posted on Nov, 5 2014 @ 11:57 PM
Simple question to the people that frequent the UFO forum. More specifically, to the people that star and flag EVERY SINGLE VIDEO and don't ask
critical questions about the material. Or the people that accuse those of us with slightly more skeptical minds of being "paid shills".
The Question is this: Why is your bar set so low? I've seen you guys star and flag easily explainable videos like they were high definition video of
flying saucers landing on the white house lawn and meeting with the President. Why is it that almost anything you see that tickles your preconceived
notions is automatically a UFO, and you very rarely try to find more logical explanations for what you THINK you are seeing?
Let me add that I believe it's very possible (even probable) that there is alien life in our universe, and even in our own Galaxy. But I require more
proof of it coming here, than grainy sunspots, or easily explainable nasa footage. I have yet to see smoking gun evidence. Naturally, I will seek out
logical answers before I jump to the conclusion that something is a UFO.
I will also add that I believe people are seeing SOMETHING, and there ARE genuine UFO reports that aren't easily explainable. However, I require 100%
convincing evidence before I am willing to declare any old piece of footage a UFO. It seems like many here are simply willing to believe that anything
and everything can be used as proof of alien contact.
So why are you so easily convinced? Do you honestly believe there is a cover up to such an extent that even armchair skeptics are working for the
government? Because I could sure use the money.
edit on 5-11-2014 by DeadSeraph because: (no reason given)