posted on Nov, 7 2014 @ 01:20 PM
Toy collectors and other misc items that are geared toward children including anime series like Spiderman and his amazing friends. Those people are
being told by there own mentality that likes those things that they are supposed to pass that taste of art down to children.
Let me repeat. They are being told by there own soul that they are supposed to be having children.
The universe is screaming it at them no way you just look around your room and see all the stuff you enjoyed as a child and go I'am a completely
mature adult set in an adult environment.
Your surrounded by kids stuff because your supposed to be raising kids. the only reason you aren't wanting to raise kids is because your not living in
the area of the person your supposed to have kids with.
edit on 7-11-2014 by 9ArchaBallet9 because: (no reason given)