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I'm proud to be white....

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posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: Kali74

There's no such thing as equal rights. Everyone already has the same rights. How you choose to exercise them is the only thing disputed.

You have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Those are your rights. No one promises you the right of happiness or to marry the person you want to.

No one promises you that you can go to any neighborhood and be respected.

No one promises that you can get free healthcare, except democrats trying to use you.

These things you refer to as rights aren't rights at all, no what you're asking for is special privileges for those you consider disadvantaged, those aren't rights.


posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: Hefficide

That was hands down the worst book to movie adaptation in history... Excellent book, a movie that should be pissed on and burned...


posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 05:37 PM
love of self perverted to hatred and contempt for one's neighbour

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: Sparkymedic

That's kind of silly. Of course there are races, the problem is talking about them and focusing on them. That's like saying, there are no humans and chimpanzees, we're 99.8% the same DNA, we are just primates.

See how silly that sounds, no the problem is the focusing on our differences instead of our similarities, you can't deny the differences, just change the focal point.


posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 05:43 PM
a reply to: mymymy

I think you'll find that the majority of the people that you think are saying screwing those people (poor americans) aren't really saying what you think they are, but are instead saying, "Government stop taking my money at the point of a gun and giving it to people to further your agendas".

You'll also find those same people are the most giving to unfortunate people of their own accord, but also are selective in how and who gets their kindness.


posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 05:44 PM
One of my oldest friends. Nathan Barton. Known him since '72. Never thought of him as Black and I know he didn't think of me as White. This # is getting old.

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 05:49 PM
a reply to: Benevolent Heretic

again that's wrong, the irish were as persecuted as ANY group in the US has EVER been, and in some case possibly more. So you're wrong, the difference is that it was other white people doing the persecuting, but that doesn't matter.


posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: Masterjaden

Nobody on the planet is only one of these three. We are all combinations at this point. Purity is a myth and has been since the days of yore. The spread of Rome, and all the empires which followed in their footsteps, has seen to that well enough. Even before the human species was technically distinct from its precursors there was blending, and has always been blending, and there will always be blending, because none of us, no matter how far we can track our history, our individual family tree, can say that we are one hundred percent one or the other.

We are the human race, we are one, though we are many. Our differences scatter like autumn leaves, before the profound nature of our similarities.

posted on Nov, 4 2014 @ 08:59 PM
Self pride is fine. But white pride, man pride and straight pride aren't actual things. Because white people rule the world, Men rule the worlds and Straight people rule the world. Being proud is fine, but when you're on top in every category you're just being cocky. Which is why no one flaunts your "pride".

posted on Nov, 5 2014 @ 04:18 PM
a reply to: Masterjaden

"Government stop taking my money at the point of a gun and giving it to people to further your agendas

Hmmmm, I pay taxes too, and I don't recall ever having a gun pointed at me for it.(Yea, I know that's a phrase but I'm sick of hearing it) And I actually believe they DO mean what I think they mean. These same people have no problem with corporations getting subsidies, they have no problem with rich people continuing to have their taxes cut. Basically they have no problem with the Government giving money to those that do not need it.

This country MUST have safety nets. If someone is hungry, feed them. If they're cold, clothe them. It's just common decency. Sure there's welfare fraud, but it's still a tiny percent and the amount of money that goes to welfare itself is infinitesimal to corporate welfare, which is ALL fraud. And just on this site the people I hear piss and moan about having to help somebody they don't know never seem to complain about anything else their taxes help pay for, like the Defense budget. Their selective in how and who gets their help because they only seem to want to help people that may help them back somewhere down the line. We're ALL Americans, why should I fight for someone who would just turn their back on me because I don't live up to their expectations? We should strive to help each other and stop looking down at people who can't help themselves

posted on Nov, 5 2014 @ 07:14 PM
a reply to: mymymy

YEah I DO have a problem with corporations getting subsidies, I also have a problem with unions and attempts at mandatory wage increases.

Govt. needs to support SMALL business, not large conglomerate corporations, and not individual workers... Small business and free enterprise.

