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Politicians live it up and the lobbyists pay for it.

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posted on Oct, 30 2014 @ 02:02 AM
Just in case you thought that your vote counts. You pay to play,and the American people can't compete with what is going on here. This is a CNN video on what all your politicians do to get those war chests. It has nothing to do with serving the public either.

The video shows Congressmen holding 'fund raisers' for money,having the lobbyists pay for them to do so,so they can fund their next campaign. They spend more time doing this than reading up on the laws coming before them. Therefore the lobbyists want something in return for their money and its their vote for whatever issue the lobbyist is trying to get passed.
edit on 30-10-2014 by Dimithae because: Added a line

posted on Oct, 30 2014 @ 02:08 AM
a reply to: Dimithae

What? I thought politicians only worked for their constituents. Isn't America all about working for the greater good?

Nice post. Thanks for sharing. Politics is more corrupt than ever. The founding fathers would be ashamed.

posted on Oct, 30 2014 @ 02:42 AM
people that still have debates in matters of politics make me laugh.
Bush vs obama vs clinton vs regan vs emperor palpatine vs democrats or republicans.
It's just as much of a lie as sports are. there is no different approach, no different ideology, these guys pretend to fight one another in the morning, and share profits in the evening.
Why do people even vote, really? next election, vote for the opposite of what you normally would, and chances are, nothing will be different, they will have more or something, you will have less of something.
Bush took away your money, Obama took away your privacy in the uk they are trying to take away porn, next president will probably take away freedom of speech in one way shape or form.
I once saw a t shirt that showed a dude with a sniper rifle and a writing that said "vote from the rooftops"
I think that shirt is onto something...

posted on Oct, 30 2014 @ 04:46 AM
a reply to: Dimithae

I didn't consent to an interview"

Really, you're a public servant. you shouldn't have a choice when the public or the media has questions concerning the legality or how they are being represented. This absolutely disgusts me! This video should go viral and everyone, republicans, democrats and independents alike should be outraged!

After being caught in the act, our representative will still go on doing business as usual. They'll continue to stuff their pockets with tax payers money, ignore taxpayers concerns while focusing their attention on corporate, insurance and the banking elite. If you think your party representatives don't do this your just part of the problem. Stop voting these career politicians back into office and vote out the incumbents and vote in 3rd party candidates! If we continue to not show our dissatisfaction at the polls, we will continue to have the same self-serving politicians who ignore the very same people who they're supposed to be serving.

posted on Oct, 30 2014 @ 08:08 AM
a reply to: Dimithae
This is the way it has always been. The jesters(politicians) and the elites live off the BS&T's of the "commoners". We can either do something about it, or we can shutup, and continue paying exhorbitant taxes and fees, and supporting their lavish lifestyles. It's up to us. Maybe our great grandchildren will have the backbone to do what we won't.

posted on Oct, 30 2014 @ 08:17 AM

originally posted by: tavi45
a reply to: Dimithae

What? I thought politicians only worked for their constituents. Isn't America all about working for the greater good?

Nice post. Thanks for sharing. Politics is more corrupt than ever. The founding fathers would be ashamed.

Many would be. Or representation no longer holds it primary impetus as being jealous for the peoples rights. They are malfeasant elected consigliore for any number of interests just not average working joe "six pack" (like calling someone a n*ger really). The place is a whore house dump brothel.

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