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My Version of Kill Theory

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posted on Dec, 9 2004 @ 10:19 PM
Did a meteor kill of the dinosaurs or were all of the dino's killed by man? My theory is that man was extremly threatened by the dino's as were their women and children. Just image your son is out playing and a sneaky raptor comes up and kills your child and drags him/her away. I think it would be time for revenge and the party would go out to KILL! Just imagine how the great hunters of the tribe would be loved and admired for killing the beast that drug away their children. I would even go as far as to say that all tribes banded together to make the earth a safer place for all mankind by ridding the planet of the horrible beasts. Do you remembere the tazmanian tiger that was killed off and countless other species why not the dino's?

posted on Dec, 9 2004 @ 11:00 PM
Because dinos died a 160 million years befor we evolved

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 12:03 AM
Croat 56, please dont discourage Growling lion, he has a point. I saw the size of those barbequed ribs the waitress put on fred flintstones car!
We ate em all!

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 12:29 AM
Other than the time angle (which I just don't see beating on this one) mankind could not have formed tribes anywhere the dinos were. Raptors, etc. would have killed man off before any tribe could form. Now if man evolved in cold climes or deserts and then moved in mass to the dino realms you might have an argument except- time.

I understood that dinos died off from intestinal troubles anyway, is this not true?

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 12:37 AM

I understood that dinos died off from intestinal troubles anyway, is this not true?

See there ya go croat56, those tribsmens kids they ate, gave em intestinal blockages and really bad indigestion, thats what killed em. Then we ate em! 2 points for growling lion!

Seriously, if it wasnt an impact as postulated, im guessing perhaps a virus pandemic affecting primarily reptiles. perhaps something like bird flu etc.
Who knows what virus and bacteria were mutating in the warm humid enviroment 65 million years ago???

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 12:42 AM
well if man was around when the dinos were(or the other way around), there would probably already be evidence of it, how many times do scietist go through old dung holes to see what people ate? by now there would have a lot of "Unknown" foods found in their crap.

Or we would've found Ornamental Jewelry, i mean think about, You go through all that trouble to kill a freaken raptor, and your not gonna make boots, a necklace, or wear its' skull as a hat! also how deep and decayed the fossils are compared to human remains is also an indication. Also those cave paintings with men hunting deer , you probably wouldve found of Men hunting lizard type cave drawing. i hope these thoughts help bud

[edit on 10-12-2004 by bordnlazy]

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 12:45 AM
And what did they kill the dinos with spears? I have a hard time believing it could penetrate their tough scales.

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 01:17 AM
Obviously dinasours were kind hearted, in fact they co-existed with humans in peace.


posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 01:18 AM
What kind of dinosaur was Dino anyway?

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 09:35 AM
If we did kill dinos, Wouldn't we skin them for clothes and use their bones for weapons? Have we found those yet?

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by newkids123
If we did kill dinos, Wouldn't we skin them for clothes and use their bones for weapons? Have we found those yet?

This goes against the grain of intelligence but......
do you know how fossils are made? bones above the ground not buried in sediments wouldnt last 65 million years anyway, and skins certainly wouldnt!
moot point.

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 11:22 AM
You can always get a good argument going about what killed off the Dinosaurs at the end of the Cretacous 60 Myears ago.

When I was a kid, everyone believed that a possible cause was Roy Chapman Andrews' "Racial Senencence" hypothesis, where he suggested that, as the Jurassic gave way to the Cretaceous and as the Cretaceous neared its end, the dinosaurs got "weirder" looking, as evidenced by some of the ceratopsian fossils he found and died off as a race because their 'time had run out'.

Despite Andrews' cred, I don't think anyone today buys that, especially since the Alvarez father and son gave so much data on the impact of the famous Chicxulub Strike and the Iridium layer and all.

But there are still a lot of folks who believe that, due to either worldwide climatic change, or as a result of the Deccan Traps, dinosaurs were on their way out anyway, and the Chicxulub comet strike just sort of hurried things along.

posted on Dec, 10 2004 @ 07:22 PM
Whoops! Lets move my kill theory back about 10000 years when there were saber-tooth tigers and wholly mammoths and any other dangerous animal - I propose that these were killed off by man.

posted on Jan, 7 2005 @ 11:54 PM
What if dino tracks and human looking tracks were found co-mingled, sometimes the obvious dino track on top, other time under the human track? so far i have seen tons of sites relating to such things- most are admittedly Creation-science- but then why would a "earth-sciences guy" (ESG) want to say anything about something that caused ALL of their theories to fall apart????? seems like there would be quite some effort to discount it or ignor it because such records are likely to be extremely rare- after all how many preserved tracks have been uncovered of man and bear together- i'll venture a guess at not many or none. hmmm.

what about the presense/ signifcance of DRAGONS in many cultures? doesn't seem to me that there is much of a leap from one scalely creature of immense proportions to another. seems nearly every acient culture has stories of man fighting and subduing dragons. mayhaps these are not ALL made up ad fantasy. hmmm.

seems to me if the above were the case either: 1. man has been around a lot longer than previosuly proposed by the ESG's or 2. Dino's didn't live "millllllllions" (zillions, trillions- ie anything with lots of zeros) of years ago and perhoas their dating system is screwed up. (comments on the circular reasoning of ESG's reservered for some future post)

just some simple thoughts

posted on Jan, 8 2005 @ 05:35 PM
I don't think we'd be here right now if the dinosaurs lived at the same time as us. If a charging elephant can put up a heck of a fight against us now, even with our weapons, imagine what a rampaging T-rex would do.

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by Webmonkey336
I don't think we'd be here right now if the dinosaurs lived at the same time as us. If a charging elephant can put up a heck of a fight against us now, even with our weapons, imagine what a rampaging T-rex would do.

I think man would kill t-rex. Just imagine the admiration of killing a t-rex.

posted on Mar, 2 2005 @ 11:55 PM
Its well understood that a fire can cause carbon dating to be off right? If indeed they died a fiery death engulfing the whole or most of the Earth, would that not have a severe impact on our carbon dating methods of today? Maybe Dinos arent as old as we think. I personally dont rely or believe in carbon dating as I think it is seriously flawed as I believe most scientific theories are.

posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 02:49 PM
actually Raptors>humans. They have the same level of intelligence as dolphins and are much more capable in killing than us.

posted on Mar, 4 2005 @ 03:49 PM
I remember reading somwhere that the importance of dragons grew from the bones of dinosaurs that the ancient civilizations found i mean think about it if someone were to stumble across something that large with no prior knowledge of them it wouldn't take much to spark a following and hundreds of stories

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