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Sweden Cedes Control of Muslim Areas?

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posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 05:33 PM
a reply to: ABeing

One of the problems is also that Sweden:s social service is to wimpy when it comes to young criminal elements that are under 18 so in the high crime areas people are not caring anymore to report the crimes.

If you removed the problem children from a young age you probably would have less problems with the people around. To soft in the beginning of life and the predatory ones are taking advantage and this is not just Muslim but native Swedish trouble makers also.
edit on 4-11-2014 by LittleByLittle because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 05:52 PM
a reply to: xavi1000

The 30 orthodox immigrants you personally know, who I assume you mean are muslim, does not represent the 1.5 million other immigrants and refugees in Sweden, a great many of which are having difficulties integrating into the Swedish society.

You go to a place like Tensta, Fittja, Alby, Rosengård etc and tell me whether there are more immigrants than Swedes there, and whether it seems like a nice neighborhood compared to, for instance, the main body of Stockholm City, Gothenburg or Malmö?

Since the wave of muslim immigrants who came to Sweden earlier now also have children who were actually born and raised in this society, integration has been much easier. That does not mean, however, that every immigrant, who comes here and barely understands nor speaks neither Swedish or English is having a less difficult time integrating now than before. Little has changed. All orthodox muslims aren't immigrants, some are actually born here.

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 06:03 PM
a reply to: LittleByLittle

I agree. Not only that, but Swedish social services, like many others in the world, aren't always doing anyone any services at all. Unfortunately, too many a time the situation gets worse for the child because of inadequate support and oversight.

The areas that the article is refering to however, are like lakes in the Savannah; there's lots of nice, friendly creatures there, that has to share the space with not so nice ones.

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 06:56 PM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
a reply to: NavyDoc

I used google translate pal.

Same source from the OP, except it says nothing about Muslims.

Now this isn't me denying there is trouble in Sweden, but this is a disingenuous article from a shady right wing group.

You get what you give, and all that fluff.
Ah, buddy, pal, so you picked out the portion that you think supported your point., Do the whole thing and post it. Otherwise you don't have a complaint.

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 06:57 PM

originally posted by: CharlieSpeirs
a reply to: NavyDoc

I used google translate pal.

Same source from the OP, except it says nothing about Muslims.

Now this isn't me denying there is trouble in Sweden, but this is a disingenuous article from a shady right wing group.

You get what you give, and all that fluff.

You haven't given squat.

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 07:10 PM

originally posted by: ABeing
a reply to: LittleByLittle

I agree. Not only that, but Swedish social services, like many others in the world, aren't always doing anyone any services at all. Unfortunately, too many a time the situation gets worse for the child because of inadequate support and oversight.

The areas that the article is refering to however, are like lakes in the Savannah; there's lots of nice, friendly creatures there, that has to share the space with not so nice ones.

So you agree that there are regions with "not so nice people" in them?

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 07:12 PM
Their Viking ancestors would be ashamed...

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 07:25 PM
What about not just stopping official Swedish police presence.... What about actually ceding Muslim territory to a new non-Swedish Muslim country, right next to Sweden? Have all the Muslims in Sweden move there. That will prevent tax dollars from being spent on a people that do not want to assimilate with the dominant culture, and would in theory make it an EU problem instead.

Would it work? What of this idea?

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 07:27 PM

originally posted by: Maxpower0001
Their Viking ancestors would be ashamed...

Actually Vikings were very tolerant of other cultures. While they weren't pillaging them. Only a few instances of having to drive out Christians from their own countries iirc.

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

The OP is from a "white" or more racially oriented site, which is where people go, who are worried about the influx of immigrants in their country.

The people who are going to complain the loudest right now, are the whites of Sweden, because that is who is from that country. Some are going to be racist, some are just worried as a whole.

The swedish government wont mention race, they have decided that even to mention race is racist, so they wont do it. Therefore, you wont find anything official out of Sweden that says anything about this race or that. Ever.

