posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 06:15 PM
a reply to:
What really disturbed you the most on 9-11?
The loss of life
or the buildings themselves being destroyed?...
neither the loss of lives nor the destruction of property bothered me
I was disturbed that the plot was 'in-the-works' since the 1st attack in 1993...
and that after Oklahoma City, which was conceived of as the way a 2nd WTC bombing might be pursued...
then airplanes loaded with fuel was thought of as a method of attack
after the '95 OK City bombing left the building skeleton in place
did the rogue cell of anti-USA terrorists go full bore on the targets of 9-11 by up to 6 commandeered commercial jets
the complacent FBI & counter-terrorism agencies were alerted to look for airliners-as-missiles on iconic targets
like the WTC-Pentagon- and DC targets
but they refused to listen to warnings from ''less than credible' sources...
like myself & my brother-in-law who was a active FBI Agent at the time of 1995 when they got a 'tip' about young middle east men taking large Jet
pilot training in AZ