Yes, this is more advertising, for a future guest on the ATS Live radio show called Out of the Box. There was a recent top thread,
That Off-Malibu Ocean Structure Is Giving Off Radio Signals... and one of our hosts
contacted him. He responded. He's not only 90 years old, but still clear as a bell, and has chanelled literally thousands of quatrains that he
wishes to share with humanity.
He considers himself somewhat of a prophet, and I was rather impressed with his prose. By permission, I'm sharing 5 of them with you, for your
insight, in the order he chanelled them:
There are those, whom you shall meet,
On the frequency of life.
Some will be of interest,
And others not so nice.
But each will bring you something,
To exchange, or learn, or give.
Revealing what there is to know.
And when and how to give.
For giving is a part of Love –
That’s around us everywhere.
It started with Creation,
Through the Spirit and the air.
It extends through every frequency,
In thought and mental form –
And through the Love of giving,
The exchange is always born.
Life and continuation,
Depends upon the fact –
That giving and exchanging,
Are the Highest of the acts.
For thus is Love extended –
To grow, and multiply.
And those who see and use this,
Indeed, are very wise.
Eventually, it shall return,
To those who use their Love –
Through the frequency of exchange,
Like giving – from Above.
. 3-11-2002 ©
Emmett Finch, The Malibu Poet
“And The Lights Go Out”
The Ships that are coming, “now out in Space”,
Shall clean up this Planet and the whole human race.
They have high tech means beyond which we know –
To enlighten the thinking and change what we know.
And, when they arrive close on the scene –
Mankind is stunned by their huge Space machines.
Unbelief will set in and denial increase –
And mankind will seek for any kind of release.
Fear and depression will affect man as well;
For most humans believe in a Heaven or hell.
And what has arrived to fill up the sky,
Ain’t exactly what mankind always will “buy”.
For then when it happens, denial shall set in.
Fear, fright and panic, and prayers thick and thin.
The hopes for great changes shall not come to pass,
As long as humans say: “this Bad Dream will pass”.
I wonder what’s coming, when the Big Ships show up?
A big change by man? And no longer corrupt?
I somehow don’t buy this – for denial’s man’s way,
It’s, “Oh well those Space Ships are but here for a day”.
Note: A recent scientific report states (and showed) photographs of three Large, Aerial Space objects, traveling towards our Solar system.. They are
estimated to be Ten Miles in diameter, as shown by NASA photographs.
12-21-2010 ©
Emmett Finch, The Malibu Poet
The time of the multi-dimensions
Is drawing close and near.
When Mother Earth as Gaia will remove the dark and fear.
Changes shall be most pronounced
And the race of man shall be;
Cleansed and thoroughly be renewed beyond what we can see.
The new shall not retain the old,
And the old shall be no more.
The beauty of the newness will be a time worth living for.
No more shall evil have its way,
And no wars to bring travail.
Peace shall reign along with faith, where laws of the High prevail.
Multi Dimensions shall appear,
For access to new ways.
Along with Star Ship Visitors, from the Ancient of the days.
And those chosen to remain here
Will understand herein what’s said;
To survive the coming challenges for the new times yet ahead.
Be comforted and well assured,
For a better time shall come –
Where all is new and wonderful, and is here for everyone!
5-17-2013 ©
Emmett Finch, The Malibu Poet & Poet Of Prophecy
The World indeed is changing
And much is for the best.
More sensible are the feelings towards neighbors and the rest.
More kindness is in progress,
Being used more frequently.
And concern for the unfortunate is quite visible to see.
Yes, the World is changing perceptibly
And more change is on the way.
Nature is now more valued and its connection to life’s ways.
We all must work together
To enjoy and love and care.
To see the good in everyone, with relationships to share.
A better World is coming
Where wars will never start.
When humans express feelings, to live with larger hearts.
When understanding comes alive
That life and all are one.
That mankind comes from Love Divine, providing for everyone.
The more the humans know this,
The easier it will be –
For the World to change wonderfully to a higher frequency.
Be assured that this will happen,
For time and energy are one.
And the changes we are seeing now shall soon touch everyone!
5-15-2013 ©
Emmett Finch, The Malibu Poet & PoetOf Prophecy
The world indeed is changing
And the ways in which we live.
The today’s are not like yesterdays or what will be or is.
So many of us need answers
Beyond what we can see.
The needs and wants need fulfilling, and how it can come to be?
Humans today are busy
With the wants and cares of life,
And thus miss the inner secrets and what could lead them right.
All, desire to be happy,
Fulfilled and successful too;
But many know not how to do this, or the secrets simple and true.
And sometimes love may be missing,
That too is neglected as well.
All of us need and deserve it, and the joys of under its spell.
For love is a key to living
And how it is used and applied –
Shall get you through the changes and with the Divine abide.
7-21-2013 ©
Emmett Finch, The Malibu Poet
Mind you, he has over 2000, and this was the first 5. I hope to hell when I'm 90 I can still produce clarity as written above.