Now, as we all know, the more immigrants you have over short periods of time, it follows that there is little to no integration into the society to which they are immigrating. The immigrants, when there are many of them, will keep away from the rest of society and deal with others who speak the language of their birth and don't integrate well into the new society.

That is a fact of immigration.

What we see in Sweden, is that they are allowing large numbers of immigrants in, to the tune of having over 1.3 million people, in a country that only houses 9.6 million, actually foreign born - at least in 2011. And they are adding large numbers every year since. That is a large portion of the population that has immigrated since their birth.

That is great that they are taking in so many immigrants from the various wars ect. but it will create a problem in the country... because there is, with these numbers, a lack of any actual integration - or at least makes for integration being a much slower process, taking multiple generations instead of years.

What you are hearing is the loudest people complain - and they are going to sound racist. But its not race they are worried about, they are worried about the very real changes in their society due to the immigration that has been happening in such large number.

They may be exaggerating some, but maybe even not as much as you may think... its fear you are hearing.

edit on 4-11-2014 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 08:39 PM
Here's another Hmmmm'r

You’re free in Sweden to be critical of immigration, those in power, or people identifying as “LBGT” — at least within the confines of your mind. But dare express those views, even on the Internet, and you can now be more easily prosecuted under a new law taking full effect after Christmas.

We recently learned about how anti-immigration Internet commenters in Sweden were tracked down and persecuted.

New Swedish Law Criminalizes Anti-immigration Internet Speech


posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: xuenchen
This kind of behaviour on the part of a national government is nothing less than outrageous.
They are creating terror enclaves within there own border's, there Sharia Law will be obeyed and cited including slavery and the beheading of non believers even if it is done in secret, the Swedish girls who end up there and do not want to marry there Muslim boyfriends will find out far too late what fool's they have been and those with too strong a will to break will be chained in dingy cellars.

When a country get's to this state it is time to serve notice on the immigrants (who is Sweden's case are mostly only rooted there within the past 30 years) and send the army in to evict these foreign squatters from there land for the sake of there national security and there own children's future.

They will also become enclaves as we suffer here in the UK of massive illegal immigrant populations and illegal employment of these illegal immigrants from mainly outside the EU.

This can be fixed with one modification to EU law, stop free movement of first and second generation immigrants to the EU and force the existing law that say's whatever country they enter first has to deal with there asylum and immigration claims, when those country's who are a backdoor into the EU for these illegal's have to deal with the problem themselves rather than foisting it on everyone else, then and only then they will change there tune and stop the illegals from entering the EU in the first place, the globalists who hijacked the EU and are the reason for it's failure have had there theory's totally proven to be totally wrong as our nations crime rate's, benefit burdens and cultures have been turned into hell by there nefarious globalist plots so we should consider criminalising there anti patriot agenda.

My ex friend who betrayed me in the worst possible way by helping people who had defrauded my mother told me a tale from when he as a dual nationality British/Swedish citizen lived in Gothenburg, they had free bicycles as part of a city scheme and you took them then dropped them off at stations were they could be used by others, they were maintained by the city, no sooner had Sweden entered the EU and opened it's borders than the country's biggest every crime wave began, off the ferry's caravan upon caravan of Irish Travellers moving in to capitalize in Sweden's generous benefits, within a week the bikes had been stolen by thieves from one of the other states who simply packed them onto a lorry and drove them back over the border, house burglary's, rape's and muggings went through the roof as these day tripper criminals capitalized on the soft Swedish justice system and the fact that they could simply skip back over the border.

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 09:13 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

These governments are also in deep debt.

Somebody is giving them orders.

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 10:32 PM
I presume the people classed as immigrants in most of Europe, would be the Middle East/Turk Muslins, Africans etc?.

If someone, from Australia/NZ/Canada/USA of white European heritage, would Not be considered an Immigrant?

In the usual typical PC of white people, its funny how only Dark or black or Asian (Oriental of course) people are allowed to claim "Belonging to the Land" or sacred sites that their land is their land.
The Chinese people own China, anyone not Chinese is a foreigner, same throught Asia, Japan, India, Africa.

