While the left hand plays the "hacker" card and everyone is distracted, the right hand simply types in the password.
The guys with the "password" are far more dangerous than hackers who did not engineer the system. The guys that engineer the system have password
front door and system back door access 24/7/365.
This is merely a context setup of a pretext "false flag" in the tech arena of things to blame on the usual suspects already IDd for the next phase of
global war.
90% of the American public are lobotomized cows, and those are the only cows they need to influence with these kinds of tricks and set-ups to progress
in time according to the implication already laid out between the lines: a refreshed "bogey man" complex.
The real "threat" is already in the compiled code from the engineering source from incept. It can be accessed from the front, back and the wireless
middle by technologies that can bypass the whole system infrastructure if needed.
Everything else is where they want you to look, to miss the more obvious location of the real intrigue and who it is that has engineered it to be just
so. Now everyone is running some form of this prepared system, hardware and software platforms.
Most people will not figure out who is really activating this routine, it will not actually be the usual suspect, but that aids the final cycle
Btw since 90% of monetary and investment system numbers, the "value", is all digital, literally virtual reality already, that entire realm is subject
to CGI, "computer generated illusion" at global scale and "special FX" can be run when needed in the market systems as well. The global financial
system has its own "Spielberg" and that ensures the final cycle "crash" can be a controlled implosion, it is already fictional and super computer
The ICE InterContinentalExchange exchange platform is an example of a centralizing system to run this core computing to run this final "special
effect" on the global financial complex. Derivatives scale risk buffering and computer aided systems are part of the final production "insurance"
system that can expand the profit margin. Fictional profits will be eclipsed by corporate consolidations which is the real monopolizing goal.
90% of that system is also virtual, the urban infrastructure is expendable and interchangeable for the virtual super-corporation definition that
exists mostly, as well, as digital information mostly in the realm of the "cloud". The entire model of world government is digital first, merely
applied to a very real global infrastructure going into sole super-corporate uni-polar control, the whole of the sum of these parts.
That will take 7-14 years to run the cycle present, Imo 10 years, Imo they are shooting for 2023 for initial world government unveiling and global
presentation, imo. The digital model and system will facilitate the whole final cycle to that objective. Jot it down, it takes some time and
turbulence to run that cycle globally, but that is the basic objective: world government.
edit on 17-11-2014 by 4444Winds because: (no reason given)