posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 04:30 PM
I see all of the video Call" la découvert de la tombe du visiteur" on you tube, it's in french so am i, sorry for my english...
I can't tell if this story is true but if it's, that would be the greatest discovery of our time...
I woudn't be suprise if it was real, they wound't tell about it
First, If they really found an dead Alien in Egypt, it would means that Pyramid were not constructed by Men or at least they have been help, it's
also means that there is no god... because the alien in the movie was call Osiris(the god who taught mankind everything) but he died... so it was
after all, a mortal been who call himself a god in front of nearly primal human. It also bring the question, if the taught or ancestor everything,
maybe the play a big part in our evolution to... maybe we descend from them.
They bring some good point on the fact that ancient egypt mens can have constructed the pyramid... how could they have supply the food for thousand of
worker(it's now known that they didn't used slave) if those where land worker and that they can produce food while they were working. Also, the make
some test on the erosion of the pyramid and the sphinx and they discover that the sphinx is more Corroded than the pyramid... and the only thing that
could have make this kind of erosion would have been Rain... is there a lot rain down in the desert... last time this place was Rainy,it was 11000
years ago.
The final Point is, Like the inca and the mayan, the egyptian started their Civilisation in hostile territory, and we can't tell where they found all
their technologie but it seems they had born with all of it... they already knew how to make Pyramid (like the mayan who never invented the wheel and
never forge metal)... How can you get out of the jungle and know all this... Is it more logical to work a rock into a wheel or to put Thousand tons of
rock into a Triangular formation building... How can all the ancient civilisation could have created all the same structure for the same reason...
reach the god in the sky... without having seens each other. Some One told them How...
I think this video is real... Alien are real... they are still watching us...
They even stop our nuclear missile test (for a good reason)
the Kgb Found it and hide the information but now that the agency is gone, their ex member are all in the mafia and criminal gang, they don't mind to
reveal what they Know... the only Barrier now is the C.I.A and our own Mind who do not accept the reality. With thousand millions of galaxy, who count
million stars, we would be reality selfish to think we are alone and also selfish to think that if we can't go see them, they Can't to... we can't
breath under water but fish can... alien are other Species, Different from us... Maybe there is planet where species are at the beginning of their
evolution but maybe on another one there is a species who is 50 thousands where in front of us
Maybe this Osiris who taught us everything has done the same thing to other race before us... Think, you are a little thing on the earth, i am sure
that mankind is a little thing in universe. there is only one race of human... for billion of different insect there on earth... where are the other
species of Humanoid?