You do it by incentivising small business. You don't subsidize large corporations that already have a business advantage and you don't raise minimum wage without increasing import tariffs as well, to prevent large corporations from moving operations over seas.

Any time you mention the things that we actually GAVE our government the authority to do like implement import tariffs, they always say, but then other countries will restrict our exports.

We export GRAIN, they export ELECTRONICS...We can do without their electronics, they CANNOT do without our grain.

You're right, we should strive to help each other, not at the point of a gun where we have no control over WHO we help and WHY we help them.

It absolutely is at the point of a gun, try NOT giving them what they ask and see who shows up at your door (and probably shoots your dog for fun, while they're there).

It needs to be our individual choice who we help and why we help them.

I, personally, will not donate money to charities, because I was the VP of a 501C3 and know what they can and can't do.

Most are used as tax havens for the rich to be able to buy their jets and cars and buildings with tax free money.

You think Bill Gates donated 40 billion to his charity because he's altruistic??? If you do you're a fool. It so he doesn't pay any taxes on that 40 billion and then doesn't pay taxes on half of the remaining 2.5billion in earnings.

Our income tax structure is #ED....It should have never been implemented in the first place but most assuredly needs to be revamped or go away.

I'm NOT in an upper tax bracket but I STILL rejoice when tax rates are reduced for the higher brackets because it's WROnG...

It's WRONG to tax someone at a higher percentage because they make more of themselves, it de-incentivizes success. That's the opposite of what we should be doing.

No, if you want a tiered national tax. Implement a tiered national sales tax based on the luxury value of the item being purchased, otherwise you need a flat tax with a single percentage for ALL workers. Fair share, yeah I LOVE when that is thrown around. Please, LET the rich pay their fair share, because right now they're paying an infinite amount more than people on welfare and two or three times the precentage of your average worker. So, PLEASE, let them pay their fair share.


posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 02:31 AM

originally posted by: tavi45
a reply to: 8675309jenny

I mean this is a troll thread. There was nothing constructive about it except the people putting it down for the bigotry it obviously was.

I don't know which side this guy was on but it was a troll thread

Define bigotry please. Not the dictionary definition, but what it means to YOU.

Because if you're calling the OP a bigot, you better also apply that label to the next person who is "proud to be black", "proud to be a lesbian" etc etc.

Otherwise the word for you is: HYPOCRIT

posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 05:18 AM
a reply to: 8675309jenny

To me a bigot is someone who hates someone based on something unrelated to their actual character as a person.

The OP is clearly a homophobe. By my definition he's a bigot. The whole I'm proud to be white had nothing to do with it. He hates gay people clearly. It shows in how he describes them. He also admitted to being racist openly.

More to your and the OPs point that whites should be able to be proud. Plenty of white people are. Declaring it in the society we live in is ridiculous. There's a huge difference in courage in declaring pride in being of the norm than in declaring pride in being of the oppressed. This style of pride would be ridiculous as well in a perfect world. Our nation is far from perfect and racism and homophobia are far from over.

Last I checked white people have run this nation unchallenged since its inception. Where's the oppression of white people? You can't be giant dicks to everyone else without getting called out for it? Cry me a river. Talk to me when crowds of gays or blacks are forming lynch mobs and hanging white people and no one cares at all or stops it.

The idea of who is white isn't even clear. It's changed quite a bit as time has gone on. That's just icing on the cake though.

Why are you so angry and jealous anyways? Do you want to hold a parade or something?

posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 10:05 PM
a reply to: Hr2burn

" I work with some gay people and I wonder how they would feel if I had a bumber sticker on my car that said "God's gift to me was being straight". Why is this different than your skin color or your sex. It would really piss people off. The is that hypocrisy with the "majority" though.
How does any of this prove that the other side of any multiple side race truly wants equality?"

" I'm just irritated that so many of the minority's want equality and spout off something that could be construed as superiority."

