Finally, you can also try this:
"I call on our UFO brothers and sisters to surround all nuclear sites, all nuclear submarines, and all nuclear aircrafts and never allow them to go
It needs to be said again that everyone, that is if you're from a small country without nuclear weapons, needs to do this(this is one of the keys,
it's called power of mass consciousness), and do so once a week. This will ensure that the game is played fairly, and that all countries can now
protect themselves with conventional weapons, and if any country acts as an outlaw, then the rest can simply punish them, without fear of MAD(hence
true equality). The U.S themselves simply cannot be the judge. Many of their citizens, while many are genuinely kind-hearted, others are just thugs
and bullies who think that relying on guns and violence makes them tough. It occurs to me that reading the articles, it seems to me that only those
who have read my comments understand the concept of honor and justice. Therefore, I will quite frankly, say outright that I will be the judge, and I
have made this request to the UFOs:
"Anyone who willfully and intentionally commits evil, and that is, anyone who has sufficient knowledge of the supernatural, yet still commits evil,
will get quintuple penalty in their next life, from this point forward." And while I haven't gotten an answer "in my heart" as to their answer, just
know that I have made a request so that you will not be able to feign ignorance or abuse the process, when you die. Yes, this includes all ATS
members, and especially the Chinese, because I'm tired of them acting like thieves and thinking that there will be no consequences, so I'm going to
add an extra dare, and see what they'll do. As far as ATS members, I think many of them are the true kind-hearted people I referred to(probably due to
their knowledge of UFOs), however, I'm starting to see some fakeness in their belief in equality, and think that they are the #1 force on this planet,
despite obvious evidence to the contrary.
Anyway, the way the universe works is not very straightforward. If you killed out of ignorance, then you will actually get less penalty than if you
commit a lesser crime, but have sufficient knowledge of the supernatural. See, back in Jesus's days, he HAD to perform those miracles, because there
were no mass communication media, and it was more difficult to get people to believe through logic and reasons, and because there were no mass
communication media, he knew he wouldn't be able to get everyone to believe instantly, i.e there is free will/choice, in other words to continue/start
the search for knowledge and not just being spoonfed and violate the The Right-Not-to-Know(to put it simply, if you want Jesus to appear or the Second
Coming to happen these days, you need to take a "leap of faith," and do what that video says(and get everyone else to do the same), instead of waiting
for someone to perform miracles). These days, especially those who have been on ATS, should have already sufficient knowledge(and I've been
intentionally leading the Chinese here, just to make this point.) Basically, the teachings must fit the mentality of the people at the times, and
right now, I would say that I have already imparted sufficient knowledge of the supernatural, for everyone who has regularly visited ATS the past few
months to believe. But if you want them to show real miracles, then once again, do what that video says. Here it is again:
Scroll down to what that guy bonk2061 says, as he's gotten some of the parts that I've discovered. However, there is a lot of this process that he
hasn't learned yet, for example, suppose you were to request that all technically advanced conventional weapons be destroyed, then they will not
necessarily be able to do this, as the countries who are numerically inferior will not be able to fight against countries who are numerically
superior. Basically, it will be seen as a violation of free will of one group and meddling in human affairs way too much. They will interfere with
nuclear weapons only. That's because if you die, then you simply exit the game. If you die by nuclear weapons, then you're going to have to go through
all the experiences of multiple lifetimes again, and that includes all the painful ones, and that is much too severe.
The thing to remember is that, at this stage, they will not appear unless absolutely necessary, which brings me to this point, be very wary of the
Chinese. Again, they will not necessarily interfere in a conventional war(well, unless the casualties are so high that they'll have no choice but to
appear). There MAY come a point when we will have to fight them conventionally, and if you keep feeding them, both literally and economically, then
you will surely regret it.
edit on 2-11-2014 by np6888 because: (no reason given)