But a White person, a Native of only one place in the World, not allowed to have his "Own" land of Europe, his sacred attachment to the Earth his ancestors came from, because we all came from the same place.......he says.

Strange, try telling that to a Chinese person that he is not really from China, or any other Native peoples that still live on their land.

Ms. Merkel has already said the immigrant (Turks/Muslins) experiment has failed.
Time to load the boats, and fire up the Barbies........or so it seems it may be heading.

posted on Nov, 5 2014 @ 12:26 AM

originally posted by: xuenchen
a reply to: LABTECH767

These governments are also in deep debt.

Somebody is giving them orders.

Who ever it is, Rothschild's spring to mind but that may be too easy to point the finger, they do this through the Bilderberger group (the gat world trade organization was another of there project's to accelerate the destabilization of internal monetary and corporate control by nations as they try to move to a world of corporate governments and remove democracy once and for all) and most senior members of this group are based in Europe, there agenda is definitely Globalist but destruction of the European races and cultures as well as identity which they are working toward seem's more like an act of wanton revenge and an attempt to destroy a house that was solid by rotting it's very foundation's.

They are doing this to bring down the more dangerous house that stands in the way of there goal but then and are perhaps currently setting that house against it's oldest rival whom they also have a vested interest in seeing the destruction of.

I am part Jewish by extraction and Hate with absolute emotion anti Semitism as most jewish people are no different to anyone else but there is no getting around the fact of motive, and that small extreme sects who hide behind this identity weather they have a right to or not with extremely powerful monetary control and the old 'Rothschild' way of making money from calamity would suggest one possible suspect but one only out of many but let's analyse that suspect a little.

Indeed there real wealth and power though much older reached nation ruling levels (though they had already indebted the Bavarian king) by funding both sides in the Napoleonic wars and making use of a far superior method of communication to what everyone else had, Rothschild knew of the Wellington's success at the battle of Trafalgar over Napoleon Bonaparte, he had funded both sides and had both sides tied into cast iron contract's that bound them to high interest repayments that virtually bankrupted the British Government and the Bank of England, he received word a day ahead of everyone else in London of how the battle had gone and of Napoleons defeat which he was expecting, then he started selling off shares - stocks and bond's as fast as he could in bulk, shares in British institutions, because the other traders and speculators knew he knew what had happened they assumed Napoleon had won and Britain was lost along with Europe.

However this was exactly Rothschild's plan and he had built up this reputation over decades, they are patient and cunning if rather dishonest, then everyone seeing what they thought was Rothschild saving his wealth started panic selling and Rothschild snapped up the shares and bond's at bankrupt prices gaining thousands of time's what he had sold becoming the Owner of the Bank of England and the Country itself in everything but name.

They hold secret mineral deeds and right's to most of South America's asset's, to many African country's and no nation dares go against them for the simple reason they are so powerful they can bankrupt nations at the flick of a pen and cut off there trade, crash there currency etc, the only country that has stood up them was Israel the country they boasted they had founded.

So could they or someone rather like them, perhaps there successor on the power tree be behind this ploy to destroy the integrity and national identity of Europeans, culture and religion as well as there very races.

I would say yes but point out it is not race that is the reason it is greed and power but also the fact they are simply a group of evil men, apparently very likable in some cases from someone I knew who knew one of them personally well back in the 60's but they are at time's evil nonetheless (Though they have also been good in the past when Rothschild thought he could help the poorest which is another story from before wealth and power corrupted his descendant's with decadence) and in a perverse twist they actually may see themselves as the good guy's, maybe some of them genuinely are, they remember are only one potential suspect and innocent until proven guilty but I rest my case for the moment.

edit on 5-11-2014 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2014 @ 12:59 AM
a reply to: NavyDoc

You might want to read the three first words of the second sentence that you quoted me on, and it will answer your question.

But, since I assume you also misunderstood my point, I'll clarify it for you.

