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Homeopathy and energy medicine

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posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 10:44 PM
a reply to: Bedlam
no I didn't know about the journal.

I do know there is more to this world than meets the eye though and until you have fought against some of these psychos you could not imagine what is really out there.
I have proved telepathy is real although how can you show someone else I've proved we can think the future over the course of a 2 year period every day I would get at least one thought up to 5 thoughts on one day and then it played out I proved this to lots of people who were around me at the time telling them what was about to happen but the majority of the time it was the most superficial things.
I've predicted various disasters the day before But I explained that to myself by thinking that possibly the metal in our body acts like a receiving antennae and the people who are doing these atrocities put out a message via a frequency or something and then people pick these up and think they are psychic, I try and find logical explanations as far as possible

regarding Tesla its easy to create division this is how they control our world by swamping us with lots of BS,
I'm sure he had a patent on anti-gravity machines in 1913 and that he was photographed in one of the american newspapers waiting at a set of traffic lights with the caption saying new invention Mr Tesla by a passer by, I don't know why I think this as it says teslas patent for anti gravity was in 1928 but I thought the first ufo spotted was in 1918 and automatically tied the 2 together.
Being backed by morgan and rockerfellers backing of Edison ensured the two business partners got all the goodies even if they couldn't understand it Tesla was the one who worked out the lightbulb for Edison and once he had he quit saying it had no value due to the bulb working for 30 odd years all Edison did was take out 1% of the gas making it economically viable.

they say the reason we can't recreate teslas work is because they have changed the measuring system but I don't understand this so can't comment really
I do wish I knew more and trying to work stuff out is not easy but people should never say this and that doesn't work because we are not that intelligent overall as a species which is why it has been so easy to manipulate us whoever or whatever that is.

I will try and get that Paxton talk as he states the tests they have been done on it or if someone knows the chief engineer of NASA
maybe he can give us the lowdown,

posted on Dec, 4 2014 @ 10:59 PM

originally posted by: jinni73
I'm sure he had a patent on anti-gravity machines in 1913

What was the patent number?

and that he was photographed in one of the american newspapers waiting at a set of traffic lights with the caption saying new invention Mr Tesla by a passer by,

What was the date and name of newspaper?

they say the reason we can't recreate teslas work

Who exactly says that?

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 07:47 AM

originally posted by: qmantoo

I have quoted both your comments. If I understand this correctly you are saying that in your opinion the Chinese and their TCM and other cultures which have shamans, witch doctors and the like are all mass believing themselves well just because you do not have the 'proof' you need to pronounce the therapy effective. If that is so, then your pronouncement is extremely arrogant.

No. They would have gotten well by themselves, TCM or no. They didn't have to "believe" it. Also, you've gotten it's not that I require "proof" to pronounce it effective, it's been proven that it's NOT effective. Like Reiki and the like. Sham TCM is as effective as "real" TCM. Same with Reiki and the other "energy medicines".

As I said, they have an effective current system of TCM running and it was even here before western medicine for thousands of years. How do you think they managed without western medicine? See how wrong you are?

For thousands of years, everyone thought you could create mice with some wheat and a shirt. See how wrong they were?

There are hospitals and clinics dedicated to TCM and so do you REALLY believe they would have whole hospitals just set up for people with colds and runny noses and a little sciatica? In most hospitals there are separate pharmacies for both TCM and western medicines so it is very much still a method of healing which is practiced today.

Why, pray tell, do they have western medicine at all? Hmm?

Energy medicine works and it has been shown to work for thousands of years.

Until you test it objectively, then bupkes.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 06:10 PM

Like Reiki and the like. Sham TCM is as effective as "real" TCM. Same with Reiki and the other "energy medicines".

Until you test it objectively, then bupkes.

Ok, thanks for the clarification. Then I guess we have to differ in our opinions and beliefs too.

To me there is overwhelming proof that it does work. That proof comes in the form of thousands of years of results from energy medicine and whats more, folks get better after it is applied.

Could it be placebo effect on humans?
Yes, but not on animals - and this is where any placebo effect theory breaks down.

Could they have got better on their own? Yes, some would have but others probably would not have. ie humans may have due to the placebo effect, but not animals.

There is also the healing-at-a-distance, which for religious people has sometimes been "miraculous". This appears to work too and is probably all tied up with the "thoughts are living things" idea which occultists have entertained for years. Check out Radionics which is often used on animals but also well-known in the racehorse racing world. Maybe it is because there are no drugs involved yet a number of trainers seem to think it is effective.

I think we will eventually find out and come to the conclusion that all things are made of energy and so energy medicine is another way to 'fix' what needs modifying, creating or deleting in our energy construct.