Just because a person is proud to be Black, Spanish, or Italian, that does not mean that they see any other race as inferior to theirs. Maybe they just love their culture and how they are a part of it. If a person says they are proud to be gay, it's probably in response to the many years of homophobia that gay people as a group have went through, and still do, go through. There are still countries where gays are being killed, so being proud to be gay means being proud of being who you are despite all of the pain and suffering that the group went through as a whole. It is not about saying that straight or bi people are inferior to gay people.

posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 11:38 PM
a reply to: arpgme

Great post. Just wanted to add a bit. Hope you don't mind.

"Just because a person is proud to be Black, Spanish, or Italian, that does not mean that they see any other race as inferior to theirs. "

There is no distinct white race in America either. So if you wanna play the pride game get more specific. No one is complaining about the Irish pride parades or the Puerto Rican ones.

posted on Nov, 7 2014 @ 05:59 AM

originally posted by: Masterjaden
a reply to: Sparkymedic

That's kind of silly. Of course there are races, the problem is talking about them and focusing on them. That's like saying, there are no humans and chimpanzees, we're 99.8% the same DNA, we are just primates.

See how silly that sounds, no the problem is the focusing on our differences instead of our similarities, you can't deny the differences, just change the focal point.


Of humans, there are no sub-race groups within humanity. You're either human (thus part of the human race) or your not. The "races" of white, black, asian, so on and so forth...are materialisit labels based on nothing but physical anomalies and/or cultural differences (which are just illusions in and of themselves). It's literally the same as saying the bald people of the world are a race of humans. This is logical fallacy as with only one type of human in existence (homo sapien sapien), there is thus only one species, thus one race of humans. The "race" labels are purely material based and hold no ground on being an example of multiple races of humans.

Race labeling (of humans) = materialism

Thus race labeling of humans is not scientific based but concocted from the imagination of people who precieve differences from one individual to another based solely on either physical anomalies or cultural differences.

There is only ONE race of humans.

There is no white race

There is no black race

There is no yellow race

There is no red race

There is no brown race

Just the human race. Anything that has to do with your skin pigment being a shade dark or light does not make you or anyone else a sub species of the human race. It is impossible, as we humans are 99.9% identical in DNA. That remaining 0.01% of differences is what makes us all look different. What we wear on our skin and do with our mind and bodies (culture) are just byproducts of being humans.

So again, for those who don't understand pride and how it applies to life; you can't be proud of the color of skin you you have done NOTHING to acquire it. You cannot be proud of random chance. The fact your parents created you is random chance. The fact that your parents have the skin pigmentation that they random chance. No one selects who they are born as. No one selects where they are born. You play with the cards you are dealt. Just like everyone else on this rock. It would make more sense to be proud of your survival, achievements, and the like. As these are things which are accomplished and have less to do with random chance.

edit on thpamFri, 07 Nov 2014 06:04:39 -0600k1411America/Chicago0704 by Sparkymedic because: (no reason given)

edit on thpamFri, 07 Nov 2014 06:05:10 -0600k1411America/Chicago0705 by Sparkymedic because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2014 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: Masterjaden
In theory we have the same rights, in practice however anyone with an iota of common sense knows that is a fallacy. Blacks are treated differently then Whites who are treated differently from Asians who are treated different then Hispanics. You have freedom of movement in the US, so yes expect to go to any neighborhood that you want. Free health care is not a right, its something that we expect for the extreme rate of taxation in this country. The special privileges that you speak of are only for those who can afford them. Be it afforded through old family money, a special interest group, new tech money or drug money, the only thing in our country that gets you special rights is the number right beside the balance on your bank account.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 06:21 PM
I'm glad you're proud of who and what you are. No one should feel bad about things they can't control about themselves.

posted on Nov, 13 2014 @ 06:40 PM
a reply to: ODarkThirty

If that's the case maybe the OP should stop being a homophobe

posted on Apr, 13 2015 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: CagliostroTheGreat
I'm proud of my own accomplishments. I don't piggyback off the achievements of other members of my "race". I am an individual not a cog in a white, black, gay or straight machine.


lol, it seems not many here are secure in their individuality are they?
starting with OP's Declaration of Tribe
to those seeing it as an attack
edit on 13-4-2015 by AdamuBureido because: you'll never know....

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