


There isn't really any lore in Destiny. There is no story, no character development, terrible voice acting and the game is incredibly small and short.

The story is around 8 to 10 hours from start to finish. Most of the characters don't even have names and the areas to explore are not that big. They are beautiful but small. The missions are repetitive having you do the same things over and over. All the guns look the same.

Once you finish the story and get onto the end game content you realise there is no end game content. Just 1 raid.

All you can do is the same strike missions over and over and over that you were doing through the story anyway but on a harder setting. You can do bounties, which let you go back to places you have already been and kill so many of the mobs you have already killed or collect things. This allows you to gain reputation which can lead to epic gear that looks exactly the same as the lower sh!tty gear.

You can change the ship you fly. But you cant fly it. You can only look at it as part of a loading screen while the missions load.

There is no communication. The only way to talk to anyone is if you join a fire team. so you have to randomly invite people out of the blue and hope they join your team before you can speak. The tower (central safe zone) only allows 16 players per instance and there is absolutely no trading what so ever. So if you pick up an epic chest piece that is not for your class and somebody else has something that they cant use but you can, you cant trade with them.

You will have to buy all the future downloadable content in order to see more story. But even then it will probably be in the same places you already know with the same mobs you already killed.

To get the full game as intended and the best experience from it you may have to wait 12 months and spend over £100 over all.

I wish I never bought it. There is absolutely no reason for the producers to do this to a game. I don't blame Bungie I blame Activision. With games like Skyrim, Dragon Age, Grand Theft Auto 5 you pay £45 and you get hundreds of hours of gameplay. Masses of customisation to your characters. Areas so big to explore that you can get lost I feel like Activision are laughing at everyone who has bought this game.

Destiny was probably a huge game during development, but has been chopped up into pieces. a quarter of it was released in September for £45 and the rest will be released periodically for £20 each time. Players have actually stumbled upon locked content that is hidden on the disk for future release.

I don't mean to hate on it so much but I was so disappointed considering everything we as gamers were promised. I guess I am just giving you a heads up since you are fortunate enough not to have wasted your money on it yet. I would advise against it. GTA5 is out on Tuesday which will give you far more value for money. and Dragon Age Inquisition is out 4 days after that which again will be a far better investment.

originally posted by: tavi45The kid I play with could care less

You mean couldn't care less right?

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 08:58 AM
Hope you don't have buyers remorse like most people (including myself) who took the bait. Game lasted me a whopping 25 hours (with exotic and full legend gear) and I haven't touched it since. For the grand FPSRPG of our time, that's really sad. There's just not enough content there to keep it interesting, unless you really like performing 6 man raids on the same mission over and over again. Just a few hours after work for maybe three days, and I beat the entirety of the story mission. Was very disappointed with the title, and it certainly doesn't deserve any of the hype it gets. If you enjoy it though, I guess that's all that matters.

One thing I'm starting to get concerned about with PS4 is the availability of downloadable content. It's spoiling me... I can get a free Amazon gift card from my benefits program, buy a game on amazon, download it and play it on my PS4 within a few hours. Only problem is, you don't get to transfer those games whenever you have to sell the PS4 down the line... so those titles are simply disappearing into oblivion when you sell the console, unless they allow for title transfer in the future.

Welcome to the network. I just picked up second son yesterday, but have yet to dig too far into it. Might be another you would enjoy.

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 12:38 PM
a reply to: Silicis n Volvo

DLC is the norm now. I'm neither surprised not disconcerted by this. It's less a problem with Destiny and more a problem with the industry at large.

The lore is pretty well hidden but it's there if you look. I've been reading about it on reddit and such.

"You mean couldn't care less right?"

I think my meaning was clear. No need for grammar police :p

posted on Nov, 14 2014 @ 01:50 PM

originally posted by: MystikMushroom I got the "thats fine if you want a PS4, just don't put it in the living room" reaction from my other half --

37 married man, and ps4 owner with the same PSN name (add me as a friend). Here is a tip. Get a playstation vita. You can stream from the ps4 to the vita and playgames without need for a T.V. to be on in your house. You can sit next to your lady playing your PS4 while your lady watches her favorite show . It's freaking awesome.

posted on Nov, 15 2014 @ 03:31 AM
Well, I got my butt handed to me just playing the first time out. I had to have a friend of mine who's maxed out join me and help me fight off the first big boss guy. LOL

My girlfriend isn't to enthusiastic, but oh well. I'm entitled to having my own hobbies and interests!

Now I need some cool accessories for the PS4!

posted on Nov, 16 2014 @ 07:17 AM

originally posted by: MystikMushroom
Well, I got my butt handed to me just playing the first time out. I had to have a friend of mine who's maxed out join me and help me fight off the first big boss guy. LOL

My girlfriend isn't to enthusiastic, but oh well. I'm entitled to having my own hobbies and interests!

Now I need some cool accessories for the PS4!

Enjoy your new toy,

Got mine a few months back and only in the last 2 months since Destiny has come out and a few other games have I really started to explore what the system offers.

Its for an entertainment system in my opinion phenomenal, some of the apps allow me to watch free shows, watch free music clips, now its got youtube.

Now its a countdown as I have GTA5 pre-ordered and will arrive in just under 24 hours.

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