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My Best Rant Ever - AKA I'm Just Getting Started and Have Been Off Fluoride For 3 Years Now

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posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 01:56 PM
I posted this today on a 'Tiny House Forum' thread about how difficult it is to live within our means without paying out forever for housing.

Here's the link: tinyhousebuild

Here’s what *I* think… the codes, rules, regulations and Code Nazis (as I so politely call them) are subject to the Constitution, which is the high law of the land. THERE IS NOTHING IN THE CONSTITUTION to prevent someone from doing something that ‘doesn’t harm anyone else'; in other words, the whole idea of ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ is pretty much embodied in ‘not paying out for a lifetime to a group of bankers and their minions’ in order to have a dwelling.

SUE THEIR ASSES OFF if they come around telling you you ‘gotta this and gotta that'; we now know, oddly, that 100 SF is plenty of living space for some people; that 200 SF is ample for a book lover or most craftspeople with tools or things to store… we now know that a composting toilet is perfectly safe and sanitary, and that holding sewage at 140 degrees for a few hours produces perfectly safe fertilizer for flower beds (the Puritans threw their chamber pots onto their vegetable gardens, and then harvested dinner, not the greatest idea in the world, but they didn’t know about germs, either…). We now have the knowledge and technology to harvest rainwater, filter it and use it for all purposes, produce our own electricity (there’s another bill in the mail we don’t have to pay obeisance to), and literally live within our means, rather than sending money off to a banking conglomerate thousands of miles away who uses the money to buy our politicians, usurping the whole idea of a government ‘by the people’.

If I sound angry, I am. Madison Avenue and a herd of tax and fee-grubbing local peabrains have conspired to both convince people that they are ‘consumers’, and that they are unfree in the most literal sense of the word; we have become slaves to petty tyrants and untouchable billionaires.

Here’s something else to consider (and worthy of a massive class action lawsuit): the water and sewer systems they ‘require’ you to hook up to are providing you with water contaminated with hundreds of pharmaceuticals; you have no way of knowing what peed-out drugs are still in your water supply because although ‘they’ know it’s there, they won’t tell you for fear you might object. You are required to be hooked up to the grid lest you be evicted (!) but if you can’t pay a utility bill (and would prefer not to subsidize fracking) your power and water will be turned off; probably faster than the eviction process but I’m sure that would follow… try to build an off grid house and the wrath of local code will descend upon you; look at the tribulations of Michael Reynolds when he tried to build an Earthship out in the middle of nowhere (but was welcomed with open arms in less ‘sophisticated’ places.)

I was once told, years ago, that I ‘couldn’t build a small house’ because the neighbors (who never came forth and were never named) would object; that in an area of 250K overpriced, oversized, lawyer foyer houses, my little house would ‘reduce property values'; this would be code for ‘we can’t charge you enough for property taxes…’ Forget that I owned the land, forget that we’ve been sold a line about ‘freedom’ complete with soaring rhetoric and waving flags our whole lives, buy a piece of land and want to build something on it that isn’t ‘code’, isn’t the ‘norm’ and all of a sudden you’re a hippy rebel whacko.

It’s way past time to house everyone in adequate housing, not what in most places of the world would be considered ridiculous luxury; time to spend more time on living, not working to pay the bankers (ever notice how almost ALL the money in a mortgage goes to interest at first, and its only in the last few years that the principal is paid down…?) Why is none of this taught in school? Because they don’t want you to know.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to: signalfire

Some good points.

Mortgages, interest, principle and property value etc.

I'll forgo the chamber pot onto my vegetable garden.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 02:11 PM
Why do we even need houses? Human beings survived for (some might say) millions of years without stucco, drywall, and central heating, and did just fine for themselves.

"Modern housing" is a novelty--one manipulated by TPTB into a perceived necessity. It's simply one more thing they've brainwashed people into believing they have to buy. And it worked.

We don't even need vegetable gardens. Agriculture was also an invention of TPTB to keep the population sedentary and more easily controllable. Human beings are gatherer-hunters, not farmers.

We are so far removed from our true nature that our relationship with the planet we live on and share is now completely dysfunctional. The vast majority couldn't survive a single night outdoors on their own planet.

Frankly, that's a galactic embarrassment. Our society, however, calls it "progress".

Because words mean the exact opposite of themselves now.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: NthOther

You're nuts if you think I'm going to give up flush-toilets and toilet paper.

Some things have progressed.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: NthOther

This 100%.

We're slaves and the planet is a farm. We are most productive because there is the illusion that we are free, not surprisingly millions still believe we're free.

Nothing screams control like introducing solutions and making people reliant on the system.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 02:32 PM

originally posted by: Walkswithfist

You're nuts if you think I'm going to give up flush-toilets and toilet paper.

Some things have progressed.

Tell me, which is more "progressive":

A) Flushing free, readily available, organic (potential) fertilizer down the drain and into your nearest river or sea, by which point it is totally useless if not highly toxic;


B) Composting that potential fertilizer (poop), putting it back into the environment in a safe and productive way.

