Prostitution should be legalized because it will allow the government to have more control over what is happening. This will allow the government to
eliminate the pimps, allow the ladies to keep their cash, make sure nobody is getting hurt, and most importantly, keep up the heath of the public.
Prostitution is the sale of sexual services (typically manual stimulation, oral sex, sexual intercourse, or anal sex) for money or other kinds of
return, generally indiscriminately with many persons. A person selling sexual favors is a prostitute, a type of sex worker. In a more general sense of
the word, anyone selling their services for a cause thought to be unworthy can be described as prostituting themselves. Prostitutes and their clients
represent both sexes and all sexual preferences. Male, female, anything goes in the �sex-for-sale� industry. There are many types of prostitution. The
most common is street prostitution. This involves the prostitutes trying to lure their customers out form their cars to pay for sex-related
activities. Other types of prostitution include brothels, which are places operated for prostitution, and escorts services, the customer calls an
agency and the act takes place at the customer's place of residence or more commonly at his/her hotel room.
Prostitution started perhaps with Babylon, where each woman had to reach, once in their lives, the sanctuary of Militta and there have sex with a
foreigner as a sign of hospitality for a symbolic price.
No business can afford to create a product for which there are no buyers. The first step in understanding the sex industry is to understand the
customers, the johns. These are customers that are willing to pay for sexual services. These people range from 18 year old students to 70 year old
men. These people are not �sick� as some may like to think; rather they are your everyday people, who simply want their need met. Sadists are people
who have the ability to take pleasure in another person's fear, pain, or humiliation. These are the people that the prostitutes have problems with.
These are the kinds of people that kidnap prostitutes; these are the people that cause the real harm.
Pimps are the foot soldiers of the sex industry. Typically, they are small time criminals, who have a high need for sadistic gratification. Referring
back into this essay it is the sadistic type that cause harm to the prostitutes. Currently it is those kinds of people that are in control of the
prostitutes. Safely need to be established.
With the legalization of prostitution it would allow the government to run it, the ladies to keep the money (the price the government would set) and
eliminate the pimps. In prostitution, the john performs the sex act with the unwilling victim, but subcontracts the intimidation and violence to
another man, the pimp. He makes the money, with legalization of this issue, the prostitutes will.
The legalization would also take care of all the ladies out there that are underage. 70 to 80% of those involved in the Canadian sex industry began as
children and of 1,500 people in the sex industry in Montreal, one third are women and children in street prostitution. Of 25 prostitutes known to be
on the streets of Sudbury, half are under 15 years old and some are as young as 11(Kane). This is obviously a problem, and defiantly needs to be
stopped. With the legalization of prostitution, this can happen.
Also, it will provide a place for them to legally and safely do what they need and sometimes want to do. Many women are arrested for their first time
because of prostitution. When they do get out of jail this record could affect all possible future employment opportunities. With the legalization, it
would allow these women to remove themselves from this world and find alternative employment opportunities if they wanted to. Hopefully, the
government can repeal the laws criminalizing prostitution. Rather than the regulated brothels of Nevada, we can instead favor the Australian
decriminalization model, which allows sex workers to go into business for themselves.
On a scale of the pain or pleasure human beings can inflict on each other, if murder, rape, and torture are the worst, certainly giving another person
an orgasm must be among the best. I cannot fathom how one could think that making another human being feel good for a fee could be degrading or
demeaning unless it is degrading to make other people feel good. (Almodovar)
Currently mostly everywhere in Canada, our legal system penalizes prostitutes and their customers for what they do. Money is spent on the police�s
efforts to catch prostitutes and their customers. When they are caught, it costs more money to bring these people to court, and sometimes imprison
them. The prostitutes and their customers pay their fines and are back to the streets. Catch and release may work for recreational fishing but it is
not stopping prostitution.
