With the SOHO telescope now, NASA generates a live-stream of video images from our sun. UFO watchers check it daily for odd and unusual
independent-craft, and this NASA feed rules out any photoshopping. There has been a lot of odd craft seen going right up to the sun's surface, or
close to it, for a few years now. And very few of them can be ruled out as solar flares.
So I decided to start a thread to keep track of these oddest of UFO sightings. Here's the latest:
"According to the website, Russian scientists alerted the world to UFO’s that enter the Sun’s orbit about five years ago.
"This isn’t the first time a space ship has been reported orbiting the sun, 'though this latest captured image is humongous in comparison to most of
the other reports. Live Science reported what looked like a spaceship back in April of 2012. It was another NASA picture that captured this image.
This is just one of many."
If these huge, Earth-sized craft are what we'd call "generational ships," they actually aren't that rare in our galaxy:
"Recent discoveries suggest that the Milky Way hosts nomad planets adrift in space that may play a dynamic role in the universe. Titled "Nomads of the
Galaxy," a recent study proposed an upper limit to the number of nomad planets that might exist in the galaxy: 100,000 for every star. And because the
Milky Way is estimated to have 200 to 400 billion stars, that could put the number of nomad planets in the quadrillions.
"If this proposal is correct, it could be that nomad planets play a dynamic role in the universe. In particular, if life can exist without the warmth
of a nearby sun, it raises the possibility that, along with sustaining life, nomad planets could be transporting it as well. While just an idea, it's
one that becomes more intriguing when considering not only the number of nomad planets, but the behavior of galaxies."
(Anyone want to guess how many of these inhabited "nomad planets" - over the past millions upon millions of years - have parked their craft as an
orbiting moon over a solar system planet they decided to inhabit? OR got tired of roaming the galaxy and getting shot at, so decided to "park" their
rogue-planet somewhere safe, like the rings around a gas giant like Saturn?)
edit on 27-10-2014 by MKMoniker because: add content