posted on Oct, 31 2014 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to:
I agree. First Bush is going to get resurrected as a God fearing Republican. Then they're going to say "Well, if he was right about this, then what
else was he right about?" and start promoting his new world order crap like the illegal Patriot Act or any number of the schemes that Cheney and him
cooked up.
Then in 2016 when Hillary gets elected she's going to blame Obama and praise Bush and while we're at it America, I have more things to protect you
from terrorists! Now just give up your freedom of speech, your right to bear arms, and your right to a fair and speedy trial. Those pesky terrorists
sure abuse those freedoms, don't they. And if you try to homeschool your kid, they'll get taken from you by the government.
Next we'll start seeing laws where the government can call you a domestic terrorist for what you post online. And then they'll seize weapons and
property and sweep it all under the rug. Anyone that disagrees with the law is also a terrorist. You go on conspiracy sites? Terrorist! You seek to
expose government corruption and lies? Terrorist!
Well, that's what they think anyways. There's about 3 dozen people I know that would care to disagree and not with words. No, they'll disagree the
same way our forefathers did, with a rifle and explosives.