posted on Oct, 28 2014 @ 02:54 PM
Blog Article
This blog kind of irked me because it didn't cite its sources and didn't provide any links to any articles, but the author made a cool chart, and
presented things in a way that are easily digestible, so comme ci comme ca.
Is it possible that the purpose of present day propagandized mass media is to distort our threat perception in order to make us consider abnormal
things to be normal so that we will be desensitized to fatality figures when things really do get bad?
It seems psychologically that people are less likely to worry about malpractice which threatens them every time they step foot into a hospital, but
worry to death over spiders which are likely to be no threat at all. Can the same be said for heart related obesity deaths and ISIS/Ebola? We sit on
our couches ignoring the thing that is killing us while we are paralyzed by a fantasy. Just food for thought. ;p