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Smoking not only is stupid, but it makes you stupid too!

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posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 12:36 PM
I always knew I was stupid for smoking, but this report says it lowers the IQ of smokers.

Given the wealth of evidence that smoking damages your health, you would have to be stupid not to kick the habit. Now a study suggests this could be a self-fulfilling prophecy, because smoking reduces your IQ.

Smokers performed significantly worse in five different cognitive tests than did both former smokers and those who had never smoked

One more reason to give up cigarettes this study was a long term one, over a fifty year span. So it is not a quickie study to give short term results

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 12:40 PM
It didn't actually say if they were allowed to smoke during the tests, maybe half way through they were gagging for a bit of nicotine so didn't perform as well as they could've done.

I've tried to quit many times, I was nearly successful over the summer but as usual a series of stressful events lead to me puffing on the evil stick again. Will it ever end?

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 12:46 PM
This is just the AMA-controlled media trying to brainwash you people again. Society needs to know the truth: That smoking is GOOD for you.

  • It excercises the lungs
  • It reduces stress
  • It's a workplace breaktime activity that provides a forum for social intercourse
  • It coats the avioli (or whatever those air sacs are) with a protective layer against bacteria and other harmful organisms
  • It provides a safe outlet for people's fascination with fire
  • Has excellent medicinal properties against bug bites if moistened and placed against the skin

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 12:50 PM
Well I think it's a couple of things that lead to bad effects. First off, natural tobacco I'm sure is alot safer that all the s@#t tobacco companies throw into their brands to make them more addictive e.t.c.

Second, too much of literally anything is bad for you. Native Americans smoked tobacco, but I think they had like one or two puffs a day and not whacking down 20-40 of that chemically induced sludge everyday.

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 12:58 PM
Comparing the difference between Manufactured cigarettes and Natural Tobacco ,..

Is like comparing McDonalds fry food,...... with a good meal made at home.

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 01:02 PM

Originally posted by smirkley
Is like comparing McDonalds fry food,...... with a good meal made at home.

Well that's open to interpretation isn't it? One does not know what type of foods everyone else uses to make a good meal at home.

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 01:14 PM
I saw some very contradictory evidence to this years ago, and had an anecdotal experience that confirmed it.

While not totally dismissing these findings on overall IQ, there has also been some work done on the links between memory and chemicals like nicotine. For example, respondents given a memory test first thing in the morning did BETTER if they were smokers and had their first smoke.

Summary (from memory): Non-smokers did average. Smokers that didn't smoke first thing in the morning did horrible. Smokers that smoked first thing in the morning, outperformed all. Somehow, you remember what you learned when in the state you learned it and nicotine seems to enhance memory transition.

Ever heard the saying, if you study for a test drunk...take the test drunk? Seems that might be true.

My anecdote was that I smoked throughout college, then quit for 7 years. pretty much became a worker bee those 7 years too. I had zero interest in anything I had studied. In fact, could hardly make heads or tales of my philosophy thesis when I went back to read it once.

When I picked up smoking again though, it all came flooding back. I'm not saying I got smarter, but my memories were more vivid, and my ability to think outside the box (etc) were dynamically improved. I was more productive, made more money...the whole 9 yards.

Mmmmm, smoking. Got to go.

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by thelibra
This is just the AMA-controlled media trying to brainwash you people again. Society needs to know the truth: That smoking is GOOD for you.

Those are bold statements, got any links to back those up?

50 chemicals which are proven or known to cause cancer speaks for itself. Not only that i'm pretty sure they dispose of industrial waste via cigarettes, toothpaste etc.

[edit on 10-12-2004 by Linux]

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by Linux
Those are bold statements, got any links to back those up?

LOL! Not really, no... it's just my typical line of BS I present whenever anyone talks about how smoking is bad for me. I figure if there's any power to positive thinking, then I will remain in good health.

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by Linux
50 chemicals which are proven or known to cause cancer speaks for itself. Not only that i'm pretty sure they dispose of industrial waste via cigarettes, toothpaste etc.

Again, we're talking about the effects of manufactured tobacco from tobacco companies here aren't we? Which we know they fill with all kinds of garbage...

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 01:35 PM
You people need to stop trusting the B.S. that the controllers and programmers are dishing out. The best thing you can do for yourselves is to study up on all the different methods of Mind Control. That way atleast you'll be able to see and smell the B.S. that is being dished out to you. IMO that is the only way you'll ever come close to figuring out what is and is not true and even then it's not going to be easy!!

Smoking lowering your IQ is just Today's Propaganda Campain in action, nothing more. However, saying that smoking is Good for you, is just as stupid and is basically Yesterday's Propaganda Campain in action. Perhaps if it's in extreme moderation it may have it's benefits, but certainly not if you're a pack a day kind of smoker or even a half a pack a day. Especially when we're talking about Manufactured Cigs. & Cigars which have various additives and chemicals mixed in.

