posted on Nov, 2 2014 @ 08:21 PM
So I am in need.
I need someone to recommend me a good science fiction movie.
I think I have seen EVERY science fiction movie ever made for the most part. Well, not exactly but I would say I have a good chunk of whats available
already under my belt.
I need something new. I have resorted to watching crappy C list science fiction movies since I have also seen all the good B movie ones for the most
I am fully caught up with everything ever made up to the late 90s. 100%. That even includes most TV and movies not limited to Sci-fi. I am a "dream
on" sort of person. I was partly raised by 80s and 90s TV and film.
I have seen almost every major release since the late 90s but with more holes and like I said, most B movies as well.
What else is there? I am tired of watching things over and over again.
Can someone recommend a good science fiction movie I may have missed?
I am tired of seeing disgustingly bad movies with bo-tox laden Hollywood rejects and silly ass effects, TERRIBLE plots and just absurd everything.
This is what I have resorted to. I have just started watching video game movie clips when I just need a good sci fi fix and cant sit through one of
these B or C list movies.
Please help me.
edit on 11 2 2014 by tadaman because: (no reason given)