a reply to:
The American people? Riiight. You know as well as I do that neither the Republicans (nor the Democrats) have been elected by "the People." A third
of the registered voters voted, and a little more than half of those voted Republican. Care to do that math?
I could have sworn that it was you that suggested the old saw of "nullification" was something new and different that no one has ever dealt with
before. You suggested that it might be a tool used by the Republican-controlled State legislators to thumb their noses at American law, and that there
might be some "debate" about an issue that was settled long long ago in American blood I might add on both "sides' of that useless conflict.
Only a few extremists still cling to the idea, and if they persist, they will likely meet the fate of all traitors.
So, now you're listening to "the media" ... suddenly they're trustworthy and right on target when they're saying something you want to hear? Fine,
let the Democrats "reinvent" themselves.
Executive privilege has been used to cover WHAT tracks? Be exact. What is the President covering up exactly?
Bah, skip it. You won't answer because there's not an answer. Obama hasn't misused Executive Privilege; he hasn't even used it as much as some
Presidents have. Check out your undoubted idol Mr. Reagan, or FDR ... now there were some virtual tyrants worth the titles.
But then coincidentally, they were both considered by history to have saved the country in their given times. I wonder how history will see Mr.
But you're correct, it IS a matter of time. It is a matter until this "new crop" of Republicans start praying in the public square, invoking God's
wrath on their perceived enemies, trying to dismantle science, education and anything else that speaks reason to the voices they hear in their heads.
I wonder if testimony will come up at the Impeachment proceedings testifying that Obama is demon-possessed, or the Antichrist or the Mahdi or whatever
insanity broils just beneath the surface of these good Christian soldiers that have been sent on to the Capitol?
Here's something you may have not thought of. What if the Democrats decided to let the Republicans loose to do exaclty what they're going to do ...
reveal exactly what rabid
statists they really are when the kid-gloves come off and they believe their own echo chamber that no one is ever
going to threaten their "power" again. With "a hundred year victory" rattling around their heads.
As I've said before ... I'm EXCITED.
I hope to see exorcisms on the Senate floor spread on C-SPAN and then around the world, certainly no later than early spring.
Let's let the freak flags fly! LOL.
edit on 0Sun, 09 Nov 2014 00:22:26 -060014p1220141166 by Gryphon66 because: Noted