posted on Oct, 30 2014 @ 12:33 PM
It's simple; if the media tells you to be afraid be very afraid, then probably there's nothing to worry about (and don't get those shots they're
lambasting you about!)
If the media tells you look here, not there, then that's your clue to look there.
If it's a constant switcheroo with short attention spans, get as much info as you can from as many sources as you can, the truth is there but in
shattered forms.
And the guy in the hospital who was wearing a mask was probably doing so to protect himself, not so much you. My daughter's job is as an echo tech
and she can't take the employer-demanded flu shots because of immune issues; she wears a mask all day, every day, during flu season instead.
Employer mandated and a pain, but that's the drill. In Japan, people wear masks if they have colds and are out in public (a very good idea) and in
China, to protect themselves from air pollution.
Avoid hospitals like they incoming plague they are unless you have no choice, and then distance yourself from everyone you don't have to interact
with. They're dirtier than landfills, morgues and city sidewalks put together.
It's strange how all the literature for the 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000s was about how Ebola was the CDC's worse nightmare, a question of 'when not if'
and now that it's arrived, they're caught flatfooted and lying through their teeth.