I posted this today on a 'Tiny House Forum' thread about how difficult it is to live within our means without paying out forever for housing.
Here's the link:
Here’s what *I* think… the codes, rules, regulations and Code Nazis (as I so politely call them) are subject to the Constitution, which is the
high law of the land. THERE IS NOTHING IN THE CONSTITUTION to prevent someone from doing something that ‘doesn’t harm anyone else'; in other
words, the whole idea of ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ is pretty much embodied in ‘not paying out for a lifetime to a group of
bankers and their minions’ in order to have a dwelling.
SUE THEIR ASSES OFF if they come around telling you you ‘gotta this and gotta that'; we now know, oddly, that 100 SF is plenty of living space for
some people; that 200 SF is ample for a book lover or most craftspeople with tools or things to store… we now know that a composting toilet is
perfectly safe and sanitary, and that holding sewage at 140 degrees for a few hours produces perfectly safe fertilizer for flower beds (the Puritans
threw their chamber pots onto their vegetable gardens, and then harvested dinner, not the greatest idea in the world, but they didn’t know about
germs, either…). We now have the knowledge and technology to harvest rainwater, filter it and use it for all purposes, produce our own electricity
(there’s another bill in the mail we don’t have to pay obeisance to), and literally live within our means, rather than sending money off to a
banking conglomerate thousands of miles away who uses the money to buy our politicians, usurping the whole idea of a government ‘by the
If I sound angry, I am. Madison Avenue and a herd of tax and fee-grubbing local peabrains have conspired to both convince people that they are
‘consumers’, and that they are unfree in the most literal sense of the word; we have become slaves to petty tyrants and untouchable
Here’s something else to consider (and worthy of a massive class action lawsuit): the water and sewer systems they ‘require’ you to hook up to
are providing you with water contaminated with hundreds of pharmaceuticals; you have no way of knowing what peed-out drugs are still in your water
supply because although ‘they’ know it’s there, they won’t tell you for fear you might object. You are required to be hooked up to the grid
lest you be evicted (!) but if you can’t pay a utility bill (and would prefer not to subsidize fracking) your power and water will be turned off;
probably faster than the eviction process but I’m sure that would follow… try to build an off grid house and the wrath of local code will descend
upon you; look at the tribulations of Michael Reynolds when he tried to build an Earthship out in the middle of nowhere (but was welcomed with open
arms in less ‘sophisticated’ places.)
I was once told, years ago, that I ‘couldn’t build a small house’ because the neighbors (who never came forth and were never named) would
object; that in an area of 250K overpriced, oversized, lawyer foyer houses, my little house would ‘reduce property values'; this would be code for
‘we can’t charge you enough for property taxes…’ Forget that I owned the land, forget that we’ve been sold a line about ‘freedom’
complete with soaring rhetoric and waving flags our whole lives, buy a piece of land and want to build something on it that isn’t ‘code’,
isn’t the ‘norm’ and all of a sudden you’re a hippy rebel whacko.
It’s way past time to house everyone in adequate housing, not what in most places of the world would be considered ridiculous luxury; time to spend
more time on living, not working to pay the bankers (ever notice how almost ALL the money in a mortgage goes to interest at first, and its only in the
last few years that the principal is paid down…?) Why is none of this taught in school? Because they don’t want you to know.