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by mOjOm
Smoking lowering your IQ is just Today's Propaganda Campain in action, nothing more. However, saying that smoking is Good for you, is just as stupid and is basically Yesterday's Propaganda Campain in action. Perhaps if it's in extreme moderation it may have it's benefits, but certainly not if you're a pack a day kind of smoker or even a half a pack a day. Especially when we're talking about Manufactured Cigs. & Cigars which have various additives and chemicals mixed in.

I got alot of propaganda while working at RJR from both sides. Can't remember if this was from the American Cancer Society (aka "Lying Nazis" or the Tobacco lobby (aka "Lying Capitalists"), but both used it in different ways. Basically that's there's no statistical difference in the health risks of smoking one cigarette a week and three packs a day. I know it doesn't seem to make sense, and certainly wouldn't apply to say aerobic health but cancer it does.

I suppose it means smoking is so bad, cutting back is pointless. The American Cancer Society tells you that to get you to stop. Cig makers tell you so you won't cut back. There may be less tar in "lights" but if you smoke 3 packs a day, or even just 10 cigarettes, you're going to get cancer anyway. Why not come to flavor country and enjoy it?

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 01:54 PM
Scroll down to: But first, a cigarette primer
The need for nicotine is an old story. Before Camels, there were pipes, chew, snuff, and hand-rolled cigars. Commercial cigarettes only became widely available after the arrival of the cigarette-rolling machine in 1881. Now, mass produced cigarettes are the most popular vehicles for tobacco consumption -- and they are at the heart of the tobacco debate.

The cigarette: Dried tobacco leaves rolled into a neat paper tube, right? Wrong. One cigarette has up to 4,000 ingredients. One of these, of course, is tobacco. But only some of the tobacco in a cigarette comes from the leaf of a tobacco plant. Much of it is a paper-like product made from mashed tobacco stems and other extra parts of the plant.

This tobacco, known as "reconstituted tobacco" or "homogenized sheet tobacco," is artificially infused by manufacturers with nicotine and a few -- 600 or so -- chemical additives. Among the additives are nasties like ammonia (which helps deliver nicotine) and benign ingredients like chocolate (which masks tobacco's natural, unpleasant flavor).

4000 ingredients !!
What's in Cigarette Smoke?
(The good stuff in bold,... is the cancer causing agents)

And this was CONFIDENTIAL at one time not so distant.

Here's one I enjoyed,...

All the nasty numbers about tobacco.
(didnt read it all, but didnt find any suggestion it was the additives in the tobacco, just that evil tobacco.
"Toxic Tobacco Smoke" (TTS)

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 06:54 PM
hey look ma every time I moke a ret I get all my vitamins from a to v

I want some one to really prove to me that anyone has died from smoking tobacco. You know what you can not, becouse no one does!

is smoking good for you NO is it going to KILL you NO.

[edit on 10-12-2004 by comppwizz]

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 09:57 PM
Look ppl are always going to smoke. I just recently quite for a week & am thinking about quiting for good but most likely will not & will have one when i feel like having a damn smoke 2 hours ago lol. Im just cutting back cuz i can't continue to chain smoke how i once used too. The week break helped me breath better thats for damn sure though. Also cancer is not just gonna come from smoking, ppl will probably get it from the sun too so rag on that.

[edit on 10-12-2004 by AKAELI]

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 11:16 PM

Originally posted by thelibra

  • It excercises the lungs
  • It reduces stress
  • It's a workplace breaktime activity that provides a forum for social intercourse
  • It coats the avioli (or whatever those air sacs are) with a protective layer against bacteria and other harmful organisms
  • It provides a safe outlet for people's fascination with fire
  • Has excellent medicinal properties against bug bites if moistened and placed against the skin

Here is one more medical mother always blew smoke in my ear when I had an ear ache. Made it better every time!

Or....everyone comes to where the smokers are when it is evening and the bugs are out. Smoke chases mosquitoes away. So we were told.

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 11:25 PM
As I said about marajuana on another thread, smoking (in this case tobacco) can be "proven harmless" or be "proven deadly" depending on who's paying the researchers! Common sense however tells you that smoking is harmful (yes I smoke) it makes you short of breath, coughs and colds are made worse, etc. *lights up, inhales, exhales* "ahhhhhh!"yeah, cough, splutter yeah, cough cough"!

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by thelibra
This is just the AMA-controlled media trying to brainwash you people again. Society needs to know the truth: That smoking is GOOD for you.

  • It excercises the lungs
  • It reduces stress
  • It's a workplace breaktime activity that provides a forum for social intercourse
  • It coats the avioli (or whatever those air sacs are) with a protective layer against bacteria and other harmful organisms
  • It provides a safe outlet for people's fascination with fire
  • Has excellent medicinal properties against bug bites if moistened and placed against the skin

I really like your reasoning. May I add that it is a good way to control the population. Forget contraceptives, feed them cigarretts, it is addictive and it shortens your lifespan.

posted on Dec, 11 2004 @ 02:12 AM
I have compared IQ tests now and from 20 years ago.......... And my test results are no different in that time frame. (i have been smoking for 20 years)
Place Joke here X........................................................

I'm sure this was a convienient manufactured test result.


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