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Why should I be Pro-US, Pro-NATO. Here is why I am Pro Russia.

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posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 06:31 PM

originally posted by: xavi1000
Mate , you are drunk.Please explain yourself.

The rest of us know exactly what he is talking about.

Just so you know

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 06:35 PM
They are basically two systems. If the problem is systemic, why not end the system. Taking Putin over Obama is like picking democrat vs. republican, at the end of the day you're screwed.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 06:37 PM

originally posted by: ScientificRailgun
You're effectively abandoning one "Dictator" (US and NATO) for another (Putin).

How is that an informed, intelligent choice?

I've come to expect that kind of failed logic on your part.
Lets start this nice and slow. I don't want to overwhelm you.

9/, google building 7

ISIS.....made possible by US and their NATO buddies.

I just mentioned 2 sins out of 10 000 sins.
Making a choice to be pro Russia is actually extremely easy.
edit on 13-11-2014 by WineWithIce5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 06:42 PM
a reply to: nrd101



Lets see

Putin is Pro Christian values......guess who is also....ME
Putin is Pro Family Values (no gay parades and gay agenda in schools)......guess who is also into family values.....ME

Putin is against GMO food.......guess what.....ME TOO

Putin is against borrowing money from privately owned Central Banks and IMF.......WOW ME TOO ...COOL

Putin is against arming terrorists in Middle East........WHO KNEW....ME TOO

on and on

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 06:44 PM
Lots of people are very successful at this system. Maybe you're just not trying hard enough, and are looking instead for external answers to your problem. Basically what I am saying is maybe we should align ourselves within the system to destablize it from within much like a virus.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 06:52 PM
Last I heard two wrongs don't make a right. Right?

I'll take a pass but thanks.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 06:53 PM

originally posted by: nrd101
Lots of people are very successful at this system. Maybe you're just not trying hard enough, and are looking instead for external answers to your problem.

LOL, are you calling me poor.

ehheeh, I am talking morality, and you are saying "try harder at being successful in this system"

This is why I come to ATS, you guys are wacky

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 06:53 PM
I agree with the others who have commented on how it makes sense that you are anti-NATO/west. I have similar sentiments.

But how is it that you precieve Russia to be in a better position politically, ethically even...than the West? Both the US and Russia claim to be democracies but are instead both oligarchies...if not plutocracies. Both clearly have private interest steering their agendas.

Russia has their issues. And in all honesty, it doesn't make sense to support a country which uses the same broken system the West does, and claim they are better off or doing better in the world than the "others".

They clearly have no clue as to how to avoid war. As they are ramping up to confront the west. Which is really he same response most other politicians would give. So, how are they not warmongers as well? They build and sell weapons all over the world. They are lords of war just as much as NATO/ the West.

It's simple really, just stop... Or aim to stop using monetary economics. This is where the crux of global issues stands. On the shoulders of money and banking. And yet every politician on the planet is looking the other way. Hmmm, I wonder why...?

Picking sides is for the weak.

Take responsibility for what you think and do. Don't fall prey to the illusions and delusions of nationalistic and cultural identity. Becasue that my friend, is just $#!t brained thinking.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 06:55 PM
a reply to: Rosinitiate

Two wrongs don't make a right ???

I guess you missed the entire OP and this entire thread.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 06:57 PM
a reply to: WineWithIce5

Putin is also seemingly anti-Freedom of Speech and pro-Police State. And let's not also forget the human rights violations that have occurred in Chechnya under his rule. Of course these are just some of his sins.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 07:00 PM
The battlefield involves just two sides: TPTB vs. Russia.
He is siding with Russia.

originally posted by: Sparkymedic
I agree with the others who have commented on how it makes sense that you are anti-NATO/west. I have similar sentiments.

But how is it that you precieve Russia to be in a better position politically, ethically even...than the West? Both the US and Russia claim to be democracies but are instead both oligarchies...if not plutocracies. Both clearly have private interest steering their agendas.

Russia has their issues. And in all honesty, it doesn't make sense to support a country which uses the same broken system the West does, and claim they are better off or doing better in the world than the "others".

They clearly have no clue as to how to avoid war. As they are ramping up to confront the west. Which is really he same response most other politicians would give. So, how are they not warmongers as well? They build and sell weapons all over the world. They are lords of war just as much as NATO/ the West.

It's simple really, just stop... Or aim to stop using monetary economics. This is where the crux of global issues stands. On the shoulders of money and banking. And yet every politician on the planet is looking the other way. Hmmm, I wonder why...?

Picking sides is for the weak.

