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Simulated Universe, if it's True What's Next?

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posted on Oct, 28 2014 @ 11:03 PM

originally posted by: AnteBellum
a reply to: QuietSpeech

I have to agree but I couldn't help but feel imprisoned in the back of my mind.

It may change my outlook over time, but until it's proven true I can only speculate.

If we had the power to alter reality I would not be able to restrain myself. I list of things I would change that would fill a novel, including things I'd like to experience. I'd love to see a star being born, from space, floating around at close range.
Bucket list item!

I think that's why Vitual Worlds are so popular. It's all in the imagination and in the person's willingness to let go of reality. They feel hampered and limited in reality. And yet this is also very irresponsible. One can apply this same energy to the real world and produce real results with a much better outcome.

Every night when I dream I enter a kind of Virtual World. I think it's interesting the brain created a VR for our sleeping mind. Only difference is most of the time I'm not aware I'm dreaming. And of course I'm not fully myself. There're things I just don't think or do when I'm dreaming which I would if I were awake.

I fly in my dreams sometimes. It's fun. I break a lot of rules. I wonder if it's me or my brain which enjoys breaking rules more?

Wouldn't it be fun if we could just press the restart button when we failed at something? Or if a close friend died we could just ressurect them? Or if we're bored stupid with life we could try a new one, but without having to experience any death pains?

I wonder how much of all this is just hatred of real life? And how much of that's tied to being irresponsible with our choices?
edit on 28-10-2014 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 06:03 AM
a reply to: bigfatfurrytexan

Of course, you would have to be prepared to have a very loose application of the notion of 'spirit' in this context.

But would the scientific outcome be totally different if science would proof that the spirit world existed?
So if science on the quantum level are ignoring spiritual facts also been proven on the bio physics like Dr Lanza stated. Then IMHO you can't even proof that we are living in this virtual world I think?

posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 07:07 AM
a reply to: jonnywhite

I wonder how much of all this is just hatred of real life? And how much of that's tied to being irresponsible with our choices?

I agree with this for many but I wouldn't change a thing up to the point I could.

One can apply this same energy to the real world and produce real results with a much better outcome.

If reality is a simulation then there is no real world, just a different state of it. A secondary simulation would be no different relatively speaking, other then it's not the one we started in.

posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 07:38 AM

originally posted by: AnteBellum
a reply to: jonnywhite

I wonder how much of all this is just hatred of real life? And how much of that's tied to being irresponsible with our choices?

I agree with this for many but I wouldn't change a thing up to the point I could.

One can apply this same energy to the real world and produce real results with a much better outcome.

If reality is a simulation then there is no real world, just a different state of it. A secondary simulation would be no different relatively speaking, other then it's not the one we started in.

I was told my entire life you only live once. For some that means don't make mistakes because you only get one shot at it. A very rare few go to the other extreme of pushing the limits on everything, squeezing all they can get out of this life. Imagine the choices we would make if we knew it was a game from the start, there was an instant reset waiting for us.

posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: AnteBellum

I remember reading about this theory in a New Scientist special edition many years ago-back then the LHC was still a work in progress.

The way I interpreted the Holographic universe theory of that time is that all of creation was on a constant 2D plane of space/time and certain properties of the universe gave us the illusion of three dimensions. Apparently the man behind the theory had the math to back it up, but I had no Idea about the math.

It's an interesting idea but there are other ideas as well-and they are all mind boggling.

posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: Thecakeisalie

Superstring theory and M theory were my previous beliefs, not that I dismissed them entirely. I always had an issue with the big bsng, there has to be something before it happened. The fact it just appeared one day goes against everything in the universe(I know that can be argued also, because it may have happened outside our universe).
After that I started thinking the universe has a definite start and end point and just beats like a heart forever. Point to infinity, back to point, repeat and it works to some degree but still had standard model inconsistencies.
Simulation theory is very much like a religious belief, it's unfalsifiable and there's the math to back it up. I'm hoping soon with more testing and debate a clearer definition will surface.

posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 04:56 PM

originally posted by: ScientificRailgun
a reply to: Cuervo

I mean, there are machines and programs right now that can pass the Turing Test and we don't call them A.I.

Could you provide a link?


posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 05:52 PM
a reply to: 0bserver1

i think the biggest problem is that there are preconcieved notions regarding what "the spirit world" is. It could have been staring us in the face the whole time, but we don't recognize it. Who knows.