Which one?

Because A is the only option we have in an industrialized mass society. The responsible option (B) will get you the EPA knocking on your door. The irony is too much.

What does that tell you about "progress"?

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 02:53 PM

originally posted by: Walkswithfist
a reply to: NthOther

You're nuts if you think I'm going to give up flush-toilets and toilet paper.

Some things have progressed.

Not enough. I've got no problems with flush toilets; you can source the water right where you are (no money needed after the initial investment) and flush right out into a septic tank or other situation; (obviously this precludes living in a high rise); the sewage/fertilizer should be kept on site to re-enrich the soil, not sent out miles away to be fictitiously handled followed by lying to the paying public about the subject. Maybe people would pay more attention to the drugs, chemicals and poisons they were ingesting if they knew the remnants were going to stay on site.

You've been a member for three years, 30 posts and THIS thread brought you out of the woodwork? LOL.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 02:57 PM

originally posted by: SLAYER69
a reply to: signalfire

Some good points.

Mortgages, interest, principle and property value etc.

I'll forgo the chamber pot onto my vegetable garden.

I made mention of the chamber pot history because that's an example given by the Water and Sanitation Departments of 'why you need them'. Sanitation isn't rocket science, we've known what not to do for centuries now. The Humanure Handbook states to just put blackwater compost on flower beds but a few hours of UV light sterilizes it. Funny how people don't freak out about all the wildlife pooping everywhere... which when combined with leaf fall equals... good organic productive soil.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: Walkswithfist

Yeah instead of using spears and stones we use chemicals and mass produced firepower.

Instead of clean drinking water we have municipal fluoride factories.

Garbage food instead of safe ingredients.

Poison treatments to ensure returning customers.

Divide and conquer so pettiness negates unity.

Power hungry, selfish, entitled, sedentary, spoiled, ungrateful human beings.

We have progressed, many things are more comfortable. Faster, convenient, larger quantities.

Less freedom, less privacy, no choices.

I'm not saying let's all revert to 18 inch wide trails through the woods and trading bone awls for bearskins but we're on the wrong path currently.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 04:06 PM
Everything you just ranted about is the result of a corporate dog eat dog society. Corporations now have more legal rights than the average citizen. The solution? Become a corporation. Eveything you do or say becomes copyright and owned by you the corporation. Check out Jennifer Morone incorporated


posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: funkadeliaaaa

And ultimately it's a result of people wanting items and services faster, in more amounts and closer than ever.

Convenience led to complacency. Complacency led to corporate lifestyles.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 04:20 PM
Youre wrong, i think lack of education is the key issue. Without education complacency becomes endemic.
a reply to: Yeahkeepwatchingme

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 05:18 PM
a reply to: funkadeliaaaa

Education's part of it but not the entire explanation.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 06:09 PM
a reply to: NthOther

Agriculture was also an invention of TPTB to keep the population sedentary and more easily controllable.

Is this a joke?

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 10:01 PM

originally posted by: Domo1

Is this a joke?


Controlling the food supply is the ultimate form of domination. If you are dependent on them for your food, they can get you to do whatever they want.

And it's the historical catalyst for class inequality (or the very notion of class to begin with). Here's good thread that will introduce you to the idea that agriculture is not all it's cracked up to be:

The Worst Mistake in the History of the Human Race

This rabbit hole, like most of them, goes a lot deeper than that, however.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 10:08 PM
a reply to: NthOther

I honestly doubt they invented it. More likely they saw the advantage in making man sedentary and thus more easily controllable.

If you control food you control life. Literally.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 10:16 PM

originally posted by: Yeahkeepwatchingme

I honestly doubt they invented it. More likely they saw the advantage in making man sedentary and thus more easily controllable.

Indeed. "Invented" is the wrong word. It's simply another manipulation of humanity's affinity for convenience, albeit an ancient and profound manipulation.
edit on 11/11/14 by NthOther because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 10:30 PM
a reply to: NthOther

Thanks for posting that thread. I'm going to read more of it. For now I'm going to say that the advent of agriculture has vastly improved our lives.

The advent of agriculture left people more time to pursue other interests. Like music, and math, and science, medicine and art. We would not be where we are today if we spent our entire time hunting and gathering. I can see how some might argue that's a good thing, but I cannot. The whole not starving thing is nice too.

Really do appreciate your response, it's an interesting topic and your angle is not one I've previously considered.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 10:39 PM
a reply to: Domo1

Agriculture improved our lives. But there's also cons to it.

Now we're sedate. Modern man for the most part doesn't run for miles or walk around everyday looking for berries or to check traps.

As with nearly everything else, with each benefit comes the opposite.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 11:04 PM
Just curious if you could elaborate a bit on the Fluoride bit- Three years off of it, would you say it's changed anything that wouldn't change otherwise?

I live and work in the "city", and am exposed to the stuff daily- only recently awoken to the shenanigans all around me, and unable to escape just yet. I've not begun distilling my own water yet- but I would if I could find sufficient reasoning to.

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