What I meant with the savannah analog, is that these are areas where people have to be, whether they like it or not. The individuals of the community who are not involved in criminal activity, unfortunately, have the share the space with those who are.

Perhaps it's a bad example comparing it to a lake in the savannah. In that case, my fault. I hope I made my point clear now.
edit on 5-11-2014 by ABeing because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2014 @ 02:48 AM
Time for PC is way past. These pages like many other will be a testament of time. Western born converted muslims sholud understand, they are not true reps of the islamic community. Being born and bred in the west gives you a unique, but destorted image of the faith they embrace. The version told to attract new followers. I fear for Europe, i fear for any democratic state. Because that same democracy will be the foothold to bring our western society down.

Not a doom porn by any means. It just hard cold math.

posted on Nov, 5 2014 @ 03:38 AM

originally posted by: NavyDoc

originally posted by: ABeing
a reply to: LittleByLittle

I agree. Not only that, but Swedish social services, like many others in the world, aren't always doing anyone any services at all. Unfortunately, too many a time the situation gets worse for the child because of inadequate support and oversight.

The areas that the article is refering to however, are like lakes in the Savannah; there's lots of nice, friendly creatures there, that has to share the space with not so nice ones.

So you agree that there are regions with "not so nice people" in them?

Of course there are places where a criminal element are destroying the neighborhood and the people who come here do not really have that much choice in where they will live so nice people are dumped in bad neighborhoods.

It also have to do with Swedish building policy where Swedish companies make more money on there being a lack of housing and apartments to increase cost of living. And this is a problem for everyone in the city regions not just first generation Swedish. If you had more affordable apartments and housing in the city regions and dispersed the population more you would not have the clustering problem we have in Sweden where native Swedes with money leave a region to get away from the criminal elements that we are to soft on.

This is problem of law enforcement not getting the tools to be harder on crime in these areas. But on the other hand Swedish police is on the side of it citizens compared to some other countries so I am not sure how much I want the Swedish police to get harder on crime. Swedish police are very easy to talk to and are normally not assholes if they do not have a bad day.

edit on 5-11-2014 by LittleByLittle because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2014 @ 03:38 AM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

What they report happens to be true though. You're always on here defending muslims, yet what people report are largely true, fire fighters and police DO get attacked in these NO GO ZONES!.. do you comprehend the meaning of those words?

Are you denying that there are no go zones all over Europe? For the natives? In their own damn country.

They should send in the army if the police gets attacked, I can't believe I'm saying this, but we Swedes could use some American cops over here, these muslims don't respect the authorities at all, in fact they're in a low intensity conflict with the state while they're getting hand outs by the same entity. It's such a joke, and brainwashed liberals like yourself is the reason it has gone this far in the first place.

Some thugs in Denmark got pulled over by cops, what happened is these immigrant criminals called their friends, they turned up with baseball bats and confronted the cops.. that's how you get shot in any other country outside of Scandinavia.
If they had some balls and weren't so afraid of the media labelling them racists they'd start kneecapping these sons of bitches left and right. See how tough they are then, at least use rubbet bullets or something for God's sake.

Essentially ceding territory to these pseudoterrorists for fear of offending self righteous politically correct assholes without even a hint of self distance is embarassing in the extreme. If we had any sense we'd send these bleeding hearts to Saudi Arabia and see how they'd get treated by the religion of peace. That'd be poetic justice.

posted on Nov, 5 2014 @ 06:17 AM

originally posted by: MarkJS
What about not just stopping official Swedish police presence.... What about actually ceding Muslim territory to a new non-Swedish Muslim country, right next to Sweden? Have all the Muslims in Sweden move there. That will prevent tax dollars from being spent on a people that do not want to assimilate with the dominant culture, and would in theory make it an EU problem instead.

Would it work? What of this idea?

My suggestion is to cede.... but cede to the extent that they have their own country. Where they are not taking Swedish benefits any longer, because Sweden gave up that land to them- so that they form their own little country in the EU.

No one wants to comment on this suggestion? Would it fly?

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