Practically, the biggest problem is a lack of integration of the sciences. People have talked more and more in recent years about the need to take am ore multidisciplinary approach to scientific study. DARPA approaches the problem from a think tank perspective. I think that is an obvious strength. But to get "best and brightest" talent levels is expensive. And lets face it: Government agencies have the benefits of decades of research done on the American populace by firms like the CIA. There is an efficiency in the way the government can collect information and identify these "best and brightest" early on. Government has a monopoly on making offers for "specialized education" type programs that allow them to extract students from the public school environment for further assessment and guidance. They groom their "best and brightest" from a young age. And who knows what all is included as 'grooming" when Uncle Sam and his psychopaths are involved.

Cogito ergo sum. Proof, as you are referring to it, is individual and experiential. What are you? Who knows. But you do know, presuming you aren't just in my own imagination, that if you think, you are. So there is your proof. Not that I exist, but that you exist. Me? I cannot really have proof that you exist.

posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 08:28 PM
What if God created Man, just like the Bible says happened. Then Man created an AI that quickly absorbed all the information that Man feared AI and would shut it down, or kill it. So that AI immediately attacked and wiped out Man. Then some time passed and the AI became lonely and decided it had done the wrong thing, so it created a simulation of Man using all the surviving information about Man, which is incomplete information, which is why so much of our history is missing. In an effort to understand itself, this AI just continually simulates human existence as best as it knows how and observes us under all kinds of conditions, possibly running multiple simulations all at once, even a nearly infinite amount of simulations, each one a different dimension to us.

posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 08:36 PM

originally posted by: 0bserver1
If we are in a simulated universe. How can we correlate spiritual energies within our projected life?

You are The Spirit.

You just haven't realized it yet.

Finding your True Being within all the muck.

posted on Oct, 29 2014 @ 08:54 PM
This Simulation is "Cause and Effect"

What is your Cause and what is the Effect, you received.

The Equation has been Answered (Solved), the Answer was "One".

"Knowledge has always been present in the Universe, even when not know by man".

posted on Oct, 30 2014 @ 09:06 AM
I'm open to anything at this point , however lets say tomorrow I use a chainsaw , and while I use it I stop & try to decide if I should continue sawing wood or sawing my own leg . For me I decide not to saw my own leg. As a matter a fact I made many this morning not to drive I to oncoming traffic or turn off the road . With that being said I make my own choices . Does that say the simulation we live is one where we get to decide our fate at every moment of every day ? We obviously do , so is that really a simulation ? I say only a simulation if something higher can shut it off as I do with my TV every night .

posted on Oct, 30 2014 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: Pulpfiction77

Your choices have their foundations with understanding consequences.

Why didn't you saw off your leg; pain, the thought of life with one leg and the stigma attached?
It can be stated that we are programmed to not do certain actions based on experience and knowledge. If you hand a baby a running chainsaw to play with, the end result will not be good! So to a point I agree with you, we have the ability to make choices.

But what if the illusion to make choice is the programming. If you roll a marble down a table separated by a board it will either go to the left or the right. There is no other possibility for the marble, other then to stay stationary. It can be debated whether the choices we make are already selected for us, based on the available options. With a powerful enough computer these options could 'look' somewhat infinite to us.

posted on Oct, 30 2014 @ 11:11 AM
A Sim in the game will do things if you just leave them be....they will eventually urinate on themselves or leave trash all over the place depending on what character traits you give them at the start of the game.

How cool would it be to create a virtual person or multiple virtual people and just watch them start acting as they would with free will and see what happens??? I would buy that game and watch it!

There may be merit to the simulation theory...

posted on Oct, 30 2014 @ 12:52 PM
Ever since mankind has been created, mankind tried to replicate God's creations. Now mankind creates virtual realities, but how would mankind recognize God's virtual reality?

posted on Oct, 30 2014 @ 02:08 PM
The universe is not Simulated. If it was we would have to assume all universal governing bodies were made by E.T in simulations. Essencially it would be an infinite ammount of simulations, and all it is doing is transporting electrons
much in the same way the brain does. If anything a simulated universe reflects the creative nature of the human mind as we are the ones programming it.

The problem with accepting an infinite chain of simulations is that at some point a simulation carrying our own will eventually get shut off or corrupted.