With the legalization of prostitution, there will also be regulated health check ups. This is because it is of very high importance that the health of
the prostitutes and the health of the public stay well. The money that the prostitute makes will then be used to pay for these checkups. Yes, condom
usage will be mandatory, even for oral sex, by law.
85% of prostitutes are raped by pimps. 83% of prostitutes are victims of assault with a weapon. 75% of women in escort prostitution had attempted
suicide. Prostituted women comprised 15% of all completed suicides reported by hospitals (Farley). These are all horrible statistics, and they show
just how much prostitutes need help. With the legalization of prostitution the government can make sure that this does not happen. The pimps will be
eliminated, and the customers who abuse their privileges with the women will be tracked down. The government could have a system set up that keeps
track of the customers, and the ladies they spend time with. If they notice a customer is getting abusive, they can crack down on him, and stop the
abuse. If the punishment is sever enough, this will set precedent for others and deter them from abusing the ladies.
Like entering any other profession, becoming a prostitute is a choice. Exercising free choice of professions is certainly guaranteed to us by the
Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We may not treat "sex workers" (as some prostitutes prefer to be called) like royalty, but sexual professionals
are entitled to the respect, protection against violence, and freedom to make a living anyone else has.
Women in prostitution are purchased for their appearance, including skin color and characteristics based on ethnic stereotyping. Unfortunately, this
will be a problem that cannot be changed. Just like exotic dancers, they are chosen on their customers enjoy. There is no way of changing this.
Many believe that prostitution is sexual harassment, rape, battering, verbal abuse, domestic violence, a racist practice, a violation of human rights,
a product of childhood sexual abuse, a consequence of male domination of women and a means of maintaining male domination of women. This is not true.
With the legalization of prostitution it will be the woman�s choice weather or not she chooses to become a prostitute. A legitimate occupation is by
no means a violation of human rights.
Morality is the belief of the person. I don't consider it immoral. Everyone who works "sells" one or more parts of his or her body. Athletes,
actors, actresses, and construction workers "sell" their body. The body is what is needed to engage in physical work. It would be difficult to
engage in any profession without the use and therefore "sale" of one's body.
Perhaps because the genitalia are involved, people object to prostitution. In a free country people should be able to engage in behavior that others
find immoral or objectionable as long as no force or fraud is involved. As an adult I feel confident that I can make my own moral judgments. For me it
is not immoral to make other people feel good in a sexual way and receive payment for providing the service. (McWilliams 3)
What is it that makes a prostitute different from other professionals? Almost everyone �sells� their skills. Teachers get paid for teaching; doctors
get paid for their skills with patients.
It is okay to pay for a meal at a restaurant, though there is nothing more intimate than the food you put inside yourself. We do not expect medical
doctors to work for free, though they may probe and poke you everywhere and even cut you up. So why do we as a society fear the intimacy of sex? I say
that the government should pass a law that it is okay for lawyers to give their services for free, but it is a felony for them to get paid for
practicing law
The ladies who are involved in this career may choose to stay in this, or leave. If prostitution is regulated by the government then there may be a
support system set up for the prostitutes. This may act as guidance for the prostitutes or a �half-way� home so-to-say. Of course, the cost for
running these programs would be coming directly from the prostitute�s pay-checks. Why should your tax dollars be spent helping the human race better
Work Cited
Almodovar, Norma Jean. Cop to Call Girl. California: Simon & Schuster May 1, 1993
Chung, Andrew. �Nights at the Waverley�. Toronto Star Toronto: Torstar, Nov. 20, 2004
Farley, Melissa. �Prostitution Research� 2000
Kane, June. Sold for Sex. Tronto: Aren Ashgate Publising Limited Gower House, 1998
Liberator, Mark. �Legalized Prostitution�. December 3rd, 2003
MacInnes, Ross A. Children in the Game. Calgary: Street Teams 1998
McWilliams, Peter. Ain�t Nobody�s Business if you Do. California: Prelude Press 1998
[edit on 9-12-2004 by MacKiller]