Take responsibility for what you think and do. Don't fall prey to the illusions and delusions of nationalistic and cultural identity. Becasue that my friend, is just $#!t brained thinking.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 07:05 PM

originally posted by: Sparkymedic
But how is it that you precieve Russia to be in a better position politically, ethically even...than the West? Both the US and Russia claim to be democracies but are instead both oligarchies...if not plutocracies. Both clearly have private interest steering their agendas.

They clearly have no clue as to how to avoid war. As they are ramping up to confront the west. Which is really he same response most other politicians would give. So, how are they not warmongers as well? They build and sell weapons all over the world. They are lords of war just as much as NATO/ the West.

It's simple really, just stop... Or aim to stop using monetary economics. This is where the crux of global issues stands. On the shoulders of money and banking. And yet every politician on the planet is looking the other way. Hmmm, I wonder why...?

When did I claim Russia is perfect, but I can in fact prove they are 100 times more moral than US and NATO

Lets count the dead.

No no don't look away, lets count the dead bodies. The destroyed families, destroyed resources, people made homeless by the MILLIONS

Too bad US can't ship all the dead to United States to burn in incinerators to produce electricity for decades.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 07:10 PM

originally posted by: WineWithIce5
a reply to: Rosinitiate

Two wrongs don't make a right ???

I guess you missed the entire OP and this entire thread.

No....not even remotely. I "caught" the premiss of the OP perfectly.

It read like this:

USA is evil.

USA is evil.

USA is evil.

Russia will save you.

What I "missed", was how turning to Russia via Putin going to free anyone? I chose not to be anyone's pawn thank you very much.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: Xcalibur254

Yeah Putin is against freedom of speech because he isn't anymore allowing Pentagon financed NGO groups that work 24/7 on fostering revolutions.

Freedom of speech in Russia is flowing very nicely but not if you are getting US dollars to "hold speeches"

Wanna disagree with Russian government, do so on your own time and money, don't be paid by US to be Anti Russia.

Of course US Mainstream never explains exactly what's going on, all they know is that crap isn't proceeding with Russia as planned

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 07:12 PM

originally posted by: Rosinitiate
USA is evil.

Russia will save you.

What I "missed", was how turning to Russia via Putin going to free anyone? I chose not to be anyone's pawn thank you very much.

You are very much a US pawn, you pay taxes don't you.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 07:13 PM

originally posted by: WineWithIce5

originally posted by: Rosinitiate
USA is evil.

Russia will save you.

What I "missed", was how turning to Russia via Putin going to free anyone? I chose not to be anyone's pawn thank you very much.

You are very much a US pawn, you pay taxes don't you.

I am a slave.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 07:24 PM
a reply to: WineWithIce5

Tell that to the thousands of journalists that have been beaten for speaking out against the Russian government. Or the 17, at least, that were found dead under mysterious circumstances. And what about the countless peaceful protests that have ended with dispersal and police beatings?

If Russia is so freedom of speech why do most Russians get their news from state-owned media outlets that are regularly criticized for being pro-government mouthpieces? Why does Russia consistently rank near the bottom of freedom of press lists from a number of international organizations? Why does Russia have some of the highest number of dead journalists?

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 07:27 PM
How about Pro-Individualism. How about Pro-Peace? How about Pro-Not Thinking WW3 Is Around The Corner?


posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: WineWithIce5
Freedom of speech is not protected in Russia, freedom to protest is not, freedom to live peaceably while gay is not.

People get beaten for protesting, people get imprisoned for investigative journalism uncovering corruption, there are angry vigilantes going out and beating homosexuals. Surely you agree thats all bad?

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 07:33 PM

originally posted by: Xcalibur254
a reply to: WineWithIce5

Tell that to the thousands of journalists that have been beaten for speaking out against the Russian government. Or the 17, at least, that were found dead under mysterious circumstances. And what about the countless peaceful protests that have ended with dispersal and police beatings?

If Russia is so freedom of speech why do most Russians get their news from state-owned media outlets that are regularly criticized for being pro-government mouthpieces? Why does Russia consistently rank near the bottom of freedom of press lists from a number of international organizations? Why does Russia have some of the highest number of dead journalists?

So which is it, 17 or thousands ???

Protests that were organized by US financed NGOs did have protests with white ribbon as their symbol. Luckily the majority of country didn't allow such subterfuge. No more US dollars to protest, from now on, you protest for free like it should be LOL

Russian people get information from Russian Main Stream Media, just like western people watch, CNN, BBC, CBC, FOX MSN.

Why does Russia rank low on freedom of press. Maybe because the ranking is controlled by US and England.

At any time you can read news in Russia that are critical of government. It is not majority view, but it is available.

Like Kevin Olary screams in Shark Tank


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