I guess you dont believe in acupuncture, prayer, ghosties, aliens, or any of the other things in this reality which cannot be pinned down and objectively proved by science?

Anyone who needs objective proof for everything will experience an huge life-changing moment when there is a personal experience which cannot be explained by science. Unless of course they can leave it as unexplained until it has proper investigation and scientific study applied to it. It may be that this moment will not come until leaving this earth, but if consciousness ends at the moment of death then we are all snuffed out like candles and we will know no more. In that case, everything has just been an academic exercise and life is truly pointless.

posted on Dec, 5 2014 @ 06:22 PM

originally posted by: qmantoo
There is also the healing-at-a-distance, which for religious people has sometimes been "miraculous". This appears to work too and is probably all tied up with the "thoughts are living things" idea which occultists have entertained for years.

And yet, praying for sick people has also been tested and you get the same level of improvement you get with sham Reiki - same recovery rate as the control group.

I think we will eventually find out and come to the conclusion that all things are made of energy and so energy medicine is another way to 'fix' what needs modifying, creating or deleting in our energy construct.

But "energy" as used in physics and "energy" as used in woo are not the same thing. So when a Reiki practitioner claims to transfer energy to someone, they are not using the word in the same sense that, say, myself or mbkennel would. Thanks for that one to Blavatsky.

I guess you dont believe in acupuncture, prayer, ghosties, aliens, or any of the other things in this reality which cannot be pinned down and objectively proved by science?

I have found acupuncture to be...interesting. But I find that a really hard cupping session and hot stones gets me farther than a long acupuncture session, in terms of helping out the sore parts. Prayer - well, I can't say. Ghosts, no, although I've been in places that had a lot of activity I couldn't explain. Aliens, no. I believe in lichens, though. Both red and black. Although the red ones are sort of dark maroon instead of a nice red. I believe in weird looking cliff dwellings, and personally I'm of the belief that they were dwellings and not odd rock formations, even though there's no artifacts anywhere that have been found. You'd think you'd find pots or beads.

Unless of course they can leave it as unexplained until it has proper investigation and scientific study applied to it.

That is me in a nutshell.
I've had several experiences I couldn't explain. I just don't jump to the conclusion "...therefore,aliens". It's more "Wow, that was very interesting. What was it I just saw/heard?"

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: hellobruce

It was about 10 years ago that I was looking into tesla and I can't remember where I read all of this It was possibly In a book called wheelworks of nature although I'm not sure I just remember seeing the article and linking it with the first UFO sighting 5 years later and thinking that makes sense, the guy who has worked out that we are using the wrong measuring system has a website and written a book on it here's the link again

edit on 14-12-2014 by jinni73 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 04:37 PM

originally posted by: jinni73
the guy who has worked out that we are using the wrong measuring system has a website and written a book on it here's the link again

Seems to be you are just flogging a book, as there is no information on his measuring system there, you have to buy the book to read about it!

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 06:20 PM

originally posted by: jinni73
...the guy who has worked out that we are using the wrong measuring system has a website and written a book on it here's the link again

You DO realize you can make up pretty much any measuring system you'd like, and simply convert between them as you like? They're all equally valid.

You can normalize whatever makes your maths come out, and that will become "1". The other units scale to fit as needed.

For example, mbkennel uses a set of units where c is unity. That makes his maths easier. That set of units is just as valid as engineering units which I use, because I'm a masochist and I really like English and metric natural units with weird ass values you constantly have to look up.

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 06:24 PM
a reply to: Bedlam
Using c is silly.
I think the velocity of a swallow should be used as the standard.

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 06:37 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Bedlam
Using c is silly.
I think the velocity of a swallow should be used as the standard.

African, or European? And laden, or unladen?

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 06:55 PM
I nominate the speed I leap out of bed when realise I've overslept my alarm clock (under perfect conditions, of course).

posted on Dec, 14 2014 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: Bedlam

No, no, no. Too many variables. I propose we launch a swallow from a rail gun in for the sake of consistency.

posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 05:04 PM
a reply to: hellobruce
right well I'm not selling a book all I'm trying to do is find out the truth which is what we all should be doing.

There must be one system that ties into everything which is what the website implies if he's trying to just sell a book then the guys an arsehole as this should be put out there for everyone, although other parts of the website show that he isn't an arsehole.

posted on Dec, 17 2014 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: jinni73

"Finding out the truth" does not mean credulously swallowing every hair brained idea you stumble upon. Some ideas are just stupid. That website is one of them.

posted on Oct, 28 2021 @ 05:48 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


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