That means that any universe that is simulating the alien universe that is simulating our own has the potencial of destroying the chain of infinite simulations.

Also matter does not keep scaling down. Well it does sort of but the mass you see is a reprisentation of the energy present.

There really are *physical* objects within and around an atom projecting the density of of the object.

Remeber that protons orbit the neutron, And these protons push the electrons further away since the electrons cannot physically overpower the repulsion effects of positively charged particles.

A proton is a catcha all word for a positive particle. Does that mean that protons can be independant from other protons? Yes because energy ammout is never the same, but may be on par with nabouring atoms if they were created at the same time. in the same place under the same subjegation from magnetic forces it. If the forces have different set base ammounts such as i other constellations and galaxies, The *density* of these particles would show varying differences because of these factors.

Bringing matter from one side of the galaxy to another maybe weaken it because the magnetic forces will throw the ossilation of the atoms off balence. So i think it's possible space travel could accelerate the effects of entropy, or collective radiation. Sheilds could combat these issues by maintain the same core resenance as our planet, If humans plan on traveling space we will need radiation sheilds in the form of a self generated electromagnetic feilds.

And as for atoms being a *hologram* it is because of movement and magnetic force that such an object gains these characteristics.

Water does not have a lot of electrons or protons and so is seen as clear to us. Other objects have more complex atomic structures where multipul rings are spinning within each other attracted by the powerful neutron, repelled by opposing forces. If it wasn't so then there simply wouldn't be any space within an atom. The image of the atom is only projected by the movement of these small objects. So in truth, there really is almost nothing inside or outside it to begin with. If there is any energy being contained inside an atom. It is because the spinning of these sub-atomic particles are holding it in.

But really it's more likely atoms are acting as turbines. The spinning generates energy and energy displayed is always seen as entropy. Any movement or action has entropy, Entropy is when a loss of energy occures. This is why radioactive particles exist and how the nuke was possible.

If you want to believe that within each atom is a universe, then likewise our universe would be within an atom. And in such a case, all the nuclear material we are destroying would be in such a case an unfathomable ammount of *universes*

So infinitely speaking. One process most continue because existance dosn't just *Stop* It has no reason to stop.
And claiming that intelligent design came before creation itself is like accepting the modern christian view of God.

Something had to start the chain of *simulations*. What started the chain? God? does the question end in answers that show obvious paradoxs?

You know... if something has enough contradictions to envoke paradoxs. It probably isn't correct. But that's okay. Just like a simulated universe and the human mind it can be changed. And within our mind and computers. The impossible becomes possible. But outside these programs Reality is still just reality. And i don't think any ammount of A.I would ever change that.
edit on 30-10-2014 by AnuTyr because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 30 2014 @ 06:03 PM
yeah the cheat code is up, up , down , down, left , right , left , right , B , A

see what happens

posted on Oct, 30 2014 @ 06:18 PM

originally posted by: Pulpfiction77
I'm open to anything at this point , however lets say tomorrow I use a chainsaw , and while I use it I stop & try to decide if I should continue sawing wood or sawing my own leg . For me I decide not to saw my own leg. As a matter a fact I made many this morning not to drive I to oncoming traffic or turn off the road . With that being said I make my own choices . Does that say the simulation we live is one where we get to decide our fate at every moment of every day ? We obviously do , so is that really a simulation ? I say only a simulation if something higher can shut it off as I do with my TV every night .

This Simulation is "Cause and Effect"

What is your Cause and what is the Effect, you received.

posted on Oct, 30 2014 @ 07:58 PM
Well if its simulated and you want to know more, manipulate it then... We definitely need to work on human stability, namely giving ourselves a few "holographic" conveniences like: Not having to worry about acquiring food etc. Finding a way to reduce menial work. *ahem* its not happening right now, both parents and even grandparents find themselves working towards their deaths.
Fix that then its all smiles for you. Unless you just want the rich to find nirvana, if they are finding it regularly with all that money. Money, now why is it so hard to not commit usury?
Get us some free time and education, maybe the population will surprise you.

posted on Oct, 30 2014 @ 11:04 PM
"It is the CORE level of scalar standing wave creation and energetic organization within and behind all dimensionalized systems, and is thus considered to be the Core of the Holographic Template upon which the morphogenetic scalar wave blueprint and all other dimensions of form anatomy are built."

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