I know this reply to old post but bumping it up due to it being near Christmas and wrapping that card in tin foil may save you from what some locals
have already experience over the last couple months losing $$$ from skimmers wireless blackbox blackhats and "bad friends"
a reply to:
MichiganSwampBuck I know this is an old post and it actually concerns the reason for my reply. A friend of mine
showed me some information and demonstrated a BIG problem not only with RFID but also NFC (Near Field Communication) the information is very
sensitive and I thought people should know especially with holiday season about to go into full swing.
If you have a chip card with the wifi symbol on it there is a hardware device available that can *copy the card's entire contents including logs of
transactions if supported by your particular card and ...the PIN.
Also he showed me that there is at least one app on Google Play that using NFC technology can do the same, however most phones have NFC disabled by
default but all the newer ones are supposedly ON by default. This is not a big a problem as the Ccc wifi/rfid (same frequency is used) with NFC you
must physically touch phones together.
I have seen an article where some gas stations have been subjected to the tiny (cheap and getting cheaper) devices stuck near pumps which skim all the
data from motorists these are seldom found and so cheap if found and tossed away (unlikely gas attendants have a clue what they are anyway) they can
be replaced and run indefinately. Data can be downloaded wirelessly the perp will not be noticed.
Wrap that card in tin foil and keep your money other peoples hands!
These cards can be copied up to 30m away the hardware is available on the dark web, nothing has been done about this, when we received out cards they
were enclosed in tin foil envelope (a dead ringer that the banks etc already KNOW about this issue and since its been around since first gen cards in
2006 they don't care)
Blackhat briefings even did a presentation a few YEARS back, nothing was done, I've had people tell me this is not true and impossible, they either do
not have the technical knowledge to know any better or are LIEING to you.Blackhat briefings alone are well known for having the best of the best
present such issues, also my source demonstrated with my own card with the public app and i can tell you its true, [this app request $ for the
unlocked version] be smart and tell your friends I doubt this will ever make it to any media so we have to watch out for ourselves.
you can cross post if you like i'm not much time these days due to my disability and stuff.. peace and love.
The moral: Wrap that chip card in tin foil or in a secure wallet and dont bump phones with people you dont trust. All this information can be verified
on google. Pass it on and have a wonderful and safe Holiday Season!
edit on 11/26/17 by Pixiefyre because: Important to bump this to top so people dont get robbed this holiday season, wrap your chip card in tin