a reply to:
You know, when you consider this situation from the perspective of "who benefits" - the evidence is overwhlemingly on the side of the right.
It's simple: existing businesses, particularly those heavily invested in fossil fuel industries, will lose their power.
How? A carbon tax PUNISHES these industries for engaging in a business that damages our planets atmosphere.
Those on the left, conversely, how would they benefit? I hear lots of talk about money but this is the carbon TRADE model, not the carbon tax model.
The carbon tax model is pretty straight forward. Governments tax fossil fuel industries for every barrel of oil, natural gas or coal produced. The
money collected is reinvested into renewable energy industries (as tax incentives) while a portion is returned to the public at the end of the year as
a check.
Given this picture, it is boggling - though probably not surprising - that people who subscribe to the conspiracy theory notion of climate change, not
only ascribe emotions, beliefs and behaviors to people that are wildly unpsychological - and thus not plausible - but they also conveniently ignore
the Kochs, Shells, Exxons, BPs, and Chevrons that stand to profit from a nonsensical conspiracy movement: indeed, the kochs fund the tea party: as
well as a ridiculous exhibit at the smithsonian that implies humans will "merely adapt" to a hotter world.
Forget the fact that human evolution took 200,000 years to get to where we are: and forget that fact that evolution takes place in a context. A world
with less life and less productivity will therefore provide less material for constructive evolution.
Will we "evolve" if we do nothing? Probably. But i'd prefer the term "devolve" to highlight the entirely negative and tragic nature of it; it
would be the true "fall" from grace that Christianity speaks of.
That anyone can even consider this course without sanely assessing the source of the increased c02 - its place in the regulation of temperature - and
our predictive contribution to present Co2 levels by mining and burning natural Co2 deposits, also, sadly, supports my thesis that this attitude
people assume is fundamentally rooted in a subjective way of relating as "I and It".
Even though were all human, and the concept of 'theory of mind" should hold for most of us, we've ignored the conditions that must exist for us to
relate sensibly to one another.