posted on Oct, 23 2014 @ 07:58 PM
So while on my favorite neo liberal comedy site Cracked I found this gem
Someone or a group of people have been putting ads in the newspaper of the University of Arizona
Bottom left panel talks about "hirelings remain fixtated on VHTR option, with a [reputed] date of A.D. 2016-2021 46.23 N., 113.30 W.
Long before, we shall have consumed The Feast in urban settings, thereby consummating the Auld Licht Agenda begin consule Pluto. orate pro nobis
2016 is the year Obammer is supposed to leave office and any number of #ty candidates might decide to do something drastic and set off this so called
VHTR option. 2016 is also when I think serious events will happen to the US and the world.
The plot thickens *spooky ghost noises*